4 research outputs found

    Approximate Polytope Membership Queries

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    International audienceIn the polytope membership problem, a convex polytope K in R d is given, and the objective is to preprocess K into a data structure so that, given any query point q ∈ R d , it is possible to determine efficiently whether q ∈ K. We consider this problem in an approximate setting. Given an approximation parameter ε, the query can be answered either way if the distance from q to K's boundary is at most ε times K's diameter. We assume that the dimension d is fixed, and K is presented as the intersection of n halfspaces. Previous solutions to approximate polytope membership were based on straightforward applications of classic polytope approximation techniques by Dudley (1974) and Bentley et al. (1982). The former is optimal in the worst-case with respect to space, and the latter is optimal with respect to query time. We present four main results. First, we show how to combine the two above techniques to obtain a simple space-time trade-off. Second, we present an algorithm that dramatically improves this trade-off. In particular, for any constant α ≥ 4, this data structure achieves query time roughly O 1/ε (d−1)/α and space roughly O 1/ε (d−1)(1−Ω(log α)/α). We do not know whether this space bound is tight, but our third result shows that there is a convex body such that our algorithm achieves a space of at least Ω 1/ε (d−1)(1−O(√ α)/α. Our fourth result shows that it is possible to reduce approximate Euclidean nearest neighbor searching to approximate polytope membership queries. Combined with the above results, this provides significant improvements to the best known space-time trade-offs for approximate nearest neighbor searching in R d. For example, we show that it is possible to achieve a query time of roughly O(log n + 1/ε d/4) with space roughly O(n/ε d/4), thus reducing by half the exponent in the space bound

    16th Scandinavian Symposium and Workshops on Algorithm Theory: SWAT 2018, June 18-20, 2018, Malmö University, Malmö, Sweden

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    Polytope Approximation and the Mahler Volume

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    The problem of approximating convex bodies by polytopes is an important and well studied problem. Given a convex body K in R d, the objective is to minimize the number of vertices (alternatively, the number of facets) of an approximating polytope for a given Hausdorff error ε. Results to date have been of two types. The first type assumes that K is smooth, and bounds hold in the limit as ε tends to zero. The second type requires no such assumptions. The latter type includes the well known results of Dudley (1974) and Bronshteyn and Ivanov (1976), which show that in spaces of fixed dimension, O((diam(K)/ε) (d−1)/2) vertices (alt., facets) suffice. Our results are of this latter type. In our first result, under the assumption that the width of the body in any direction is at least ε, we strengthen the above bound to Õ( √ area(K)/ε (d−1)/2). This is never worse than the previous bound (by more than logarithmic factors) and may be significantly better for skinny bodies. Our analysis exploits an interesting analogy with a classical concept from the theory of convexity, called the Mahler volume. This is a dimensionless quantity that involves the product of the volumes of a convex body and its polar dual. In our second result, we apply the same machinery to improve upon the best known bounds for answerin