277,381 research outputs found

    On the Convergence of Population Protocols When Population Goes to Infinity

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    Population protocols have been introduced as a model of sensor networks consisting of very limited mobile agents with no control over their own movement. A population protocol corresponds to a collection of anonymous agents, modeled by finite automata, that interact with one another to carry out computations, by updating their states, using some rules. Their computational power has been investigated under several hypotheses but always when restricted to finite size populations. In particular, predicates stably computable in the original model have been characterized as those definable in Presburger arithmetic. We study mathematically the convergence of population protocols when the size of the population goes to infinity. We do so by giving general results, that we illustrate through the example of a particular population protocol for which we even obtain an asymptotic development. This example shows in particular that these protocols seem to have a rather different computational power when a huge population hypothesis is considered.Comment: Submitted to Applied Mathematics and Computation. 200

    Playing With Population Protocols

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    Population protocols have been introduced as a model of sensor networks consisting of very limited mobile agents with no control over their own movement: A collection of anonymous agents, modeled by finite automata, interact in pairs according to some rules. Predicates on the initial configurations that can be computed by such protocols have been characterized under several hypotheses. We discuss here whether and when the rules of interactions between agents can be seen as a game from game theory. We do so by discussing several basic protocols

    Passively Mobile Communicating Logarithmic Space Machines

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    We propose a new theoretical model for passively mobile Wireless Sensor Networks. We call it the PALOMA model, standing for PAssively mobile LOgarithmic space MAchines. The main modification w.r.t. the Population Protocol model is that agents now, instead of being automata, are Turing Machines whose memory is logarithmic in the population size n. Note that the new model is still easily implementable with current technology. We focus on complete communication graphs. We define the complexity class PLM, consisting of all symmetric predicates on input assignments that are stably computable by the PALOMA model. We assume that the agents are initially identical. Surprisingly, it turns out that the PALOMA model can assign unique consecutive ids to the agents and inform them of the population size! This allows us to give a direct simulation of a Deterministic Turing Machine of O(nlogn) space, thus, establishing that any symmetric predicate in SPACE(nlogn) also belongs to PLM. We next prove that the PALOMA model can simulate the Community Protocol model, thus, improving the previous lower bound to all symmetric predicates in NSPACE(nlogn). Going one step further, we generalize the simulation of the deterministic TM to prove that the PALOMA model can simulate a Nondeterministic TM of O(nlogn) space. Although providing the same lower bound, the important remark here is that the bound is now obtained in a direct manner, in the sense that it does not depend on the simulation of a TM by a Pointer Machine. Finally, by showing that a Nondeterministic TM of O(nlogn) space decides any language stably computable by the PALOMA model, we end up with an exact characterization for PLM: it is precisely the class of all symmetric predicates in NSPACE(nlogn).Comment: 22 page
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