23 research outputs found

    Robust GPU-based Virtual Reality Simulation of Radio Frequency Ablations for Various Needle Geometries and Locations

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    Purpose: Radio-frequency ablations play an important role in the therapy of malignant liver lesions. The navigation of a needle to the lesion poses a challenge for both the trainees and intervening physicians. Methods: This publication presents a new GPU-based, accurate method for the simulation of radio-frequency ablations for lesions at the needle tip in general and for an existing visuo-haptic 4D VR simulator. The method is implemented real-time capable with Nvidia CUDA. Results: It performs better than a literature method concerning the theoretical characteristic of monotonic convergence of the bioheat PDE and a in vitro gold standard with significant improvements (p < 0.05) in terms of Pearson correlations. It shows no failure modes or theoretically inconsistent individual simulation results after the initial phase of 10 seconds. On the Nvidia 1080 Ti GPU it achieves a very high frame rendering performance of >480 Hz. Conclusion: Our method provides a more robust and safer real-time ablation planning and intraoperative guidance technique, especially avoiding the over-estimation of the ablated tissue death zone, which is risky for the patient in terms of tumor recurrence. Future in vitro measurements and optimization shall further improve the conservative estimate.Comment: 18 pages, 14 figures, 1 table, 2 algorithms, 2 movie

    An evaluation of a checklist in Musculoskeletal (MSK) radiographic image interpretation when using Artificial Intelligence (AI)

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    Background: AI is being used increasingly in image interpretation tasks. There are challenges for its optimal use in reporting environments. Human reliance on technology and bias can cause decision errors. Trust issues exist amongst radiologists and radiographers in both over-reliance (automation bias) and reluctance in AI use for decision support. A checklist, used with the AI to mitigate against such biases, may optimise the use of AI technologies and promote good decision hygiene. Method: A checklist, to be used in image interpretation with AI assistance, was developed. Participants interpreted 20 examinations with AI assistance and then re- interpreted the 20 examinations with AI and a checklist. The MSK images were presented to radiographers as patient examinations to replicate the image interpretation task in clinical practice. Image diagnosis and confidence levels on the diagnosis provided were collected following each interpretation. The participant perception of the use of the checklist was investigated via a questionnaire.Results: Data collection and analysis are underway and will be completed at the European Congress of Radiology in Vienna, March 2023. The impact of the use of a checklist in image interpretation with AI will be evaluated. Changes in accuracy and confidence will be investigated and results will be presented. Participant feedback will be analysed to determine perceptions and impact of the checklist also. Conclusion: A novel checklist has been developed to aid the interpretation of images when using AI. The checklist has been tested for its use in assisting radiographers in MSK image interpretation when using AI.<br/

    Infective/inflammatory disorders

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    The radiological investigation of musculoskeletal tumours : chairperson's introduction

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