772 research outputs found

    Noncommutative Solenoids and the Gromov-Hausdorff Propinquity

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    We prove that noncommutative solenoids are limits, in the sense of the Gromov-Hausdorff propinquity, of quantum tori. From this observation, we prove that noncommutative solenoids can be approximated by finite dimensional quantum compact metric spaces, and that they form a continuous family of quantum compact metric spaces over the space of multipliers of the solenoid, properly metrized.Comment: 15 Pages, minor correction

    Tameness in generalized metric structures

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    We broaden the framework of metric abstract elementary classes (mAECs) in several essential ways, chiefly by allowing the metric to take values in a well-behaved quantale. As a proof of concept we show that the result of Boney and Zambrano on (metric) tameness under a large cardinal assumption holds in this more general context. We briefly consider a further generalization to partial metric spaces, and hint at connections to classes of fuzzy structures, and structures on sheaves

    Twisted submanifolds of R^n

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    We propose a general procedure to construct noncommutative deformations of an embedded submanifold MM of Rn\mathbb{R}^n determined by a set of smooth equations fa(x)=0f^a(x)=0. We use the framework of Drinfel'd twist deformation of differential geometry of [Aschieri et al., Class. Quantum Gravity 23 (2006), 1883]; the commutative pointwise product is replaced by a (generally noncommutative) ⋆\star-product determined by a Drinfel'd twist. The twists we employ are based on the Lie algebra Ξt\Xi_t of vector fields that are tangent to all the submanifolds that are level sets of the faf^a; the twisted Cartan calculus is automatically equivariant under twisted tangent infinitesimal diffeomorphisms. We can consistently project a connection from the twisted Rn\mathbb{R}^n to the twisted MM if the twist is based on a suitable Lie subalgebra e⊂Ξt\mathfrak{e}\subset\Xi_t. If we endow Rn\mathbb{R}^n with a metric then twisting and projecting to the normal and tangent vector fields commute, and we can project the Levi-Civita connection consistently to the twisted MM, provided the twist is based on the Lie subalgebra k⊂e\mathfrak{k}\subset\mathfrak{e} of the Killing vector fields of the metric; a twisted Gauss theorem follows, in particular. Twisted algebraic manifolds can be characterized in terms of generators and polynomial relations. We present in some detail twisted cylinders embedded in twisted Euclidean R3\mathbb{R}^3 and twisted hyperboloids embedded in twisted Minkowski R3\mathbb{R}^3 [these are twisted (anti-)de Sitter spaces dS2,AdS2dS_2,AdS_2].Comment: Latex file, 48 pages, 1 figure. Slightly adapted version to the new preprint arXiv:2005.03509, where the present framework is specialized to quadrics and other algebraic submanifolds of R^n. Several typos correcte

    Quantum Ultrametrics on AF Algebras and The Gromov-Hausdorff Propinquity

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    We construct quantum metric structures on unital AF algebras with a faithful tracial state, and prove that for such metrics, AF algebras are limits of their defining inductive sequences of finite dimensional C*-algebras for the quantum propinquity. We then study the geometry, for the quantum propinquity, of three natural classes of AF algebras equipped with our quantum metrics: the UHF algebras, the Effros-Shen AF algebras associated with continued fraction expansions of irrationals, and the Cantor space, on which our construction recovers traditional ultrametrics. We also exhibit several compact classes of AF algebras for the quantum propinquity and show continuity of our family of Lip-norms on a fixed AF algebra. Our work thus brings AF algebras into the realm of noncommutative metric geometry.Comment: 45 pages. v2: minor typos corrected; accepted in Studia Mathematic

    A new approach for KM-fuzzy partial metric spaces

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    summary:The main purpose of this paper is to give a new approach for partial metric spaces. We first provide the new concept of KM-fuzzy partial metric, as an extension of both the partial metric and KM-fuzzy metric. Then its relationship with the KM-fuzzy quasi-metric is established. In particularly, we construct a KM-fuzzy quasi-metric from a KM-fuzzy partial metric. Finally, after defining the notion of partial pseudo-metric systems, a one-to-one correspondence between partial pseudo-metric systems and KM-fuzzy partial pseudo-metrics is constructed. Furthermore, a fuzzifying topology Ď„P\tau_{P} on X deduced from KM-fuzzy partial metric is established and some properties of this fuzzifying topology are discussed
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