869 research outputs found

    Snowflake Point Deconvolution for Point Cloud Completion and Generation with Skip-Transformer

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    Most existing point cloud completion methods suffer from the discrete nature of point clouds and the unstructured prediction of points in local regions, which makes it difficult to reveal fine local geometric details. To resolve this issue, we propose SnowflakeNet with snowflake point deconvolution (SPD) to generate complete point clouds. SPD models the generation of point clouds as the snowflake-like growth of points, where child points are generated progressively by splitting their parent points after each SPD. Our insight into the detailed geometry is to introduce a skip-transformer in the SPD to learn the point splitting patterns that can best fit the local regions. The skip-transformer leverages attention mechanism to summarize the splitting patterns used in the previous SPD layer to produce the splitting in the current layer. The locally compact and structured point clouds generated by SPD precisely reveal the structural characteristics of the 3D shape in local patches, which enables us to predict highly detailed geometries. Moreover, since SPD is a general operation that is not limited to completion, we explore its applications in other generative tasks, including point cloud auto-encoding, generation, single image reconstruction, and upsampling. Our experimental results outperform state-of-the-art methods under widely used benchmarks.Comment: IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), 2022. This work is a journal extension of our ICCV 2021 paper arXiv:2108.04444 . The first two authors contributed equall

    FBNet: Feedback Network for Point Cloud Completion

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    The rapid development of point cloud learning has driven point cloud completion into a new era. However, the information flows of most existing completion methods are solely feedforward, and high-level information is rarely reused to improve low-level feature learning. To this end, we propose a novel Feedback Network (FBNet) for point cloud completion, in which present features are efficiently refined by rerouting subsequent fine-grained ones. Firstly, partial inputs are fed to a Hierarchical Graph-based Network (HGNet) to generate coarse shapes. Then, we cascade several Feedback-Aware Completion (FBAC) Blocks and unfold them across time recurrently. Feedback connections between two adjacent time steps exploit fine-grained features to improve present shape generations. The main challenge of building feedback connections is the dimension mismatching between present and subsequent features. To address this, the elaborately designed point Cross Transformer exploits efficient information from feedback features via cross attention strategy and then refines present features with the enhanced feedback features. Quantitative and qualitative experiments on several datasets demonstrate the superiority of proposed FBNet compared to state-of-the-art methods on point completion task.Comment: The first two authors contributed equally to this work. The source code and model are available at https://github.com/hikvision-research/3DVision/. Accepted to ECCV 2022 as oral presentatio

    SPU-Net: Self-Supervised Point Cloud Upsampling by Coarse-to-Fine Reconstruction with Self-Projection Optimization

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    The task of point cloud upsampling aims to acquire dense and uniform point sets from sparse and irregular point sets. Although significant progress has been made with deep learning models, they require ground-truth dense point sets as the supervision information, which can only trained on synthetic paired training data and are not suitable for training under real-scanned sparse data. However, it is expensive and tedious to obtain large scale paired sparse-dense point sets for training from real scanned sparse data. To address this problem, we propose a self-supervised point cloud upsampling network, named SPU-Net, to capture the inherent upsampling patterns of points lying on the underlying object surface. Specifically, we propose a coarse-to-fine reconstruction framework, which contains two main components: point feature extraction and point feature expansion, respectively. In the point feature extraction, we integrate self-attention module with graph convolution network (GCN) to simultaneously capture context information inside and among local regions. In the point feature expansion, we introduce a hierarchically learnable folding strategy to generate the upsampled point sets with learnable 2D grids. Moreover, to further optimize the noisy points in the generated point sets, we propose a novel self-projection optimization associated with uniform and reconstruction terms, as a joint loss, to facilitate the self-supervised point cloud upsampling. We conduct various experiments on both synthetic and real-scanned datasets, and the results demonstrate that we achieve comparable performance to the state-of-the-art supervised methods

    MFM-Net: Unpaired Shape Completion Network with Multi-stage Feature Matching

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    Unpaired 3D object completion aims to predict a complete 3D shape from an incomplete input without knowing the correspondence between the complete and incomplete shapes during training. To build the correspondence between two data modalities, previous methods usually apply adversarial training to match the global shape features extracted by the encoder. However, this ignores the correspondence between multi-scaled geometric information embedded in the pyramidal hierarchy of the decoder, which makes previous methods struggle to generate high-quality complete shapes. To address this problem, we propose a novel unpaired shape completion network, named MFM-Net, using multi-stage feature matching, which decomposes the learning of geometric correspondence into multi-stages throughout the hierarchical generation process in the point cloud decoder. Specifically, MFM-Net adopts a dual path architecture to establish multiple feature matching channels in different layers of the decoder, which is then combined with the adversarial learning to merge the distribution of features from complete and incomplete modalities. In addition, a refinement is applied to enhance the details. As a result, MFM-Net makes use of a more comprehensive understanding to establish the geometric correspondence between complete and incomplete shapes in a local-to-global perspective, which enables more detailed geometric inference for generating high-quality complete shapes. We conduct comprehensive experiments on several datasets, and the results show that our method outperforms previous methods of unpaired point cloud completion with a large margin

