2 research outputs found

    État de l'art des méthodes de segmentation de séquences de maillages et proposition d'une classification

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    National audienceLes séquences de maillages représentent un nouveau type de contenu, de plus en plus utilisé dans le domaine du multimédia. Les applications que sont la compression, l'indexation, etc. s'appliquent désormais à ce type de données. Compte-tenu de la taille très importante de ces données, une segmentation préalable est souvent nécessaire. Dans cet article, nous proposons dans un premier temps une formalisation des notions de "séquence de maillages" et de "segmentation de séquence de maillages". Puis nous présentons un état de l'art des différentes méthodes de segmentation de séquences de maillages. Finalement, nous présentons différentes applications possibles de la segmentation de séquences de maillages

    Adapted Dynamic Meshes For Deformable Surfaces

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    Deformable objects play an important role in many applications, such as animation and simulation. Effective computation with deformable surfaces can be achieved through the use of dynamic meshes. In this paper, we introduce a framework for constructing and maintaining a time-varying adapted mesh structure that conforms to the under-lying deformable surface. The adaptation function employs error metrics based on stochastic sampling. Our scheme combines normal and tangential geometric correction with refinement and simplification resolution control. Furthermore, it applies to both parametric and implicit surface descriptions. As the result, we obtain a simple and efficient general scheme that can be used for a wide range of computations. © 2006 IEEE.213220Bergo, F.P.G., Falcão, A.X., Fast and automatic curvilinear reformatting of MR images of the brain for diagnosis of dysplastic lesions (2006) IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical ImagingBerti, G., (2000) Generic software components for Scientific Computing, , PhD thesis, BTU CottbusBotsch, M., Steinberg, S., Bischoff, S., Kobbelt, L., Openmesh - a generic and efficient polygon mesh data structure (2002) OpenSG PLUS SymposiumBowden, R., Mitchell, T., Sahardi, M., Real-time dynamic deformable meshes for volumetric segmentation and visualization (1997) Proc. BMVC, , 11:310-1=319Cohen-Steiner, D., Alliez, P., Desbrun, M., Variational shape approximation (2004) ACM Transactions on Graphics, 23 (3), pp. 905-914. , AugDeCoro, C., Rusinkiewicz, S., Pose-independent simplification of articulated meshes (2005) SI3D '05: Proceedings of the 2005 symposium on Interactive 3D graphics and games, pp. 17-24. , New York, NY, USA, ACM PressDey, T., Edelsbrunner, H., Guha, S., Computational topology (1999) Contemporary mathematics, 223, pp. 109-143. , B. Chazelle, J. E. Goodman, and R. Pollack, editors, Advances in Discrete and Computational Geometry, American Mathematical SocietyDuan, Y., Hua, J., Qin, H., Interactive shape modeling using lagrangian surface flow (2005) Visual Comp, 21 (5), pp. 279-288Duchaineau, M.A., Wolinsky, M., Sigeti, D.E., Miller, M.C., Aldrich, C., Mineev-Weinstein, M.B., Roaming terrain: Real-time optimally adapting meshes (1997) IEEE Visualization '97, pp. 81-88. , NovFabri, A., Giezeman, G.-J., Kettner, L., Schirra, S., Schonherr, S., On the design of CGAL a computational geometry algorithms library (2000) SP&E, 30 (11), pp. 1167-1202L. D. Floriani, P. Magillo, and E. Puppo. Efficient implementation of multi-triangulations. In D. Ebert, H. Hagen, and H. Rushmeier, editors, IEEE Visualization '98, pages 43-50, 1998L. D. Floriani, E. Puppo, and P. Magillo. A formal approach to multiresolution modeling. In W. S. er, R. Klein, and R. Rau, editors, Theory and Practice of Geometric Modeling. SpringerVerlag, 1996Garland, M., Multiresolution modeling: Survey & future opportunities (1999) Eurographics, State of the Art ReportGarland, M., Zhou, Y., Quadric-based simplification in any dimension (2005) ACM Trans. on Graphics, 24 (2), pp. 209-239Hoppe, H., Efficient implementation of progressive meshes (1998) Computers & Graphics, 22 (1), pp. 27-36. , FebruaryKircher, S., Garland, M., Progressive multiresolution meshes for deforming surfaces (2005) 2005 ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation, pp. 191-200. , JulyKobbelt, L.P., Bareuther, T., Seidel, H.-P., Multiresolution shape deformations for meshes with dynamic vertex connectivity (2000) Computer Graphics Forum, 19 (3)Lindstrom, P., Pascucci, V., Terrain simplification simplified: A general framework for view-dependent out-of-core visualization (2002) IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 8 (3), pp. 239-254. , July, SeptemberPuppo, E., Variable resolution triangulations (1998) Computational Geometry Theory and Applications, 11 (34), pp. 219-238P. Schroeder. Subdivision for modeling and animation, 1998. Course notes of Siggraph 98. ACM SIGGRAPHShamir, A., Bajaj, C.L., Pascucci, V., Multi-resolution dynamic meshes with arbitrary deformations (2000) IEEE Visualization, pp. 423-430Velho, L., A dynamic adaptive mesh library based on stellar operators (2004) Journal of Graphics Tools, 9 (2), pp. 1-29Velho, L., Gomes, J., Variable resolution 4-k meshes: Concepts and applications (2000) Comp. Graphics Forum, 19, pp. 195-212Velho, L., Zorin, D., 4-8 subdivision (2001) Computer-Aided Geometric Design, 18 (5), pp. 397-427. , Special Issue on Subdivision TechniquesWelch, W., Witkin, A., Free-form shape design using triangulated surfaces (1994) SIGGRAPH, pp. 247-256Wood, Z.J., Desbrun, M., Schröder, P., Breen, D., Semiregular mesh extraction from volumes (2000) IEEE Visualization 2000, pp. 275-282. , Oc