17 research outputs found

    Offline Face Recognition System Based on GaborFisher Descriptors and Hidden Markov Models

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    This paper presents a new offline face recognition system. The proposed system is built on one dimensional left-to- right Hidden Markov Models (1D-HMMs). Facial image features are extracted using Gabor wavelets. The dimensionality of these features is reduced using the Fisher’s Discriminant Analysis method to keep only the most relevant information. Unlike existing techniques using 1D-HMMs, in classification step, the proposed system employs 1D-HMMs to find the relationship between reduced features components directly without any additional segmentation step of interest regions in the face image. The performance evaluation of the proposed method was performed with AR database and the proposed method showed a high recognition rate for this database

    3D Definition for Human Smiles

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    The study explored varied types of human smiles and extracted most of the key factors affecting the smiles. These key factors then were converted into a set of control points which could serve to satisfy the needs for creation of facial expression for 3D animators and be further applied to the face simulation for robots in the future. First, hundreds of human smile pictures were collected and analyzed to identify the key factors for face expression. Then, the factors were converted into a set of control points and sizing parameters calculated proportionally. Finally, two different faces were constructed for validating the parameters via the process of simulating smiles of the same type as the original one

    Removing pose from face images

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    This paper proposes a novel approach to pose removal from face images based on the inherent symmetry that is present in faces. In order for face recognition systems and expression classification systems to operate optimally, subjects must look directly into the camera. The removal of pose from face images after their capture removes this restriction. To obtain a pose-removed face image, the frequency components at each position of the face image, obtained through a wavelet transformation, are examined. A cost function based on the symmetry of this wavelet transformed face image is minimized to achieve pose removal.Experimental results are presented that demonstrate that the proposed algorithm improves upon existing techniques in the literature

    Convolutional Neural Network for Face Recognition with Pose and Illumination Variation

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    Face recognition remains a challenging problem till today. The main challenge is how to improve the recognition performance when affected by the variability of non-linear effects that include illumination variances, poses, facial expressions, occlusions, etc. In this paper, a robust 4-layer Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architecture is proposed for the face recognition problem, with a solution that is capable of handling facial images that contain occlusions, poses, facial expressions and varying illumination. Experimental results show that the proposed CNN solution outperforms existing works, achieving 99.5% recognition accuracy on AR database. The test on the 35-subjects of FERET database achieves an accuracy of 85.13%, which is in the similar range of performance as the best result of previous works. More significantly, our proposed system completes the facial recognition process in less than 0.01 seconds

    3D Face Recognition

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    Pose-robust facial expression recognition using view-based 2D+3D AAM

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    This paper proposes a pose-robust face tracking and facial expression recognition method using a view-based 2D + 3D active appearance model (AAM) that extends the 2D + 3D AAM to the view-based approach, where one independent face model is used for a specific view and an appropriate face model is selected for the input face image. Our extension has been conducted in many aspects. First, we use principal component analysis with missing data to construct the 2D + 3D AAM due to the missing data in the posed face images. Second, we develop an effective model selection method that directly uses the estimated pose angle from the 21) + 3D AAM, which makes face tracking pose-robust and feature extraction for facial expression recognition accurate. Third, we propose a double-layered generalized discriminant analysis (GDA) for facial expression recognition. Experimental results show the following: 1) The face tracking by the view-based 21) + 3D AAM, which uses multiple face models with one face model per each view, is more robust to pose change than that by an integrated 2D + 3D AAM, which uses an integrated face model for all three views; 2) the double-layered GDA extracts good features for facial expression recognition; and 3) the view-based 2D + 3D AAM outperforms other existing models at pose-varying facial expression recognition.X1118sciescopu

    Facial Expression Analysis via Transfer Learning

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    Automated analysis of facial expressions has remained an interesting and challenging research topic in the field of computer vision and pattern recognition due to vast applications such as human-machine interface design, social robotics, and developmental psychology. This dissertation focuses on developing and applying transfer learning algorithms - multiple kernel learning (MKL) and multi-task learning (MTL) - to resolve the problems of facial feature fusion and the exploitation of multiple facial action units (AUs) relations in designing robust facial expression recognition systems. MKL algorithms are employed to fuse multiple facial features with different kernel functions and tackle the domain adaption problem at the kernel level within support vector machines (SVM). lp-norm is adopted to enforce both sparse and nonsparse kernel combination in our methods. We further develop and apply MTL algorithms for simultaneous detection of multiple related AUs by exploiting their inter-relationships. Three variants of task structure models are designed and investigated to obtain fine depiction of AU relations. lp-norm MTMKL and TD-MTMKL (Task-Dependent MTMKL) are group-sensitive MTL methodsthat model the co-occurrence relations among AUs. On the other hand, our proposed hierarchical multi-task structural learning (HMTSL) includes a latent layer to learn a hierarchical structure to exploit all possible AU interrelations for AU detection. Extensive experiments on public face databases show that our proposed transfer learning methods have produced encouraging results compared to several state-of-the-art methods for facial expression recognition and AU detection

    Recognition of human activities and expressions in video sequences using shape context descriptor

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    The recognition of objects and classes of objects is of importance in the field of computer vision due to its applicability in areas such as video surveillance, medical imaging and retrieval of images and videos from large databases on the Internet. Effective recognition of object classes is still a challenge in vision; hence, there is much interest to improve the rate of recognition in order to keep up with the rising demands of the fields where these techniques are being applied. This thesis investigates the recognition of activities and expressions in video sequences using a new descriptor called the spatiotemporal shape context. The shape context is a well-known algorithm that describes the shape of an object based upon the mutual distribution of points in the contour of the object; however, it falls short when the distinctive property of an object is not just its shape but also its movement across frames in a video sequence. Since actions and expressions tend to have a motion component that enhances the capability of distinguishing them, the shape based information from the shape context proves insufficient. This thesis proposes new 3D and 4D spatiotemporal shape context descriptors that incorporate into the original shape context changes in motion across frames. Results of classification of actions and expressions demonstrate that the spatiotemporal shape context is better than the original shape context at enhancing recognition of classes in the activity and expression domains