296 research outputs found

    Identity Testing and Lower Bounds for Read-k Oblivious Algebraic Branching Programs

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    Read-k oblivious algebraic branching programs are a natural generalization of the well-studied model of read-once oblivious algebraic branching program (ROABPs). In this work, we give an exponential lower bound of exp(n/k^{O(k)}) on the width of any read-k oblivious ABP computing some explicit multilinear polynomial f that is computed by a polynomial size depth-3 circuit. We also study the polynomial identity testing (PIT) problem for this model and obtain a white-box subexponential-time PIT algorithm. The algorithm runs in time 2^{~O(n^{1-1/2^{k-1}})} and needs white box access only to know the order in which the variables appear in the ABP

    Deterministic Black-Box Identity Testing π\pi-Ordered Algebraic Branching Programs

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    In this paper we study algebraic branching programs (ABPs) with restrictions on the order and the number of reads of variables in the program. Given a permutation π\pi of nn variables, for a π\pi-ordered ABP (π\pi-OABP), for any directed path pp from source to sink, a variable can appear at most once on pp, and the order in which variables appear on pp must respect π\pi. An ABP AA is said to be of read rr, if any variable appears at most rr times in AA. Our main result pertains to the identity testing problem. Over any field FF and in the black-box model, i.e. given only query access to the polynomial, we have the following result: read rr π\pi-OABP computable polynomials can be tested in \DTIME[2^{O(r\log r \cdot \log^2 n \log\log n)}]. Our next set of results investigates the computational limitations of OABPs. It is shown that any OABP computing the determinant or permanent requires size Ω(2n/n)\Omega(2^n/n) and read Ω(2n/n2)\Omega(2^n/n^2). We give a multilinear polynomial pp in 2n+12n+1 variables over some specifically selected field GG, such that any OABP computing pp must read some variable at least 2n2^n times. We show that the elementary symmetric polynomial of degree rr in nn variables can be computed by a size O(rn)O(rn) read rr OABP, but not by a read (r1)(r-1) OABP, for any 0<2r1n0 < 2r-1 \leq n. Finally, we give an example of a polynomial pp and two variables orders ππ\pi \neq \pi', such that pp can be computed by a read-once π\pi-OABP, but where any π\pi'-OABP computing pp must read some variable at least $2^n

    Deterministic Identity Testing for Sum of Read-Once Oblivious Arithmetic Branching Programs

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    A read-once oblivious arithmetic branching program (ROABP) is an arithmetic branching program (ABP) where each variable occurs in at most one layer. We give the first polynomial time whitebox identity test for a polynomial computed by a sum of constantly many ROABPs. We also give a corresponding blackbox algorithm with quasi-polynomial time complexity nO(logn)n^{O(\log n)}. In both the cases, our time complexity is double exponential in the number of ROABPs. ROABPs are a generalization of set-multilinear depth-33 circuits. The prior results for the sum of constantly many set-multilinear depth-33 circuits were only slightly better than brute-force, i.e. exponential-time. Our techniques are a new interplay of three concepts for ROABP: low evaluation dimension, basis isolating weight assignment and low-support rank concentration. We relate basis isolation to rank concentration and extend it to a sum of two ROABPs using evaluation dimension (or partial derivatives).Comment: 22 pages, Computational Complexity Conference, 201

    Pseudorandom Bits for Oblivious Branching Programs

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    We construct a pseudorandom generator that fools known-order read-k oblivious branching programs and, more generally, any linear length oblivious branching program. For polynomial width branching programs, the seed lengths in our constructions are O(n^(1−1/2^(k−1))) (for the read-k case) and O(n/log log n) (for the linear length case). Previously, the best construction for these models required seed length (1 − Ω(1))n