386 research outputs found

    Soft Actuators and Robotic Devices for Rehabilitation and Assistance

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    Soft actuators and robotic devices have been increasingly applied to the field of rehabilitation and assistance, where safe human and machine interaction is of particular importance. Compared with their widely used rigid counterparts, soft actuators and robotic devices can provide a range of significant advantages; these include safe interaction, a range of complex motions, ease of fabrication and resilience to a variety of environments. In recent decades, significant effort has been invested in the development of soft rehabilitation and assistive devices for improving a range of medical treatments and quality of life. This review provides an overview of the current state-of-the-art in soft actuators and robotic devices for rehabilitation and assistance, in particular systems that achieve actuation by pneumatic and hydraulic fluid-power, electrical motors, chemical reactions and soft active materials such as dielectric elastomers, shape memory alloys, magnetoactive elastomers, liquid crystal elastomers and piezoelectric materials. Current research on soft rehabilitation and assistive devices is in its infancy, and new device designs and control strategies for improved performance and safe human-machine interaction are identified as particularly untapped areas of research. Finally, insights into future research directions are outlined

    Soft Actuators and Robotic Devices for Rehabilitation and Assistance

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    Soft actuators and robotic devices have been increasingly applied to the field of rehabilitation and assistance, where safe human and machine interaction is of particular importance. Compared with their widely used rigid counterparts, soft actuators and robotic devices can provide a range of significant advantages; these include safe interaction, a range of complex motions, ease of fabrication and resilience to a variety of environments. In recent decades, significant effort has been invested in the development of soft rehabilitation and assistive devices for improving a range of medical treatments and quality of life. This review provides an overview of the current state-of-the-art in soft actuators and robotic devices for rehabilitation and assistance, in particular systems that achieve actuation by pneumatic and hydraulic fluid-power, electrical motors, chemical reactions and soft active materials such as dielectric elastomers, shape memory alloys, magnetoactive elastomers, liquid crystal elastomers and piezoelectric materials. Current research on soft rehabilitation and assistive devices is in its infancy, and new device designs and control strategies for improved performance and safe human-machine interaction are identified as particularly untapped areas of research. Finally, insights into future research directions are outlined

    Design, Computational Modelling and Experimental Characterization of Bistable Hybrid Soft Actuators for a Controllable-Compliance Joint of an Exoskeleton Rehabilitation Robot

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    This paper presents the mechatronic design of a biorobotic joint with controllable compliance, for innovative applications of “assist-as-needed” robotic rehabilitation mediated by a wearable and soft exoskeleton. The soft actuation of robotic exoskeletons can provide some relevant advantages in terms of controllable compliance, adaptivity and intrinsic safety of the control performance of the robot during the interaction with the patient. Pneumatic Artificial Muscles (PAMs), which belong to the class of soft actuators, can be arranged in antagonistic configuration in order to exploit the variability of their mechanical compliance for the optimal adaptation of the robot performance during therapy. The coupling of an antagonistic configuration of PAMs with a regulation mechanism can achieve, under a customized control strategy, the optimal tuning of the mechanical compliance of the exoskeleton joint over full ranges of actuation pressure and joint rotation. This work presents a novel mechanism, for the optimal regulation of the compliance of the biorobotic joint, which is characterized by a soft and hybrid actuation exploiting the storage/release of the elastic energy by bistable Von Mises elastic trusses. The contribution from elastic Von Mises structure can improve both the mechanical response of the soft pneumatic bellows actuating the regulation mechanism and the intrinsic safety of the whole mechanism. A comprehensive set of design steps is presented here, including the optimization of the geometry of the pneumatic bellows, the fabrication process through 3D printing of the mechanism and some experimental tests devoted to the characterization of the hybrid soft actuation. The experimental tests replicated the main operating conditions of the regulation mechanism; the advantages arising from the bistable hybrid soft actuation were evaluated in terms of static and dynamic performance, e.g., pressure and force transition thresholds of the bistable mechanism, linearity and hysteresis of the actuator response

    Design and Fabrication of Soft 3D Printed Actuators: Expanding Soft Robotics Applications

