718 research outputs found

    No value restriction is needed for algebraic effects and handlers

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    We present a straightforward, sound Hindley-Milner polymorphic type system for algebraic effects and handlers in a call-by-value calculus, which allows type variable generalisation of arbitrary computations, not just values. This result is surprising. On the one hand, the soundness of unrestricted call-by-value Hindley-Milner polymorphism is known to fail in the presence of computational effects such as reference cells and continuations. On the other hand, many programming examples can be recast to use effect handlers instead of these effects. Analysing the expressive power of effect handlers with respect to state effects, we claim handlers cannot express reference cells, and show they can simulate dynamically scoped state

    Particpants' Proceedings on the Workshop: Types for Program Analysis

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    As a satellite meeting of the TAPSOFT'95 conference we organized a small workshop on program analysis. The title of the workshop, ``Types for Program Analysis´´, was motivated by the recent trend of letting the presentation and development of program analyses be influenced by annotated type systems, effect systems, and more general logical systems. The contents of the workshop was intended to be somewhat broader; consequently the call for participation listed the following areas of interest:- specification of specific analyses for programming languages,- the role of effects, polymorphism, conjunction/disjunction types, dependent types etc.in specification of analyses,- algorithmic tools and methods for solving general classes of type-based analyses,- the role of unification, semi-unification etc. in implementations of analyses,- proof techniques for establishing the safety of analyses,- relationship to other approaches to program analysis, including abstract interpretation and constraint-based methods,- exploitation of analysis results in program optimization and implementation.The submissions were not formally refereed; however each submission was read by several members of the program committee and received detailed comments and suggestions for improvement. We expect that several of the papers, in slightly revised forms, will show up at future conferences. The workshop took place at Aarhus University on May 26 and May 27 and lasted two half days

    Dynamic Compilation for Functional Programs

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    Diese Arbeit behandelt die dynamische, zur Laufzeit stattfindende Übersetzung und Optimierung funktionaler Programme. Ziel der Optimierung ist die erhöhte Laufzeiteffizient der Programme, die durch die compilergesteuerte Eliminierung von Abstraktionen der Programmiersprache erreicht wird. Bei der Implementierung objekt-orientierter Programmiersprachen werden bereits seit mehreren Jahrzehnten Compiler-Techniken zur Laufzeit eingesetzt, um objekt-orientierte Programme effizient ausführen zu können. Spätestens seit der Einführung der Programmiersprache Java und ihres auf einer abstrakten Maschine basierenden Ausführungsmodells hat sich die Praktikabilität dieser Implementierungstechnik gezeigt. Viele Eigenschaften moderner Programmiersprachen konnten erst durch den Einsatz dynamischer Transformationstechniken effizient realisiert werden, wie zum Beispiel das dynamische Nachladen von Programmteilen (auch über Netzwerke), Reflection sowie verschiedene Sicherheitslösungen (z.B. Sandboxing). Ziel dieser Arbeit ist zu zeigen, dass rein funktionale Programmiersprachen auf ähnliche Weise effizient implementiert werden können, und sogar Vorteile gegenüber den allgemein eingesetzten objekt-orientierten Sprachen bieten, was die Effizienz, Sicherheit und Korrektheit von Programmen angeht. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, werden in dieser Arbeit Implementierungstechniken entworfen bzw. aus bestehenden Lösungen weiterentwickelt, welche die dynamische Kompilierung und Optimierung funktionaler Programme erlauben: zum einen präsentieren wir eine Programmzwischendarstellung (getypte dynamische Continuation-Passing-Style-Darstellung), welche sich zur dynamischen Kompilierung und Optimierung eignet. Basierend auf dieser Darstellung haben wir eine Erweiterung zur verzögerten und selektiven Codeerzeugung von Programmteilen entwickelt. Der wichtigste Beitrag dieser Arbeit ist die dynamische Spezialisierung zur Eliminierung polymorpher Funktionen und Datenstrukturen, welche die Effizienz funktionaler Programme deutlich steigern kann. Die präsentierten Ergebnisse experimenteller Messungen eines prototypischen Ausführungssystems belegen, dass funktionale Programme effizient dynamisch kompiliert werden können.This thesis is about dynamic translation and optimization of functional programs. The goal of the optimization is increased run-time efficiency, which is obtained by compiler-directed elimination of programming language abstractions. Object-oriented programming languages have been implemented for several decades using run-time compilation techniques. With the introduction of the Java programming language and its virtual machine-based execution model, the practicability of this implementation method for real-world applications has been proved. Many aspects of modern programming languages, such as dynamic loading and linking of code (even across networks), reflection and security solutions (e.g., sandboxing) can be realized efficiently only by using dynamic transformation techniques. The goal of this work is to show that functional programming languages can be efficiently implemented in a similar way, and that these languages even offer advantages when compared to more common object-oriented languages. Efficiency, security and correctness of programs is easier to ensure in the functional setting. Towards this goal, we design and develop implementation techniques to enable dynamic compilation and optimization of functional programming languages: we describe an intermediate representation for functional programs (typed dynamic continuation-passing style), which is well suited for dynamic compilation. Based on this representation, we have developed an extension for incremental and selective code generation. The main contribution of this work shows how dynamic specialization of polymorphic functions and data structures can increase the run-time efficiency of functional programs considerably. We present the results of experimental measurements for a prototypical implementation, which prove that functional programs can efficiently be dynamically compiled