5 research outputs found

    Impact of Interest Rate on Portfolio Management in Nigeria

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    This study carried out an investigation on the impact of interest rate on portfolio management in Nigeria. Specifically the study analyzed the impact of interest rate on both long term and short term portfolio investments in Nigeria using secondary data sourced from Central bank of Nigeria statistics bulletin and National bureau of statistics for the periods covering 1985 to 2014. The study employed the techniques of co-integration and error correction model, it was discovered that on the long run interest rate specifically prime lending rate significantly influenced portfolio management both on long and short term basis and that total savings exert significant positive impact on the portfolio investment both on long and short term basis. Hence the study recommended that monetary authorities should ensure that the nexus between interest rate and portfolio management is taken into consideration in the process of policy formulations

    Distributed Portfolio and Investment Risk Analysis on Global Grids

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    The financial services industry today produces and consumes huge amounts of data and the processes involved in analysing these data are equally huge especially in terms of their complexity. The need to run these processes and analyse the data in time and get meaningful results can be met only up to a certain extent, by today’s computer systems. Most service providers are looking to increase efficiency and quality of their service offerings by stacking up more hardware and employing better algorithms for data processing. However, there is a limit to the gains achieved using such an approach. One viable alternative would be to use emerging disruptive technologies such as the Grid. Grid computing and its application to various domains have been actively studied by many groups for more than a decade now. In this paper we explore the use of the Grid in the financial services domain; an area which we believe has not been adequately looked into. 1