165 research outputs found

    Sentiment-based topic suggestion for micro-reviews

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    Location-based social sites, such as Foursquare or Yelp, are gaining increasing popularity. These sites allow users to check in at venues and leave a short commentary in the form of a micro-review. Micro-reviews are rich in content as they offer a distilled and concise account of user experience. In this paper we consider the problem of predicting the topic of a micro-review by a user who visits a new venue. Such a prediction can help users make informed decisions, and also help venue owners personalize users' experiences. However, topic modeling for micro-reviews is particularly difficult, due to their short and fragmented nature. We address this issue using pooling strategies, which aggregate micro-reviews at the venue or user level, and we propose novel probabilistic models based on Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) for extracting the topics related to a user-venue pair. Our best topic model integrates influences from both venue inherent properties and user preferences, considering at the same the sentiment orientation of the users. Experimental results on real datasets demonstrate the superiority of this model compared to simpler models and previous work; they also show that venue-inherent properties have higher influence on the topics of micro-reviews. © Copyright 2016, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (www.aaai.org). All rights reserved.postprin

    Review Selection Using Micro-Reviews

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    Singapore National Research Foundation under International Research Centre @ Singapore Funding Initiativ

    Did you expect your users to say this?: Distilling unexpected micro-reviews for venue owners

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    DSO National Laboratories, Singapore; National Research Foundation (NRF) Singapore under International Research Centres in Singapore Funding Initiativ

    Semantically Oriented Sentiment Mining in Location-Based Social Network Spaces

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    In this paper we describe a system that performs sentiment classification of reviews from social network sites using natural language techniques. The pattern-based method used in our system, applies classification rules for positive or negative sentiments depending on its overall score, calculated with the aid of SentiWordNet. We investigate several classifier models created from a combination of different methods applied at word and review levels. Our experimental results show that using part-of-speech helps to achieve better accuracy

    The applications of social media in sports marketing

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    n the era of big data, sports consumer's activities in social media become valuable assets to sports marketers. In this paper, the authors review extant literature regarding how to effectively use social media to promote sports as well as how to effectively analyze social media data to support business decisions. Methods: The literature review method. Results: Our findings suggest that sports marketers can use social media to achieve the following goals, such as facilitating marketing communication campaigns, adding values to sports products and services, creating a two-way communication between sports brands and consumers, supporting sports sponsorship program, and forging brand communities. As to how to effectively analyze social media data to support business decisions, extent literature suggests that sports marketers to undertake traffic and engagement analysis on their social media sites as well as to conduct sentiment analysis to probe customer's opinions. These insights can support various aspects of business decisions, such as marketing communication management, consumer's voice probing, and sales predictions. Conclusion: Social media are ubiquitous in the sports marketing and consumption practices. In the era of big data, these "footprints" can now be effectively analyzed to generate insights to support business decisions. Recommendations to both the sports marketing practices and research are also addressed


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    Homophily is both a principle for social group formation with like-minded people as well as a mechanism for social interactions. Recent years have seen a growing body of management research on homophily particularly on large-scale social media and digital platforms. However, the predominant traditional qualitative and quantitative methods employed face validity issues and/or are not well-suited for big social data. There are scant guidelines for applying computational methods to specific research domains concerning descriptive patterns, explanatory mechanisms, or predictive indicators of homophily. To fill this research gap, this paper offers a structured review of the emerging literature on computational social science approaches to homophily with a particular emphasis on their relevance, appropriateness, and importance to information systems research. We derive a research taxonomy for homophily and offer methodological reflections and recommendations to help inform future research

    Place, Play and Privacy: Exploring Location-Based Applications and Spatial Experience.

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    Sentiment Analysis of Nigerian Students’ Tweets on Education: A Data Mining Approach

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    The paper is aimed at investigating data mining technologies by acquiring tweets from Nigerian University students on Twitter on how they feel about the current state of the Nigerian university system. The study for this paper was conducted in a way that the tweet data collected using the Twitter Application was pre-processed before being translated from text to vector representation using a feature extraction technique such Bag-of-Words. In the paper, the proposed sentiment analysis architecture was designed using UML and the Naïve Bayes classifier (NBC) approach, which is a simple but effective classifier to determine the polarity of the education dataset, was applied to compute the probabilities of the classes. Furthermore, Naïve Bayes classifier polarized the tweets' wording as negative or positive for polarity. Based on our investigation, the experiment revealed after data cleaning that 4016 of the total data obtained were utilized. Also, Positive attitudes accounted for 40.56%, while negative sentiments accounted for 59.44% of the total data having divided the dataset into 70:30 training and testing ratio, with the Naïve Bayes classifier being taught on the training set and its performance being evaluated on the test set. Because the models were trained on unbalanced data, we employed more relevant evaluation metrics such as precision, recall, F1-score, and balanced accuracy for model evaluation. The classifier's prediction accuracy, misclassification error rate, recall, precision, and f1-score were 63 %, 37%, 63%, 62%, and 62% respectively. All of the analyses were completed using the Python programming language and the Natural Language Tool Kit packages. Finally, the outcome of this prediction is the highest likelihood class. These forecasts can be used by Nigerian Government to improve the educational system and assist students to receive a better education