50 research outputs found

    Polynomial Kernels for Hitting Forbidden Minors under Structural Parameterizations

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    We investigate polynomial-time preprocessing for the problem of hitting forbidden minors in a graph, using the framework of kernelization. For a fixed finite set of graphs F, the F-Deletion problem is the following: given a graph G and integer k, is it possible to delete k vertices from G to ensure the resulting graph does not contain any graph from F as a minor? Earlier work by Fomin, Lokshtanov, Misra, and Saurabh [FOCS\u2712] showed that when F contains a planar graph, an instance (G,k) can be reduced in polynomial time to an equivalent one of size k^{O(1)}. In this work we focus on structural measures of the complexity of an instance, with the aim of giving nontrivial preprocessing guarantees for instances whose solutions are large. Motivated by several impossibility results, we parameterize the F-Deletion problem by the size of a vertex modulator whose removal results in a graph of constant treedepth eta. We prove that for each set F of connected graphs and constant eta, the F-Deletion problem parameterized by the size of a treedepth-eta modulator has a polynomial kernel. Our kernelization is fully explicit and does not depend on protrusion reduction or well-quasi-ordering, which are sources of algorithmic non-constructivity in earlier works on F-Deletion. Our main technical contribution is to analyze how models of a forbidden minor in a graph G with modulator X, interact with the various connected components of G-X. Using the language of labeled minors, we analyze the fragments of potential forbidden minor models that can remain after removing an optimal F-Deletion solution from a single connected component of G-X. By bounding the number of different types of behavior that can occur by a polynomial in |X|, we obtain a polynomial kernel using a recursive preprocessing strategy. Our results extend earlier work for specific instances of F-Deletion such as Vertex Cover and Feedback Vertex Set. It also generalizes earlier preprocessing results for F-Deletion parameterized by a vertex cover, which is a treedepth-one modulator

    Bridge-Depth Characterizes Which Structural Parameterizations of Vertex Cover Admit a Polynomial Kernel

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    We study the kernelization complexity of structural parameterizations of the Vertex Cover problem. Here, the goal is to find a polynomial-time preprocessing algorithm that can reduce any instance (G,k) of the Vertex Cover problem to an equivalent one, whose size is polynomial in the size of a pre-determined complexity parameter of G. A long line of previous research deals with parameterizations based on the number of vertex deletions needed to reduce G to a member of a simple graph class ?, such as forests, graphs of bounded tree-depth, and graphs of maximum degree two. We set out to find the most general graph classes ? for which Vertex Cover parameterized by the vertex-deletion distance of the input graph to ?, admits a polynomial kernelization. We give a complete characterization of the minor-closed graph families ? for which such a kernelization exists. We introduce a new graph parameter called bridge-depth, and prove that a polynomial kernelization exists if and only if ? has bounded bridge-depth. The proof is based on an interesting connection between bridge-depth and the size of minimal blocking sets in graphs, which are vertex sets whose removal decreases the independence number

    Kernel Bounds for Path and Cycle Problems

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    Connectivity problems like k-Path and k-Disjoint Paths relate to many important milestones in parameterized complexity, namely the Graph Minors Project, color coding, and the recent development of techniques for obtaining kernelization lower bounds. This work explores the existence of polynomial kernels for various path and cycle problems, by considering nonstandard parameterizations. We show polynomial kernels when the parameters are a given vertex cover, a modulator to a cluster graph, or a (promised) max leaf number. We obtain lower bounds via cross-composition, e.g., for Hamiltonian Cycle and related problems when parameterized by a modulator to an outerplanar graph

    07281 Abstracts Collection -- Structure Theory and FPT Algorithmics for Graphs, Digraphs and Hypergraphs

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    From 8th to 13th July 2007, the Dagstuhl Seminar ``Structure Theory and FPT Algorithmics for Graphs, Digraphs and Hypergraphs\u27\u27 was held in the International Conference and Research Center (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar as well as abstracts of seminar results and ideas are put together in this paper. The first section describes the seminar topics and goals in general. Links to extended abstracts or full papers are provided, if available

    Preprocessing for Outerplanar Vertex Deletion: An Elementary Kernel of Quartic Size

