6 research outputs found

    Optimal Trajectory Planning for the Design Optimization of the Robotic Arm

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    This paper presents a synthetical approach for the design optimization and the trajectory of the robotic arm, angular velocity and acceleration of the robotic arm. The optimization of the robotic arm trajectory is a frequent design problem. Because of the complexity of this task in the past, many of the proposed approaches entailed only a suboptimal solution. The main problem in trajectory generation and tracking of robotic arm motions is to plan the trajectory and compute the required joint angles. Inverse kinematics modeling is usually adopted, though sometimes other approaches are needed due to the lack of reliability and accuracy of analytical methods. Due to that reason, previously, several authors have used evolutionary algorithms. Rana and Zalzala (1997) applied EA to the collision-free path planning of the robotic arm. In Garg & Kumar (2002), the formulation and application of Genetic Algorithm and Simulated Annealing for the determination of an optimal trajectory of a multiple robotic configuration is presented

    Point trajectory planning of flexible redundant robot manipulators using genetic algorithms

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    The paper focuses on the problem of point-to-point trajectory planning for flexible redundant robot manipulators (FRM) in joint space. Compared with irredundant flexible manipulators, a FRM possesses additional possibilities during point-to-point trajectory planning due to its kinematics redundancy. A trajectory planning method to minimize vibration and/or executing time of a point-to-point motion is presented for FRMs based on Genetic Algorithms (GAs). Kinematics redundancy is integrated into the presented method as planning variables. Quadrinomial and quintic polynomial are used to describe the segments that connect the initial, intermediate, and final points in joint space. The trajectory planning of FRM is formulated as a problem of optimization with constraints. A planar FRM with three flexible links is used in simulation. Case studies show that the method is applicable

    Point-to-Point Trajectory Planning of Flexible Redundant Robot Manipulators Using Genetic Algorithms

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    The paper focuses on the problem of point-to-point trajectory planning for flexible redundant robot manipulators (FRM) in joint space. Compared with irredundant flexible manipulators, a FRM possesses additional possibilities during point-to-point trajectory planning due to its kinematics redundancy. A trajectory planning method to minimize vibration and/or executing time of a point-to-point motion is presented for FRM based on Genetic Algorithms (GAs). Kinematics redundancy is integrated into the presented method as planning variables. Quadrinomial and quintic polynomial are used to describe the segments that connect the initial, intermediate, and final points in joint space. The trajectory planning of FRM is formulated as a problem of optimization with constraints. A planar FRM with three flexible links is used in simulation. Case studies show that the method is applicable

    Point-to-Point Trajectory Planning of Flexible Redundant Robot Manipulators Using Genetic Algorithms

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    The paper focuses on the problem of point-to-point trajectory planning for flexible redundant robot manipulators (FRM) in joint space. Compared with irredundant flexible manipulators, a FRM possesses additional possibilities during point-to-point trajectory planning due to its kinematics redundancy. A trajectory planning method to minimize vibration and/or executing time of a point-to-point motion is presented for FRM based on Genetic Algorithms (GAs). Kinematics redundancy is integrated into the presented method as planning variables. Quadrinomial and quintic polynomial are used to describe the segments that connect the initial, intermediate, and final points in joint space. The trajectory planning of FRM is formulated as a problem of optimization with constraints. A planar FRM with three flexible links is used in simulation. Case studies show that the method is applicable

    Optimization of Robot Motion Planning using Ant Colony Optimization

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    Motion planning in robotics is a process to compute a collision free path between the initial and final configuration among obstacles. To plan a collision free path in the workspace, it would need to plan the motion of every point of its shaping according its degree of freedom. The motion of robot between obstacles is represented by a path in configuration space. It is an imaginary concept. Motion planning is aimed at enabling robots with capabilities of automatically deciding and executing a sequence motion in order to achieve a task without ollision with other objects in a given environment. Motion planning in a robot workspace for robotic assembly depends on sequence of parts or the order they are arranged to produce a robotic assembly product obeying all the constraints and instability of base assembly movement. If the number of parts increases the sequencing becomes difficult and hence the path planning. As multiple no. of paths are possible, the path is considered to be optimal when it minimizes the travelling time while satisfying the process constraint. For this purpose, it is necessary to select appropriate optimization technique for optimization of paths. Such types of problem can be solved by metaheuristic methods.The present work utilizes ACO for the generation of optimal motion planning sequence. The present algorithm is based on ant's behavior, pheromone update & pheromone evaporation and is used to enhance the local search. This procedure is applied to a grinder assembly, driver assembly and car alternator assembly. Two robots like adept-one and puma-762 are selected for picking and placing operation of parts in their workspace


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