518 research outputs found

    Polar codes for degradable quantum channels

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    Channel polarization is a phenomenon in which a particular recursive encoding induces a set of synthesized channels from many instances of a memoryless channel, such that a fraction of the synthesized channels becomes near perfect for data transmission and the other fraction becomes near useless for this task. Mahdavifar and Vardy have recently exploited this phenomenon to construct codes that achieve the symmetric private capacity for private data transmission over a degraded wiretap channel. In the current paper, we build on their work and demonstrate how to construct quantum wiretap polar codes that achieve the symmetric private capacity of a degraded quantum wiretap channel with a classical eavesdropper. Due to the Schumacher-Westmoreland correspondence between quantum privacy and quantum coherence, we can construct quantum polar codes by operating these quantum wiretap polar codes in superposition, much like Devetak's technique for demonstrating the achievability of the coherent information rate for quantum data transmission. Our scheme achieves the symmetric coherent information rate for quantum channels that are degradable with a classical environment. This condition on the environment may seem restrictive, but we show that many quantum channels satisfy this criterion, including amplitude damping channels, photon-detected jump channels, dephasing channels, erasure channels, and cloning channels. Our quantum polar coding scheme has the desirable properties of being channel-adapted and symmetric capacity-achieving along with having an efficient encoder, but we have not demonstrated that the decoding is efficient. Also, the scheme may require entanglement assistance, but we show that the rate of entanglement consumption vanishes in the limit of large blocklength if the channel is degradable with classical environment.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure; v2: IEEE format, minor changes including new figure; v3: minor changes, accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Quantum Information Transmission over a Partially Degradable Channel

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    We investigate a quantum coding for quantum communication over a PD (partially degradable) degradable quantum channel. For a PD channel, the degraded environment state can be expressed from the channel output state up to a degrading map. PD channels can be restricted to the set of optical channels which allows for the parties to exploit the benefits in experimental quantum communications. We show that for a PD channel, the partial degradability property leads to higher quantum data rates in comparison to those of a degradable channel. The PD property is particular convenient for quantum communications and allows one to implement the experimental quantum protocols with higher performance. We define a coding scheme for PD-channels and give the achievable rates of quantum communication.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, Journal-ref: IEEE Acces

    Polar codes for private classical communication

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    We construct a new secret-key assisted polar coding scheme for private classical communication over a quantum or classical wiretap channel. The security of our scheme rests on an entropic uncertainty relation, in addition to the channel polarization effect. Our scheme achieves the symmetric private information rate by synthesizing "amplitude" and "phase" channels from an arbitrary quantum wiretap channel. We find that the secret-key consumption rate of the scheme vanishes for an arbitrary degradable quantum wiretap channel. Furthermore, we provide an additional sufficient condition for when the secret key rate vanishes, and we suspect that satisfying this condition implies that the scheme requires no secret key at all. Thus, this latter condition addresses an open question from the Mahdavifar-Vardy scheme for polar coding over a classical wiretap channel.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, submission to the 2012 International Symposium on Information Theory and its Applications (ISITA 2012), Honolulu, Hawaii, US

    Private Quantum Coding for Quantum Relay Networks

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    The relay encoder is an unreliable probabilistic device which is aimed at helping the communication between the sender and the receiver. In this work we show that in the quantum setting the probabilistic behavior can be completely eliminated. We also show how to combine quantum polar encoding with superactivation-assistance in order to achieve reliable and capacity-achieving private communication over noisy quantum relay channels.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures, Journal-ref: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 7479, pp. 239-250. Springer-Verlag, 2012, presented in part at the 11th Intl. Conference on Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing (QCMC2012), v2: minor formatting change

    Magic state distillation with punctured polar codes

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    We present a scheme for magic state distillation using punctured polar codes. Our results build on some recent work by Bardet et al. (ISIT, 2016) who discovered that polar codes can be described algebraically as decreasing monomial codes. Using this powerful framework, we construct tri-orthogonal quantum codes (Bravyi et al., PRA, 2012) that can be used to distill magic states for the TT gate. An advantage of these codes is that they permit the use of the successive cancellation decoder whose time complexity scales as O(Nlog(N))O(N\log(N)). We supplement this with numerical simulations for the erasure channel and dephasing channel. We obtain estimates for the dimensions and error rates for the resulting codes for block sizes up to 2202^{20} for the erasure channel and 2162^{16} for the dephasing channel. The dimension of the triply-even codes we obtain is shown to scale like O(N0.8)O(N^{0.8}) for the binary erasure channel at noise rate 0.010.01 and O(N0.84)O(N^{0.84}) for the dephasing channel at noise rate 0.0010.001. The corresponding bit error rates drop to roughly 8×10288\times10^{-28} for the erasure channel and 7×10157 \times 10^{-15} for the dephasing channel respectively.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure

    An improved rate region for the classical-quantum broadcast channel

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    We present a new achievable rate region for the two-user binary-input classical-quantum broadcast channel. The result is a generalization of the classical Marton-Gelfand-Pinsker region and is provably larger than the best previously known rate region for classical-quantum broadcast channels. The proof of achievability is based on the recently introduced polar coding scheme and its generalization to quantum network information theory.Comment: 5 pages, double column, 1 figure, based on a result presented in the Master's thesis arXiv:1501.0373