3,270 research outputs found

    Structured Connectivity Augmentation

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    We initiate the algorithmic study of the following "structured augmentation" question: is it possible to increase the connectivity of a given graph G by superposing it with another given graph H? More precisely, graph F is the superposition of G and H with respect to injective mapping phi:V(H)->V(G) if every edge uv of F is either an edge of G, or phi^{-1}(u)phi^{-1}(v) is an edge of H. Thus F contains both G and H as subgraphs, and the edge set of F is the union of the edge sets of G and phi(H). We consider the following optimization problem. Given graphs G, H, and a weight function omega assigning non-negative weights to pairs of vertices of V(G), the task is to find phi of minimum weight omega(phi)=sum_{xyin E(H)}omega(phi(x)phi(y)) such that the edge connectivity of the superposition F of G and H with respect to phi is higher than the edge connectivity of G. Our main result is the following ``dichotomy\u27\u27 complexity classification. We say that a class of graphs C has bounded vertex-cover number, if there is a constant t depending on C only such that the vertex-cover number of every graph from C does not exceed t. We show that for every class of graphs C with bounded vertex-cover number, the problems of superposing into a connected graph F and to 2-edge connected graph F, are solvable in polynomial time when Hin C. On the other hand, for any hereditary class C with unbounded vertex-cover number, both problems are NP-hard when Hin C. For the unweighted variants of structured augmentation problems, i.e. the problems where the task is to identify whether there is a superposition of graphs of required connectivity, we provide necessary and sufficient combinatorial conditions on the existence of such superpositions. These conditions imply polynomial time algorithms solving the unweighted variants of the problems

    Approximating subset kk-connectivity problems

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    A subset TVT \subseteq V of terminals is kk-connected to a root ss in a directed/undirected graph JJ if JJ has kk internally-disjoint vsvs-paths for every vTv \in T; TT is kk-connected in JJ if TT is kk-connected to every sTs \in T. We consider the {\sf Subset kk-Connectivity Augmentation} problem: given a graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) with edge/node-costs, node subset TVT \subseteq V, and a subgraph J=(V,EJ)J=(V,E_J) of GG such that TT is kk-connected in JJ, find a minimum-cost augmenting edge-set FEEJF \subseteq E \setminus E_J such that TT is (k+1)(k+1)-connected in JFJ \cup F. The problem admits trivial ratio O(T2)O(|T|^2). We consider the case T>k|T|>k and prove that for directed/undirected graphs and edge/node-costs, a ρ\rho-approximation for {\sf Rooted Subset kk-Connectivity Augmentation} implies the following ratios for {\sf Subset kk-Connectivity Augmentation}: (i) b(ρ+k)+(3TTk)2H(3TTk)b(\rho+k) + {(\frac{3|T|}{|T|-k})}^2 H(\frac{3|T|}{|T|-k}); (ii) ρO(TTklogk)\rho \cdot O(\frac{|T|}{|T|-k} \log k), where b=1 for undirected graphs and b=2 for directed graphs, and H(k)H(k) is the kkth harmonic number. The best known values of ρ\rho on undirected graphs are min{T,O(k)}\min\{|T|,O(k)\} for edge-costs and min{T,O(klogT)}\min\{|T|,O(k \log |T|)\} for node-costs; for directed graphs ρ=T\rho=|T| for both versions. Our results imply that unless k=To(T)k=|T|-o(|T|), {\sf Subset kk-Connectivity Augmentation} admits the same ratios as the best known ones for the rooted version. This improves the ratios in \cite{N-focs,L}

    Spider covers for prize-collecting network activation problem

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    In the network activation problem, each edge in a graph is associated with an activation function, that decides whether the edge is activated from node-weights assigned to its end-nodes. The feasible solutions of the problem are the node-weights such that the activated edges form graphs of required connectivity, and the objective is to find a feasible solution minimizing its total weight. In this paper, we consider a prize-collecting version of the network activation problem, and present first non- trivial approximation algorithms. Our algorithms are based on a new LP relaxation of the problem. They round optimal solutions for the relaxation by repeatedly computing node-weights activating subgraphs called spiders, which are known to be useful for approximating the network activation problem

    On the fixed-parameter tractability of the maximum connectivity improvement problem

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    In the Maximum Connectivity Improvement (MCI) problem, we are given a directed graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) and an integer BB and we are asked to find BB new edges to be added to GG in order to maximize the number of connected pairs of vertices in the resulting graph. The MCI problem has been studied from the approximation point of view. In this paper, we approach it from the parameterized complexity perspective in the case of directed acyclic graphs. We show several hardness and algorithmic results with respect to different natural parameters. Our main result is that the problem is W[2]W[2]-hard for parameter BB and it is FPT for parameters VB|V| - B and ν\nu, the matching number of GG. We further characterize the MCI problem with respect to other complementary parameters.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figur

