10,646 research outputs found

    Point-curve incidences in the complex plane

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    We prove an incidence theorem for points and curves in the complex plane. Given a set of mm points in R2{\mathbb R}^2 and a set of nn curves with kk degrees of freedom, Pach and Sharir proved that the number of point-curve incidences is O(mk2k1n2k22k1+m+n)O\big(m^{\frac{k}{2k-1}}n^{\frac{2k-2}{2k-1}}+m+n\big). We establish the slightly weaker bound Oε(mk2k1+εn2k22k1+m+n)O_\varepsilon\big(m^{\frac{k}{2k-1}+\varepsilon}n^{\frac{2k-2}{2k-1}}+m+n\big) on the number of incidences between mm points and nn (complex) algebraic curves in C2{\mathbb C}^2 with kk degrees of freedom. We combine tools from algebraic geometry and differential geometry to prove a key technical lemma that controls the number of complex curves that can be contained inside a real hypersurface. This lemma may be of independent interest to other researchers proving incidence theorems over C{\mathbb C}.Comment: The proof was significantly simplified, and now relies on the Picard-Lindelof theorem, rather than on foliation

    Point-curve incidences in the complex plane

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    We prove an incidence theorem for points and curves in the complex plane. Given a set of m points in R2 and a set of n curves with k degrees of freedom, Pach and Sharir proved that the number of point-curve incidences is (Formula presented.). We establish the slightly weaker bound (Formula presented.) on the number of incidences between m points and n (complex) algebraic curves in C2 with k degrees of freedom. We combine tools from algebraic geometry and differential geometry to prove a key technical lemma that controls the number of complex curves that can be contained inside a real hypersurface. This lemma may be of independent interest to other researchers proving incidence theorems over C. © 2017 János Bolyai Mathematical Society and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelber

    Counting joints with multiplicities

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    Let L\mathfrak{L} be a collection of LL lines in R3\R^3 and JJ the set of joints formed by L\mathfrak{L}, i.e. the set of points each of which lies in at least 3 non-coplanar lines of L\mathfrak{L}. It is known that JL3/2|J| \lesssim L^{3/2} (first proved by Guth and Katz). For each joint xJx \in J, let the multiplicity N(x)N(x) of xx be the number of triples of non-coplanar lines through xx. We prove here that xJN(x)1/2L3/2\sum_{x \in J}N(x)^{1/2} \lesssim L^{3/2}, while in the last section we extend this result to real algebraic curves of uniformly bounded degree in R3\R^3, as well as to curves in R3\R^3 parametrised by real polynomials of uniformly bounded degree.Comment: More details in section 4. Typos corrected. The main results are unchange