1,707 research outputs found

    A novel type of Sobolev-Poincar\'e inequality for submanifolds of Euclidean space

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    For functions on generalised connected surfaces (of any dimensions) with boundary and mean curvature, we establish an oscillation estimate in which the mean curvature enters in a novel way. As application we prove an a priori estimate of the geodesic diameter of compact connected smooth immersions in terms of their boundary data and mean curvature. These results are developed in the framework of varifolds. For this purpose, we establish that the notion of indecomposability is the appropriate substitute for connectedness and that it has a strong regularising effect; we thus obtain a new natural class of varifolds to study. Finally, our development leads to a variety of questions that are of substance both in the smooth and the nonsmooth setting.Comment: 35 pages, no figure

    On reverse hypercontractivity

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    We study the notion of reverse hypercontractivity. We show that reverse hypercontractive inequalities are implied by standard hypercontractive inequalities as well as by the modified log-Sobolev inequality. Our proof is based on a new comparison lemma for Dirichlet forms and an extension of the Strook-Varapolos inequality. A consequence of our analysis is that {\em all} simple operators L=Id-\E as well as their tensors satisfy uniform reverse hypercontractive inequalities. That is, for all q<p<1q<p<1 and every positive valued function ff for tlog1q1pt \geq \log \frac{1-q}{1-p} we have etLfqfp\| e^{-tL}f\|_{q} \geq \| f\|_{p}. This should be contrasted with the case of hypercontractive inequalities for simple operators where tt is known to depend not only on pp and qq but also on the underlying space. The new reverse hypercontractive inequalities established here imply new mixing and isoperimetric results for short random walks in product spaces, for certain card-shufflings, for Glauber dynamics in high-temperatures spin systems as well as for queueing processes. The inequalities further imply a quantitative Arrow impossibility theorem for general product distributions and inverse polynomial bounds in the number of players for the non-interactive correlation distillation problem with mm-sided dice.Comment: Final revision. Incorporates referee's comments. The proof of appendix B has been corrected. A shorter version of this article will appear in GAF

    Upper bounds for the density of solutions of stochastic differential equations driven by fractional Brownian motions

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    In this paper we study upper bounds for the density of solution of stochastic differential equations driven by a fractional Brownian motion with Hurst parameter H > 1/3. We show that under some geometric conditions, in the regular case H > 1/2, the density of the solution satisfy the log-Sobolev inequality, the Gaussian concentration inequality and admits an upper Gaussian bound. In the rough case H > 1/3 and under the same geometric conditions, we show that the density of the solution is smooth and admits an upper sub-Gaussian bound

    Bounds on the negative eigenvalues of Laplacians on finite metric graphs

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    For a self--adjoint Laplace operator on a finite, not necessarily compact, metric graph lower and upper bounds on each of the negative eigenvalues are derived. For compact finite metric graphs Poincar\'{e} type inequalities are given.Comment: 17 page

    From Poincaré Inequalities to Nonlinear Matrix Concentration

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    This paper deduces exponential matrix concentration from a Poincaré inequality via a short, conceptual argument. Among other examples, this theory applies to matrix-valued functions of a uniformly log-concave random vector. The proof relies on the subadditivity of Poincaré inequalities and a chain rule inequality for the trace of the matrix Dirichlet form. It also uses a symmetrization technique to avoid difficulties associated with a direct extension of the classic scalar argument