    Approximating Source Location and Star Survivable Network Problems

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    In Source Location (SL) problems the goal is to select a mini-mum cost source set SVS \subseteq V such that the connectivity (or flow) ψ(S,v)\psi(S,v) from SS to any node vv is at least the demand dvd_v of vv. In many SL problems ψ(S,v)=dv\psi(S,v)=d_v if vSv \in S, namely, the demand of nodes selected to SS is completely satisfied. In a node-connectivity variant suggested recently by Fukunaga, every node vv gets a "bonus" pvdvp_v \leq d_v if it is selected to SS. Fukunaga showed that for undirected graphs one can achieve ratio O(klnk)O(k \ln k) for his variant, where k=maxvVdvk=\max_{v \in V}d_v is the maximum demand. We improve this by achieving ratio \min\{p^*\lnk,k\}\cdot O(\ln (k/q^*)) for a more general version with node capacities, where p=maxvVpvp^*=\max_{v \in V} p_v is the maximum bonus and q=minvVqvq^*=\min_{v \in V} q_v is the minimum capacity. In particular, for the most natural case p=1p^*=1 considered by Fukunaga, we improve the ratio from O(klnk)O(k \ln k) to O(ln2k)O(\ln^2k). We also get ratio O(k)O(k) for the edge-connectivity version, for which no ratio that depends on kk only was known before. To derive these results, we consider a particular case of the Survivable Network (SN) problem when all edges of positive cost form a star. We give ratio O(min{lnn,ln2k})O(\min\{\ln n,\ln^2 k\}) for this variant, improving over the best ratio known for the general case O(k3lnn)O(k^3 \ln n) of Chuzhoy and Khanna

    Non-Uniform Robust Network Design in Planar Graphs

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    Robust optimization is concerned with constructing solutions that remain feasible also when a limited number of resources is removed from the solution. Most studies of robust combinatorial optimization to date made the assumption that every resource is equally vulnerable, and that the set of scenarios is implicitly given by a single budget constraint. This paper studies a robustness model of a different kind. We focus on \textbf{bulk-robustness}, a model recently introduced~\cite{bulk} for addressing the need to model non-uniform failure patterns in systems. We significantly extend the techniques used in~\cite{bulk} to design approximation algorithm for bulk-robust network design problems in planar graphs. Our techniques use an augmentation framework, combined with linear programming (LP) rounding that depends on a planar embedding of the input graph. A connection to cut covering problems and the dominating set problem in circle graphs is established. Our methods use few of the specifics of bulk-robust optimization, hence it is conceivable that they can be adapted to solve other robust network design problems.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figure

    Breaching the 2-Approximation Barrier for Connectivity Augmentation: a Reduction to Steiner Tree

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    The basic goal of survivable network design is to build a cheap network that maintains the connectivity between given sets of nodes despite the failure of a few edges/nodes. The Connectivity Augmentation Problem (CAP) is arguably one of the most basic problems in this area: given a kk(-edge)-connected graph GG and a set of extra edges (links), select a minimum cardinality subset AA of links such that adding AA to GG increases its edge connectivity to k+1k+1. Intuitively, one wants to make an existing network more reliable by augmenting it with extra edges. The best known approximation factor for this NP-hard problem is 22, and this can be achieved with multiple approaches (the first such result is in [Frederickson and J\'aj\'a'81]). It is known [Dinitz et al.'76] that CAP can be reduced to the case k=1k=1, a.k.a. the Tree Augmentation Problem (TAP), for odd kk, and to the case k=2k=2, a.k.a. the Cactus Augmentation Problem (CacAP), for even kk. Several better than 22 approximation algorithms are known for TAP, culminating with a recent 1.4581.458 approximation [Grandoni et al.'18]. However, for CacAP the best known approximation is 22. In this paper we breach the 22 approximation barrier for CacAP, hence for CAP, by presenting a polynomial-time 2ln(4)9671120+ϵ<1.912\ln(4)-\frac{967}{1120}+\epsilon<1.91 approximation. Previous approaches exploit properties of TAP that do not seem to generalize to CacAP. We instead use a reduction to the Steiner tree problem which was previously used in parameterized algorithms [Basavaraju et al.'14]. This reduction is not approximation preserving, and using the current best approximation factor for Steiner tree [Byrka et al.'13] as a black-box would not be good enough to improve on 22. To achieve the latter goal, we ``open the box'' and exploit the specific properties of the instances of Steiner tree arising from CacAP.Comment: Corrected a typo in the abstract (in metadata