92,109 research outputs found

    Non-Fregean Logics of Analytic Equivalence (II)

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    This paper presents the main assumptions of Andrzej Grzegorczyk’s last research project concerning the logic of synonymity. It shows that the basis of logic of analytic equivalence, presented in the first part of the work, fully corresponds with these assumptions.The project is supported by the Polish National Science Centre grant Logic and language experience 2011/03/B/HS1/04580

    Making use of logic

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    It seems that Polish logic has always been open to considerations concerning the use of methods and results of formal logic within disciplines. We overview a couple of such Polish contributions to what may be called the realm of applied logic. We take a closer look at the formalization of natural reasoning, inconsistency-tolerant logic, and at the formal analysis of causal nexus

    Polishness of some topologies related to word or tree automata

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    We prove that the B\"uchi topology and the automatic topology are Polish. We also show that this cannot be fully extended to the case of a space of infinite labelled binary trees; in particular the B\"uchi and the Muller topologies are not Polish in this case.Comment: This paper is an extended version of a paper which appeared in the proceedings of the 26th EACSL Annual Conference on Computer Science and Logic, CSL 2017. The main addition with regard to the conference paper consists in the study of the B\"uchi topology and of the Muller topology in the case of a space of trees, which now forms Section

    The logic of post-communist capitalist collective inaction

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    The relationship between politics and business is obviously a key feature of policy-making in capitalist democracies, and business associations are an important element of that relationship. A consensus has now emerged that organised business is remarkably weak in East-Central Europe. This article proposes a theoretical synthesis with which to explain that weakness. It shows how the strength of trade unions, varieties of capitalism and interest diversity are specifications of Olson’s logic of collective action, specifications without which the logic itself is too general to explain concrete outcomes. Detailed evidence in favour of the theory is provided from the Polish case. It is argued that the analysis should also apply to other post-communist countries

    Patterns of scientific reasoning: An introduction

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    From December 2001 till December 2004, the Science, Innovation and Media Department of the Ministry of the Flemish Community (Belgium) and the State Committee for Scientific Research of the Republic of Poland funded a cooperation project (Bilateral Scientific and Technological Cooperation Project BIL01/80) between two Flemish and two Polish research centres. The Flemish partners were the Centre for Logic and Philosophy of Science of Ghent University and the centre with the same name of the Free University of Brussels. The Polish partners were the Chair of Logic and Philosophy of Science of the University of Zielona Góra and the Group of Logic and Cognitive Science of N. Copernicus University (Toruń)

    Why Polish philosophy does not exist

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    Why have Polish philosophers fared so badly as concerns their admission into the pantheon of Continental Philosophers? Why, for example, should Heidegger and Derrida be included in this pantheon, but not Ingarden or Tarski? Why, to put the question from another side, should there be so close an association in Poland between philosophy and logic, and between philosophy and science? We distinguish a series of answers to this question, which are dealt with under the following headings: (a) the role of socialism; (b) the disciplinary association between philosophy and mathematics; (c) the influence of Austrian philosophy in general and of Brentanian philosophy in particular; (d) the serendipitous role of Twardowski; (e) the role of Catholicism. The conclusion of the paper is that there is no such thing as 'Polish philosophy' because philosophy in Poland is philosophy per se; it is part and parcel of the mainstream of world philosophy simply because, in contrast to French or German philosophy, it meets international standards of training, rigour, professionalism and specialization