    L2G Auto-encoder: Understanding Point Clouds by Local-to-Global Reconstruction with Hierarchical Self-Attention

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    Auto-encoder is an important architecture to understand point clouds in an encoding and decoding procedure of self reconstruction. Current auto-encoder mainly focuses on the learning of global structure by global shape reconstruction, while ignoring the learning of local structures. To resolve this issue, we propose Local-to-Global auto-encoder (L2G-AE) to simultaneously learn the local and global structure of point clouds by local to global reconstruction. Specifically, L2G-AE employs an encoder to encode the geometry information of multiple scales in a local region at the same time. In addition, we introduce a novel hierarchical self-attention mechanism to highlight the important points, scales and regions at different levels in the information aggregation of the encoder. Simultaneously, L2G-AE employs a recurrent neural network (RNN) as decoder to reconstruct a sequence of scales in a local region, based on which the global point cloud is incrementally reconstructed. Our outperforming results in shape classification, retrieval and upsampling show that L2G-AE can understand point clouds better than state-of-the-art methods

    CasFusionNet: A Cascaded Network for Point Cloud Semantic Scene Completion by Dense Feature Fusion

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    Semantic scene completion (SSC) aims to complete a partial 3D scene and predict its semantics simultaneously. Most existing works adopt the voxel representations, thus suffering from the growth of memory and computation cost as the voxel resolution increases. Though a few works attempt to solve SSC from the perspective of 3D point clouds, they have not fully exploited the correlation and complementarity between the two tasks of scene completion and semantic segmentation. In our work, we present CasFusionNet, a novel cascaded network for point cloud semantic scene completion by dense feature fusion. Specifically, we design (i) a global completion module (GCM) to produce an upsampled and completed but coarse point set, (ii) a semantic segmentation module (SSM) to predict the per-point semantic labels of the completed points generated by GCM, and (iii) a local refinement module (LRM) to further refine the coarse completed points and the associated labels from a local perspective. We organize the above three modules via dense feature fusion in each level, and cascade a total of four levels, where we also employ feature fusion between each level for sufficient information usage. Both quantitative and qualitative results on our compiled two point-based datasets validate the effectiveness and superiority of our CasFusionNet compared to state-of-the-art methods in terms of both scene completion and semantic segmentation. The codes and datasets are available at: https://github.com/JinfengX/CasFusionNet

    Shape Completion with Points in the Shadow

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    Single-view point cloud completion aims to recover the full geometry of an object based on only limited observation, which is extremely hard due to the data sparsity and occlusion. The core challenge is to generate plausible geometries to fill the unobserved part of the object based on a partial scan, which is under-constrained and suffers from a huge solution space. Inspired by the classic shadow volume technique in computer graphics, we propose a new method to reduce the solution space effectively. Our method considers the camera a light source that casts rays toward the object. Such light rays build a reasonably constrained but sufficiently expressive basis for completion. The completion process is then formulated as a point displacement optimization problem. Points are initialized at the partial scan and then moved to their goal locations with two types of movements for each point: directional movements along the light rays and constrained local movement for shape refinement. We design neural networks to predict the ideal point movements to get the completion results. We demonstrate that our method is accurate, robust, and generalizable through exhaustive evaluation and comparison. Moreover, it outperforms state-of-the-art methods qualitatively and quantitatively on MVP datasets.Comment: SIGGRAPH Aisa 2022 Conference Pape

    SVDFormer: Complementing Point Cloud via Self-view Augmentation and Self-structure Dual-generator

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    In this paper, we propose a novel network, SVDFormer, to tackle two specific challenges in point cloud completion: understanding faithful global shapes from incomplete point clouds and generating high-accuracy local structures. Current methods either perceive shape patterns using only 3D coordinates or import extra images with well-calibrated intrinsic parameters to guide the geometry estimation of the missing parts. However, these approaches do not always fully leverage the cross-modal self-structures available for accurate and high-quality point cloud completion. To this end, we first design a Self-view Fusion Network that leverages multiple-view depth image information to observe incomplete self-shape and generate a compact global shape. To reveal highly detailed structures, we then introduce a refinement module, called Self-structure Dual-generator, in which we incorporate learned shape priors and geometric self-similarities for producing new points. By perceiving the incompleteness of each point, the dual-path design disentangles refinement strategies conditioned on the structural type of each point. SVDFormer absorbs the wisdom of self-structures, avoiding any additional paired information such as color images with precisely calibrated camera intrinsic parameters. Comprehensive experiments indicate that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance on widely-used benchmarks. Code will be available at https://github.com/czvvd/SVDFormer.Comment: Accepted by ICCV 202