143 research outputs found

    A framework of rapid regional tsunami damage recognition from post-event TerraSAR-X imagery using deep neural networks

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    Near real-time building damage mapping is an indispensable prerequisite for governments to make decisions for disaster relief. With high-resolution synthetic aperture radar (SAR) systems, such as TerraSAR-X, the provision of such products in a fast and effective way becomes possible. In this letter, a deep learning-based framework for rapid regional tsunami damage recognition using post-event SAR imagery is proposed. To perform such a rapid damage mapping, a series of tile-based image split analysis is employed to generate the data set. Next, a selection algorithm with the SqueezeNet network is developed to swiftly distinguish between built-up (BU) and nonbuilt-up regions. Finally, a recognition algorithm with a modified wide residual network is developed to classify the BU regions into wash away, collapsed, and slightly damaged regions. Experiments performed on the TerraSAR-X data from the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami in Japan show a BU region extraction accuracy of 80.4% and a damage-level recognition accuracy of 74.8%, respectively. Our framework takes around 2 h to train on a new region, and only several minutes for prediction.This work was supported in part by JST CREST, Japan, under Grant JPMJCR1411 and in part by the China Scholarship Council. (JPMJCR1411 - JST CREST, Japan; China Scholarship Council

    Monitoring of Tsunami/Earthquake Damages by Polarimetric Microwave Remote Sensing Technique

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    Polarization characterizes the vector state of EM wave. When interacting with polarized wave, rough natural surface often induces dominant surface scattering; building also presents dominant double-bounce scattering. Tsunami/earthquake causes serious destruction just by inundating the land surface and destroying the building. By analyzing the change of surface and double-bounce scattering before and after disaster, we can achieve a monitoring of damages. This constitutes one basic principle of polarimetric microwave remote sensing of tsunami/earthquake. The extraction of surface and double-bounce scattering from coherency matrix is achieved by model-based decomposition. The general four-component scattering power decomposition with unitary transformation (G4U) has been widely used in the remote sensing of tsunami/earthquake to identify surface and double-bounce scattering because it can adaptively enhance surface or double-bounce scattering. Nonetheless, the strict derivation in this chapter conveys that G4U cannot always strengthen the double-bounce scattering in urban area nor strengthen the surface scattering in water or land area unless we adaptively combine G4U and its duality for an extended G4U (EG4U). Experiment on the ALOS-PALSAR datasets of 2011 great Tohoku tsunami/earthquake demonstrates not only the outperformance of EG4U but also the effectiveness of polarimetric remote sensing in the qualitative monitoring and quantitative evaluation of tsunami/earthquake damages

    Disaster debris estimation using high-resolution polarimetric stereo-SAR

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    AbstractThis paper addresses the problem of debris estimation which is one of the most important initial challenges in the wake of a disaster like the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. Reasonable estimates of the debris have to be made available to decision makers as quickly as possible. Current approaches to obtain this information are far from being optimal as they usually rely on manual interpretation of optical imagery. We have developed a novel approach for the estimation of tsunami debris pile heights and volumes for improved emergency response. The method is based on a stereo-synthetic aperture radar (stereo-SAR) approach for very high-resolution polarimetric SAR. An advanced gradient-based optical-flow estimation technique is applied for optimal image coregistration of the low-coherence non-interferometric data resulting from the illumination from opposite directions and in different polarizations. By applying model based decomposition of the coherency matrix, only the odd bounce scattering contributions are used to optimize echo time computation. The method exclusively considers the relative height differences from the top of the piles to their base to achieve a very fine resolution in height estimation. To define the base, a reference point on non-debris-covered ground surface is located adjacent to the debris pile targets by exploiting the polarimetric scattering information. The proposed technique is validated using in situ data of real tsunami debris taken on a temporary debris management site in the tsunami affected area near Sendai city, Japan. The estimated height error is smaller than 0.6m RMSE. The good quality of derived pile heights allows for a voxel-based estimation of debris volumes with a RMSE of 1099m3. Advantages of the proposed method are fast computation time, and robust height and volume estimation of debris piles without the need for pre-event data or auxiliary information like DEM, topographic maps or GCPs

    L-Band SAR Disaster Monitoring for Harbor Facilities Using Interferometric Analysis

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    Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) has become a major tool for disaster monitoring. Its all-weather capability enables us to monitor the affected area soon after the event happens. Since the first launch of spaceborne SAR, its amplitude images have been widely used for disaster observations. Nowadays, an accurate orbit control and scheduled frequent observations enable us to perform interferometric analysis of SAR (InSAR) and the use of interferometric coherence. Especially for L-band SAR, its long-lasting temporal coherence is an advantage to perform precise interferometric coherence analysis. In addition, recent high resolution SAR images are found to be useful for observing relatively small targets, e.g., individual buildings and facilities. In this chapter, we present basic theory of SAR observation, interferometric coherence analysis for the disaster monitoring, and its examples for the harbor facilities. In the actual case, DInSAR measurement could measure the subsidence of the quay wall with 3 cm error

    Damage mapping after the 2017 Puebla Earthquake in Mexico using high-resolution Alos2 Palsar2 data

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    On September 19, 2017, the Mw7.1 Puebla Earthquake caused significant destruction in several cities in central Mexico. In this paper, two pre- and one post-event ALOS2-PALSAR2 data were used to detect the damaged area around Izucar de Matamoros town in Mexico. First, we identify the built-up areas using pre-event data. Second, we evaluate the earthquake-induced damage areas using an RGB color-coded image constructed from the pre- and co-event coherence images. Our analysis showed that the green and red bands display a great potential to discriminate the damaged areas.Accepted manuscrip