7 research outputs found

    An Early Drowning Detection System for Internet of Things (IoT) Applications

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    Drowning is the leading cause of injury or death for children and teenagers. Designing a drowning detection device by implementing an Internet of Thing (IoT) is needed. An Early Drowning Detection System (EDDS) is a system that gives an early alarm to the guardians (parents and lifeguard) if the detector triggered an abnormal heartbeat and the victims are submerged under the water for a long time. A microcontroller was used to control the signal received from a pulse sensor and time for the signal lost under the water before it is transmitted to the access point. The access point acts as a data forwarding to the database via an internet connection. Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) 433MHz radio frequency transceiver has been used to create the wireless communication between drowning detection device and monitoring hub. A triggered warning signal will be transmitted to the guardians via Android apps and web page

    Trypophobia: Heart rate, heart rate variability and cortical haemodynamic response

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    Background: Trypophobia is a common condition in which sufferers are averse to images of small holes arranged in clusters. Methods: We used photo-plethysmography to examine cardiovascular correlates and near infrared spectroscopy to examine cortical correlates of the phenomenon in order to validate the Trypophobia Questionnaire and explore the several interlinked explanations of the disorder. Results: Trypophobic images were found to increase heart rate and heart rate variability, but only in individuals with high scores on the Trypophobia Questionnaire. Trypophobic images were also found to elicit larger haemodynamic responses in posterior cortical areas, but again only in individuals with high scores. Limitations: The results are consistent with a contribution from both parasympathetic and sympathetic systems. Conclusion: The data demonstrate the validity of the Trypophobia Questionnaire and show an involvement not only ofthe autonomic system but cortical mechanisms including cortical hyperexcitability

    Android Application to Detect and Alert Tachycardia and Bradycardia using Pulse Rate Sensor

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    Heart rate monitoring is most vital in preventing disorders related to heart. Failure to detect heart disorder in early stage may lead to death. The lacking of devices to immediately detect the abnormalities in heart and alert the patients emergency contact lead to this problem. In this report the author propose a system to detect two heart disorders called Tachycardia and Bradycardia which are caused by abnormalities in heart rate. The proposed system will consist of a pulse sensor which will be connected to a smartphone via Bluetooth. The signal information which is processed by the microcontroller will be sent to the mobile phone. An app created will send an alert to the emergency contacts of the patients when Tachycardia or Bradycardia condition has been detected by the sensor. This will increase the possibilities of giving immediate treatment to the patient, and hope to reduce the death rate caused by heart disorder

    Android Application to Detect and Alert Tachycardia and Bradycardia using Pulse Rate Sensor

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    Heart rate monitoring is most vital in preventing disorders related to heart. Failure to detect heart disorder in early stage may lead to death. The lacking of devices to immediately detect the abnormalities in heart and alert the patients emergency contact lead to this problem. In this report the author propose a system to detect two heart disorders called Tachycardia and Bradycardia which are caused by abnormalities in heart rate. The proposed system will consist of a pulse sensor which will be connected to a smartphone via Bluetooth. The signal information which is processed by the microcontroller will be sent to the mobile phone. An app created will send an alert to the emergency contacts of the patients when Tachycardia or Bradycardia condition has been detected by the sensor. This will increase the possibilities of giving immediate treatment to the patient, and hope to reduce the death rate caused by heart disorder

    Desarrollo de un filtro digital para señales foto pletismográficas obtenidas de una tarjeta de adquisición de datos en un entorno de laboratorio

