592 research outputs found


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    Offline handwritten recognition continues to be a fundamental research problem in document analysis and retrieval. The common method used in extracting handwritten mark from assessment forms is to assign a person to manually type in the marks into a spreadsheet. This method is found to be very time consuming, not cost effective and prone to human mistakes. In this project, a number recognition system is developed using local binary pattern (LBP) technique to extract and convert students’ identity numbers and handwritten marks on assessment forms into a spreadsheet. The template of the score sheet is designed as in Appendix 1 to collect sample of handwritten numbers. The training data contain three sets of LBP histograms for each digit. The recognition rate of handwritten digits using LBP is about 50% because LBP could not fully describe the structure of the digits. Instead, LBP is useful in term of arranging the digits ‘0 to 9’ from highest similarity score to the lowest similarity score as compared to sample using chi square distance. The recognition rate is greatly improved to about 95% by verifying the output of chi square distance with the salient structural features of digits

    Offline MODI Character Recognition Using Complex Moments

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    AbstractThe varying writing style and critical representation of characters in Indian script makes Handwritten Optical Character (HOCR) challenging and has attracted researchers to contribute in this domain. ‘MODI’ Script had cursive type of writings in Devanagari, Marathi where large amount of historical documents were available and need to be digitally explored. The principal objective of this research work is to describe efficiency of Zernike Complex moments and Zernike moments with different Zoning patterns for offline recognition of handwritten ‘MODI’ characters. Every character was divided in six zoning patterns with 37 zones. Geometrical shapes were used to create zoning patterns. The work was resulted in 94.92% correct recognition rate was achieved by using Zernike moments and 94.78% by using Zernike complex moments with integrated approach for heterogeneous zones

    Recognition of Arabic handwritten words

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    Recognizing Arabic handwritten words is a difficult problem due to the deformations of different writing styles. Moreover, the cursive nature of the Arabic writing makes correct segmentation of characters an almost impossible task. While there are many sub systems in an Arabic words recognition system, in this work we develop a sub system to recognize Part of Arabic Words (PAW). We try to solve this problem using three different approaches, implicit segmentation and two variants of holistic approach. While Rothacker found similar conclusions while this work is being prepared, we report the difficulty in locating characters in PAW using Scale Invariant Feature Transforms under the first approach. In the second and third approaches, we use holistic approach to recognize PAW using Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Active Shape Models (ASM). While there are few works that use SVM to recognize PAW, they use a small dataset; we use a large dataset and a different set of features. We also explain the errors SVM and ASM make and propose some remedies to these errors as future work

    Handwritten Devanagari numeral recognition

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    Optical character recognition (OCR) plays a very vital role in today’s modern world. OCR can be useful for solving many complex problems and thus making human’s job easier. In OCR we give a scanned digital image or handwritten text as the input to the system. OCR can be used in postal department for sorting of the mails and in other offices. Much work has been done for English alphabets but now a day’s Indian script is an active area of interest for the researchers. Devanagari is on such Indian script. Research is going on for the recognition of alphabets but much less concentration is given on numerals. Here an attempt was made for the recognition of Devanagari numerals. The main part of any OCR system is the feature extraction part because more the features extracted more is the accuracy. Here two methods were used for the process of feature extraction. One of the method was moment based method. There are many moment based methods but we have preferred the Tchebichef moment. Tchebichef moment was preferred because of its better image representation capability. The second method was based on the contour curvature. Contour is a very important boundary feature used for finding similarity between shapes. After the process of feature extraction, the extracted feature has to be classified and for the same Artificial Neural Network (ANN) was used. There are many classifier but we preferred ANN because it is easy to handle and less error prone and apart from that its accuracy is much higher compared to other classifier. The classification was done individually with the two extracted features and finally the features were cascaded to increase the accuracy