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    In the ?-Minor-Free Deletion problem one is given an undirected graph G, an integer k, and the task is to determine whether there exists a vertex set S of size at most k, so that G-S contains no graph from the finite family ? as a minor. It is known that whenever ? contains at least one planar graph, then ?-Minor-Free Deletion admits a polynomial kernel, that is, there is a polynomial-time algorithm that outputs an equivalent instance of size k^{?(1)} [Fomin, Lokshtanov, Misra, Saurabh; FOCS 2012]. However, this result relies on non-constructive arguments based on well-quasi-ordering and does not provide a concrete bound on the kernel size. We study the Outerplanar Deletion problem, in which we want to remove at most k vertices from a graph to make it outerplanar. This is a special case of ?-Minor-Free Deletion for the family ? = {K?, K_{2,3}}. The class of outerplanar graphs is arguably the simplest class of graphs for which no explicit kernelization size bounds are known. By exploiting the combinatorial properties of outerplanar graphs we present elementary reduction rules decreasing the size of a graph. This yields a constructive kernel with ?(k?) vertices and edges. As a corollary, we derive that any minor-minimal obstruction to having an outerplanar deletion set of size k has ?(k?) vertices and edges

    On Sparsification for Computing Treewidth

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    We investigate whether an n-vertex instance (G,k) of Treewidth, asking whether the graph G has treewidth at most k, can efficiently be made sparse without changing its answer. By giving a special form of OR-cross-composition, we prove that this is unlikely: if there is an e > 0 and a polynomial-time algorithm that reduces n-vertex Treewidth instances to equivalent instances, of an arbitrary problem, with O(n^{2-e}) bits, then NP is in coNP/poly and the polynomial hierarchy collapses to its third level. Our sparsification lower bound has implications for structural parameterizations of Treewidth: parameterizations by measures that do not exceed the vertex count, cannot have kernels with O(k^{2-e}) bits for any e > 0, unless NP is in coNP/poly. Motivated by the question of determining the optimal kernel size for Treewidth parameterized by vertex cover, we improve the O(k^3)-vertex kernel from Bodlaender et al. (STACS 2011) to a kernel with O(k^2) vertices. Our improved kernel is based on a novel form of treewidth-invariant set. We use the q-expansion lemma of Fomin et al. (STACS 2011) to find such sets efficiently in graphs whose vertex count is superquadratic in their vertex cover number.Comment: 21 pages. Full version of the extended abstract presented at IPEC 201

    Kernels for Structural Parameterizations of Vertex Cover - Case of Small Degree Modulators

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    Vertex Cover is one of the most well studied problems in the realm of parameterized algorithms and admits a kernel with O(l^2) edges and 2*l vertices. Here, l denotes the size of a vertex cover we are seeking for. A natural question is whether Vertex Cover admits a polynomial kernel (or a parameterized algorithm) with respect to a parameter k, that is, provably smaller than the size of the vertex cover. Jansen and Bodlaender [STACS 2011, TOCS 2013] raised this question and gave a kernel for Vertex Cover of size O(f^3), where f is the size of a feedback vertex set of the input graph. We continue this line of work and study Vertex Cover with respect to a parameter that is always smaller than the solution size and incomparable to the size of the feedback vertex set of the input graph. Our parameter is the number of vertices whose removal results in a graph of maximum degree two. While vertex cover with this parameterization can easily be shown to be fixed-parameter tractable (FPT), we show that it has a polynomial sized kernel. The input to our problem consists of an undirected graph G, S subseteq V(G) such that |S| = k and G[V(G)S] has maximum degree at most 2 and a positive integer l. Given (G,S,l), in polynomial time we output an instance (G\u27,S\u27,l\u27) such that |V(G\u27)|<= O(k^5), |E(G\u27)|<= O(k^6) and G has a vertex cover of size at most l if and only if G\u27 has a vertex cover of size at most l\u27. When G[V(G)S] has maximum degree at most 1, we improve the known kernel bound from O(k^3) vertices to O(k^2) vertices (and O(k^3) edges). In general, if G[V(G)S] is simply a collection of cliques of size at most d, then we transform the graph in polynomial time to an equivalent hypergraph with O(k^d) vertices and show that, for d >= 3, a kernel with O(k^{d-epsilon}) vertices is unlikely to exist for any epsilon >0 unless NP is a subset of coNO/poly

    Parameterized Graph Modification Beyond the Natural Parameter

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