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    En la presente investigación se hizo un estudio de diversos filtros digitales que puedan cumplir con la tarea de filtrar, en tiempo real, y usando una tarjeta de adquisición de datos (TAD), señales PPG obtenidas para calcular la hemoglobina en la sangre de una persona. Es por esto que, la tarea de filtrar estas señales fotopletismográficas (PPG), es crucial, ya que un mal filtrado puede terminar en un mal cálculo de hemoglobina. El primer paso fue estudiar el estado del arte alrededor del filtrado de señales PPG y así determinar cuáles pueden ser las opciones para hacer el filtrado. Posteriormente, se obtuvieron señales PPG sin filtrar de pacientes para su estudio, lo que permitió determinar los parámetros para los filtros elegidos. Luego de ello se determinaron las ecuaciones y los algoritmos para poder hacer la comparación necesaria para la determinación del filtro. Una vez determinadas las ecuaciones y algoritmos, se procedió a hacer su implementación en PyCharm, usando el lenguaje de programación Python, lo que permitió determinar los indicadores para la comparación de los filtros y la determinación del más eficiente, es decir, que optimice los recursos computacionales disponibles sin consumo excesivo. Una vez realizada la comparación, se determinó, según las necesidades del proyecto, cuál es el filtro que cumplía los requerimientos, lo que resultó en el filtro Butterworth de orden 6. Con la determinación del filtro, se procedió a desarrollarlo en lenguaje C para luego implementarse en el microcontrolador del proyecto, validando que el filtro, funciona según los requerimientos previamente establecidos.In the present investigation a study of many digital filters was made that may accomplish the task of filtering, in real time, and using a data acquisition board (DAQ), PPG signals obtained to calculate hemoglobin in a person’s blood. This is why, the task of filtering these PPG signals, is crucial, because, a bad filtering, may result in a bad hemoglobin calculation. The first step was studying the state of art surrounding photoplethysmographic signal (PPG) filtering, that way, determining which options may do the filtering task. After that, unfiltered PPG signals were obtained from patients, for its study, that way, the parameters needed, could be determined for the study of the chosen filters. After that, the equations and algorithms needed were determined for making the comparison for the filter determination. Once the equations and algorithms needed were determined, the implementation in PyCharm was done, using Python programming language, which allowed us to determine the indicators for the filter’s comparison and the determination of the most efficient one, that it optimizes the available computational resources without excessive consumption. When the comparative table was done, it was determined that, following the project needs, the most adequate filter, turned to be order 6 Butterworth filter. With this result, it was developed the filter in C language so it could be implemented in the microprocessor of the project, validating that this filter, works according to the previously established requirements.Tesi

    An exploration of trypophobia

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    Images comprising clusters of objects can induce aversion and certain symptoms of anxiety, fear and disgust (so-called “trypophobia”) in about 13% of the population. This thesis is an investigation of the stimulus and response characteristics of the condition. First, a symptom questionnaire (Trypophobia Questionnaire) was developed and validated based on reports of different categories of symptoms. The questionnaire demonstrated a single construct that predicted discomfort from trypophobic images, but not neutral or unpleasant images, and did not correlate with anxiety. Second, filtering images reduced the excess energy at mid-range spatial frequencies (previously associated with both trypophobic and uncomfortable images). Relative to unfiltered trypophobic images, the discomfort from filtered images experienced by observers with high TQ scores was less than that experienced with neutral images, and by observers with low TQ scores. Clusters of concave objects (holes) did not induce significantly more discomfort than clusters of convex objects (bumps), suggesting that trypophobia (previously referred to as “fear of holes”) involves clusters not of holes but of objects with particular spectral profile involving excess energy at mid-range spatial frequencies. These visual characteristics have been previously shown to induce discomfort and a strong cortical oxygenation. The same abnormal oxygenation occurred for trypophobic images, but only for individuals with high TQ scores. Three lines of evidence suggest that trypophobia is a response of disgust rather than fear: (1) trypophobia was associated with an aversion to spiders, and not snakes; (2) trypophobic stimuli did not produce a bias in the subjective estimation of stimulus duration but (3) increased the heart rate and its variability. Fear inducing stimuli generally give effects opposite to those listed as 2 and 3. In conclusion, trypophobia is a reaction of disgust to clusters of objects with particular spectral profile that may resemble contamination sources (e.g., skin lesions)