17,530 research outputs found

    Policy analysis for self-administrated role-based access control

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    Current techniques for security analysis of administrative role-based access control (ARBAC) policies restrict themselves to the separate administration assumption that essentially separates administrative roles from regular ones. The naive algorithm of tracking all users is all that is known for the security analysis of ARBAC policies without separate administration, and the state space explosion that this results in precludes building effective tools. In contrast, the separate administration assumption greatly simplifies the analysis since it makes it sufficient to track only one user at a time. However, separation limits the expressiveness of the models and restricts modeling distributed administrative control. In this paper, we undertake a fundamental study of analysis of ARBAC policies without the separate administration restriction, and show that analysis algorithms can be built that track only a bounded number of users, where the bound depends only on the number of administrative roles in the system. Using this fundamental insight paves the way for us to design an involved heuristic to further tame the state space explosion in practical systems. Our results are also very effective when applied on policies designed under the separate administration restriction. We implement our techniques and report on experiments conducted on several realistic case studies

    Environmental data and indicators and human security related issues in Romania: an institutional approach

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    When the environmental issues are addressed in sustainability, human security terms the information demand is getting more complex, emphasising the need to integrate environmental, economic and socio-cultural information. This paper proposes an insight into the data and indicator issues on environment and human security in Romania from an institutional perspective. To a country in transition like Romania creating appropriate organisational structures and legislation has beed a prerequisite to building a realistic and effective environmental protection strategy. Therefore a presentation of the institutional and legislative framework of environmental protection created after 1989, in comparison with the situation in the communist period, has been considered necessary for understanding the institutional context of environmental data collecting, transmitting, processing and employing. On this basis the environmental information system has been critically assessed in terms of content, information flows and further developments related to human security issues. The data reliability at various territorial levels of data collecting, processing and transmitting has been also analysed in this context. A special emphasis has been put on the actors involved in employing the environmental information for strategy and policy elaboration and implementation, management and administration as well as for scientific research, environmental education and public participation purposes. A typology of these actors from organisational viewpoint has been proposed and analysed, pointing out the need of enhancing the netwotking effects at both national and international level.

    An investigation of first grade elementary teacher candidates’ perceptions of their teaching profession competencies: A mixed method study

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    Although teaching profession has lost its prestige over the years, the recent studies demonstrate that teaching still ranks among the top of most respected of professions. Teacher candidates’ individual characteristics play a crucial role in choosing teachers and designing curriculum for educating teacher candidates. The present study is of vital importance to identify the perceptions of first grade teacher candidates enrolled in Faculty of Education towards teaching profession and whether they have teaching competencies needed or not. In this research, a mixed research, sequential explanatory mixed design was utilized in which both quantitative and qualitative data were analyzed together. The quantitative data were collected through using teaching competency scale for teacher candidates and afterwards quantitative data was statistically analyzed. It was thus attempted to draw a general picture of the research problem. According to the results obtained, an in-depth analysis of teacher candidates’ perceptions of teaching competencies was required. Employing quantitative data, purposive sampling was identified and semi-structured interviews were carried out with the participants in the purposive sampling. The unidimensional scale developed by [1] and adapted into Turkish by [2] was employed for data collection in the quantitative stage of the research. When viewing teacher candidates’ perceptions on their teaching competencies, first grade teacher candidates stated that they perceive themselves competent in terms of attitude and values and vocation skills. © 2018 by authors, all rights reserved

    Private supplemental health insurance: retirees' demand

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    In France, private health insurance, that supplements public health insurance, is essential for access to health care. About 90% of the population is covered by a private contract and around half of them obtain their coverage through their employer. Considering the financial benefits associated with group contracts compared to individual contracts, we assume that the switching behaviors vary among different beneficiaries during the transition to retirement. Indeed, despite a 1989 law, the gap in premiums increases at retirement between group and individual contracts affords the opportunity to study the marginal price effect on switching behaviors. In this study, we consider the nature of the contract prior to retirement (compulsory or voluntary membership group contract and individual contract) as an indirect measure of the price effect. We focus on its role and check for a large number of individual characteristics that may influence the new retirees' health insurance demand.private health insurance, retirement, switching behavior

    Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care: Germany

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    Provides an overview of evidence-based policy making in the German healthcare system. Focuses on the Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care, which evaluates comparative effectiveness of drugs and medical services for decisions on coverage

    Sexual and reproductive health status and health service utilisation of adolescents in four districts in Nepal

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    This study is the first part of an impact evaluation that documents the effectiveness of the National Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Programme in Nepal led by the Family Health Division. It was under the leadership of the German organisation GFA Consulting Group

    Lessons from the future: ICT scenarios and the education of teachers

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    This paper reviews significant events of the last 25 years in schools and teacher education in England and looks ahead to the next 25 years. Various scenarios for the future are examined and the potential is considered for new forms of teachers' initial education and continuing professional development using information and communications technology. It is concluded that the current centrally-controlled national system is increasingly inappropriate to present needs and will fracture under the combination of pressures of a commodified education market, learners' consumerist expectations of personalised provision, and networks of informal learning enabled by widespread access to portable communications technology. Four lessons from this future prediction are drawn, with recommendations for radical changes in government policy and orientation. © 2005 Taylor & Francis
