11 research outputs found

    Equality of P-partition generating functions

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    To every labeled poset (P,\omega), one can associate a quasisymmetric generating function for its (P,\omega)-partitions. We ask: when do two labeled posets have the same generating function? Since the special case corresponding to skew Schur function equality is still open, a complete classification of equality among (P,\omega) generating functions is likely too much to expect. Instead, we determine necessary conditions and separate sufficient conditions for two labeled posets to have equal generating functions. We conclude with a classification of all equalities for labeled posets with small numbers of linear extensions.Comment: 24 pages, 19 figures. Incorporates minor changes suggested by the referees. To appear in Annals of Combinatoric

    A self paired Hopf algebra on double posets and a Littlewood Richardson rule

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    Let D be the set of isomorphism types of finite double partially ordered sets, that is sets endowed with two partial orders. On ZD we define a product and a coproduct, together with an internal product, that is, degree-preserving. With these operations ZD is a Hopf algebra. We define a symmetric bilinear form on this Hopf algebra: it counts the number of pictures (in the sense of Zelevinsky) between two double posets. This form is a Hopf pairing, which means that product and coproduct are adjoint each to another. The product and coproduct correspond respectively to disjoint union of posets and to a natural decomposition of a poset into order ideals. Restricting to special double posets (meaning that the second order is total), we obtain a notion equivalent to Stanley's labelled posets, and a Hopf subalgebra already considered by Blessenohl and Schocker. The mapping which maps each double poset onto the sum of the linear extensions of its first order, identified via its second (total) order with permutations, is a Hopf algebra homomorphism, which is isometric and preserves the internal product, onto the Hopf algebra of permutations, previously considered by the two authors. Finally, the scalar product between any special double poset and double posets naturally associated to integer partitions is described by an extension of the Littlewood–Richardson rule

    The Hopf algebra of finite topologies and T-partitions

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    A noncommutative and noncocommutative Hopf algebra on finite topologies H_T is introduced and studied (freeness, cofreeness, self-duality...). Generalizing Stanley's definition of P-partitions associated to a special poset, we define the notion of T-partitions associated to a finite topology, and deduce a Hopf algebra morphism from H_T to the Hopf algebra of packed words WQSym. Generalizing Stanley's decomposition by linear extensions, we deduce a factorization of this morphism, which induces a combinatorial isomorphism from the shuffle product to the quasi-shuffle product of WQSym. It is strongly related to a partial order on packed words, here described and studied.Comment: 33 pages. Second version, a few typos correcte

    Equality of P-partition Generating Functions

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    To every partially ordered set (poset), one can associate a generating function, known as the P-partition generating function. We find necessary conditions and sufficient conditions for two posets to have the same P-partition generating function. We define the notion of a jump sequence for a labeled poset and show that having equal jumpsequences is a necessary condition for generating function equality. We also develop multiple ways of modifying posets that preserve generating function equality. Finally, we are able to give a complete classification of equalities among partially ordered setswith exactly two linear extensions

    Positivity among P-partition generating functions

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    We seek simple conditions on a pair of labeled posets that determine when the difference of their (P,ω)(P,\omega)-partition enumerators is FF-positive, i.e., positive in Gessel's fundamental basis. This is a quasisymmetric analogue of the extensively studied problem of finding conditions on a pair of skew shapes that determine when the difference of their skew Schur functions is Schur-positive. We determine necessary conditions and separate sufficient conditions for FF-positivity, and show that a broad operation for combining posets preserves positivity properties. We conclude with classes of posets for which we have conditions that are both necessary and sufficient.Comment: 30 pages, 18 figures. Annals of Combinatorics, to appea

    Plethysm and conjugation of quasi-symmetric functions

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    Let F-C denote the basic quasi-symmetric functions, in Gessel's notation (1984) (C any composition). The plethysm s(lambda) circle F-C is a positive linear combination of functions F-D. Under certain conditions, the image under the involution omega of a quasi-symmetric function defined by equalities and inequalities of the variables is obtained by negating the inequalities. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved