1,831 research outputs found

    Information Design for Strategic Coordination of Autonomous Devices with Non-Aligned Utilities

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    In this paper, we investigate the coordination of autonomous devices with non-aligned utility functions. Both encoder and decoder are considered as players, that choose the encoding and the decoding in order to maximize their long-run utility functions. The topology of the point-to-point network under investigation, suggests that the decoder implements a strategy, knowing in advance the strategy of the encoder. We characterize the encoding and decoding functions that form an equilibrium, by using empirical coordination. The equilibrium solution is related to an auxiliary game in which both players choose some conditional distributions in order to maximize their expected utilities. This problem is closely related to the literature on "Information Design" in Game Theory. We also characterize the set of posterior distributions that are compatible with a rate-limited channel between the encoder and the decoder. Finally, we provide an example of non-aligned utility functions corresponding to parallel fading multiple access channels.Comment: IEEE Proc. of the Fifty-fourth Annual Allerton Conference Allerton House, UIUC, Illinois, USA September 27 - 30, 201

    Fixed-Length Strong Coordination

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    We consider the problem of synthesizing joint distributions of signals and actions over noisy channels in the finite-length regime. For a fixed blocklength nn and an upper bound on the distance ε\varepsilon, a coding scheme is proposed such that the induced joint distribution is ε\varepsilon-close in L1L^1 distance to a target i.i.d. distribution. The set of achievable target distributions and rate for asymptotic strong coordination can be recovered from the main result of this paper by having nn that tends to infinity.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Information-theoretic Physical Layer Security for Satellite Channels

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    Shannon introduced the classic model of a cryptosystem in 1949, where Eve has access to an identical copy of the cyphertext that Alice sends to Bob. Shannon defined perfect secrecy to be the case when the mutual information between the plaintext and the cyphertext is zero. Perfect secrecy is motivated by error-free transmission and requires that Bob and Alice share a secret key. Wyner in 1975 and later I.~Csisz\'ar and J.~K\"orner in 1978 modified the Shannon model assuming that the channels are noisy and proved that secrecy can be achieved without sharing a secret key. This model is called wiretap channel model and secrecy capacity is known when Eve's channel is noisier than Bob's channel. In this paper we review the concept of wiretap coding from the satellite channel viewpoint. We also review subsequently introduced stronger secrecy levels which can be numerically quantified and are keyless unconditionally secure under certain assumptions. We introduce the general construction of wiretap coding and analyse its applicability for a typical satellite channel. From our analysis we discuss the potential of keyless information theoretic physical layer security for satellite channels based on wiretap coding. We also identify system design implications for enabling simultaneous operation with additional information theoretic security protocols

    Joint Empirical Coordination of Source and Channel

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    In a decentralized and self-configuring network, the communication devices are considered as autonomous decision-makers that sense their environment and that implement optimal transmission schemes. It is essential that these autonomous devices cooperate and coordinate their actions, to ensure the reliability of the transmissions and the stability of the network. We study a point-to-point scenario in which the encoder and the decoder implement decentralized policies that are coordinated. The coordination is measured in terms of empirical frequency of symbols of source and channel. The encoder and the decoder perform a coding scheme such that the empirical distribution of the symbols is close to a target joint probability distribution. We characterize the set of achievable target probability distributions for a point-to-point source-channel model, in which the encoder is non-causal and the decoder is strictly causal i.e., it returns an action based on the observation of the past channel outputs. The objectives of the encoder and of the decoder, are captured by some utility function, evaluated with respect to the set of achievable target probability distributions. In this article, we investigate the maximization problem of a utility function that is common to both encoder and decoder. We show that the compression and the transmission of information are particular cases of the empirical coordination.Comment: accepted to IEEE Trans. on I

    Semantic and effective communications

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    Shannon and Weaver categorized communications into three levels of problems: the technical problem, which tries to answer the question "how accurately can the symbols of communication be transmitted?"; the semantic problem, which asks the question "how precisely do the transmitted symbols convey the desired meaning?"; the effectiveness problem, which strives to answer the question "how effectively does the received meaning affect conduct in the desired way?". Traditionally, communication technologies mainly addressed the technical problem, ignoring the semantics or the effectiveness problems. Recently, there has been increasing interest to address the higher level semantic and effectiveness problems, with proposals ranging from semantic to goal oriented communications. In this thesis, we propose to formulate the semantic problem as a joint source-channel coding (JSCC) problem and the effectiveness problem as a multi-agent partially observable Markov decision process (MA-POMDP). As such, for the semantic problem, we propose DeepWiVe, the first-ever end-to-end JSCC video transmission scheme that leverages the power of deep neural networks (DNNs) to directly map video signals to channel symbols, combining video compression, channel coding, and modulation steps into a single neural transform. We also further show that it is possible to use predefined constellation designs as well as secure the physical layer communication against eavesdroppers for deep learning (DL) driven JSCC schemes, making such schemes much more viable for deployment in the real world. For the effectiveness problem, we propose a novel formulation by considering multiple agents communicating over a noisy channel in order to achieve better coordination and cooperation in a multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) framework. Specifically, we consider a MA-POMDP, in which the agents, in addition to interacting with the environment, can also communicate with each other over a noisy communication channel. The noisy communication channel is considered explicitly as part of the dynamics of the environment, and the message each agent sends is part of the action that the agent can take. As a result, the agents learn not only to collaborate with each other but also to communicate "effectively'' over a noisy channel. Moreover, we show that this framework generalizes both the semantic and technical problems. In both instances, we show that the resultant communication scheme is superior to one where the communication is considered separately from the underlying semantic or goal of the problem.Open Acces