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    Soft pneumatic actuators are ideal for soft robotic applications due to their innate compliance and high power-weight ratios. Presently, the majority of soft pneumatic actuators are used to create bending motions, with very few able to produce significant linear movements. Fewer can actively produce strains in multiple directions. The further development of these actuators is limited by their fabrication methods, specifically the lack of suitable stretchable materials for 3D printing. In this thesis, a new highly elastic resin for digital light projection 3D printers, designated ElastAMBER, is developed and evaluated, which shows improvements over previously synthesised elastic resins. It is prepared from a di-functional polyether urethane acrylate oligomer and a blend of two different diluent monomers. ElastAMBER exhibits a viscosity of 1000 mPa.s at 40 °C, allowing easy printing at near room temperatures. The 3D-printed components present an elastomeric behaviour with a maximum extension ratio of 4.02 ± 0.06, an ultimate tensile strength of (1.23 ± 0.09) MPa, low hysteresis, and negligible viscoelastic relaxation

    Design, Modeling, and Control Strategies for Soft Robots

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    Design and Validation of a MR-compatible Pneumatic Manipulandum

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    The combination of functional MR imaging and novel robotic tools may provide unique opportunities to probe the neural systems underlying motor control and learning. Here, we describe the design and validation of a MR-compatible, 1 degree-of-freedom pneumatic manipulandum along with experiments demonstrating its safety and efficacy. We first validated the robot\u27s ability to apply computer-controlled loads about the wrist, demonstrating that it possesses sufficient bandwidth to simulate torsional spring-like loads during point-to-point flexion movements. Next, we verified the MR-compatibility of the device by imaging a head phantom during robot operation. We observed no systematic differences in two measures of MRI signal quality (signal/noise and field homogeneity) when the robot was introduced into the scanner environment. Likewise, measurements of joint angle and actuator pressure were not adversely affected by scanning. Finally, we verified device efficacy by scanning 20 healthy human subjects performing rapid wrist flexions against a wide range of spring-like loads. We observed a linear relationship between joint torque at peak movement extent and perturbation magnitude, thus demonstrating the robot\u27s ability to simulate spring-like loads in situ. fMRI revealed task-related activation in regions known to contribute to the control of movement including the left primary sensorimotor cortex and right cerebellum

    Soft Gloves: A Review on Recent Developments in Actuation, Sensing, Control and Applications

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    Interest in soft gloves, both robotic and haptic, has enormously grown over the past decade, due to their inherent compliance, which makes them particularly suitable for direct interaction with the human hand. Robotic soft gloves have been developed for hand rehabilitation, for ADLs assistance, or sometimes for both. Haptic soft gloves may be applied in virtual reality (VR) applications or to give sensory feedback in combination with prostheses or to control robots. This paper presents an updated review of the state of the art of soft gloves, with a particular focus on actuation, sensing, and control, combined with a detailed analysis of the devices according to their application field. The review is organized on two levels: a prospective review allows the highlighting of the main trends in soft gloves development and applications, and an analytical review performs an in-depth analysis of the technical solutions developed and implemented in the revised scientific research. Additional minor evaluations integrate the analysis, such as a synthetic investigation of the main results in the clinical studies and trials referred in literature which involve soft gloves

    Design of a 3D-printed soft robotic hand with distributed tactile sensing for multi-grasp object identification

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    Tactile object identification is essential in environments where vision is occluded or when intrinsic object properties such as weight or stiffness need to be discriminated between. The robotic approach to this task has traditionally been to use rigid-bodied robots equipped with complex control schemes to explore different objects. However, whilst varying degrees of success have been demonstrated, these approaches are limited in their generalisability due to the complexity of the control schemes required to facilitate safe interactions with diverse objects. In this regard, Soft Robotics has garnered increased attention in the past decade due to the ability to exploit Morphological Computation through the agent's body to simplify the task by conforming naturally to the geometry of objects being explored. This exists as a paradigm shift in the design of robots since Soft Robotics seeks to take inspiration from biological solutions and embody adaptability in order to interact with the environment rather than relying on centralised computation. In this thesis, we formulate, simplify, and solve an object identification task using Soft Robotic principles. We design an anthropomorphic hand that has human-like range of motion and compliance in the actuation and sensing. The range of motion is validated through the Feix GRASP taxonomy and the Kapandji Thumb Opposition test. The hand is monolithically fabricated using multi-material 3D printing to enable the exploitation of different material properties within the same body and limit variability between samples. The hand's compliance facilitates adaptable grasping of a wide range of objects and features integrated distributed tactile sensing. We emulate the human approach of integrating information from multiple contacts and grasps of objects to discriminate between them. Two bespoke neural networks are designed to extract patterns from both the tactile data and the relationships between grasps to facilitate high classification accuracy
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