5 research outputs found

    Nova abordagem para o ensino da robótica baseada na modificação do RoboSapien

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    O ensino da robótica no ensino superior integra diversos conhecimentos adquiridos durante os cursos que apresentam esta área específica nos seus conteúdos programáticos. Estes conhecimentos prendem-se fundamentalmente com conceitos mecânicos e eléctricos/ electrónicos. Adicionalmente, a experiência prática destes conceitos é parte importante do ensino na engenharia. Porém, a sua aplicação requer variados recursos laboratoriais por vezes reduzidos. Com o intuito de ultrapassar esta dificuldade, e atingir os objectivos pretendidos, com a apreensão de conhecimentos na área da robótica, é apresentada uma abordagem para o seu ensino baseada na modificação do robot RoboSapien. Para o propósito em causa, esta abordagem mostrou-se uma valiosa ferramenta de ensino, permitindo o reforço de vários conceitos chave relacionados com a integração de conhecimentos de cinemática, de dinâmica, de controlo de sistemas, de sistemas embutidos, de aquisição de dados e de microprocessadores. Adicionalmente, esta abordagem para o ensino da robótica apresentou-se como um desafio motivante e estimulante para os estudantes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A Formalization of the Coach Problem

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    Coordination is an important aspect of multi-agent teamwork. In the context of robot soccer in the RoboCup Standard Platform League, our focus is on the coach as an external observer of the team, aiming to provide his teammates with effective tactical advice during matches. The coach problem can be approached from different angles: in order to adapt the behaviour of his teammates, he should at first be able to perform plan recognition on their observable actions. Furthermore, in providing them with appropriate advice, he should still adhere to the norms and regulations of the match to prevent penalties for his team. Also, when teammates' profiles and attributes are unknown or the system is only partially observable, coordination should be more 'ad hoc' to ensure robustness of the Multi-Agent System (MAS). In this work, we present a formalization of the problem of designing a coach in robot soccer, employing a temporal deontic logical framework. The framework is based on agent organizations[10], in which social coordination and norms play an important part

    Dynamic Bat-Control of a Redundant Ball Playing Robot

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    This thesis shows a control algorithm for coping with a ball batting task for an entertainment robot. The robot is a three jointed robot with a redundant degree of freedom and its name is Doggy . Doggy because of its dog-like costume. Design, mechanics and electronics were developed by us. DC-motors control the tooth belt driven joints, resulting in elasticities between the motor and link. Redundancy and elasticity have to be taken into account by our developed controller and are demanding control tasks. In this thesis we show the structure of the ball playing robot and how this structure can be described as a model. We distinguish two models: One model that includes a flexible bearing, the other does not. Both models are calibrated using the toolkit Sparse Least Squares on Manifolds (SLOM) - i.e. the parameters for the model are determined. Both calibrated models are compared to measurements of the real system. The model with the flexible bearing is used to implement a state estimator - based on a Kalman filter - on a microcontroller. This ensures real time estimation of the robot states. The estimated states are also compared with the measurements and are assessed. The estimated states represent the measurements well. In the core of this work we develop a Task Level Optimal Controller (TLOC), a model-predictive optimal controller based on the principles of a Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR). We aim to play a ball back to an opponent precisely. We show how this task of playing a ball at a desired time with a desired velocity at a desired position can be embedded into the LQR principle. We use cost functions for the task description. In simulations, we show the functionality of the control concept, which consists of a linear part (on a microcontroller) and a nonlinear part (PC software). The linear part uses feedback gains which are calculated by the nonlinear part. The concept of the ball batting controller with precalculated feedback gains is evaluated on the robot. This shows successful batting motions. The entertainment aspect has been tested on the Open Campus Day at the University of Bremen and is summarized here shortly. Likewise, a jointly developed audience interaction by recognition of distinctive sounds is summarized herein. In this thesis we answer the question, if it is possible to define a rebound task for our robot within a controller and show the necessary steps for this

    Playing soccer with RoboSapien

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    { behnke jmuller schreibe} @ informatik.uni-freiburg.de Abstract. Due to limited availability of humanoid robots and the high costs involved, multi-agent experiments with humanoid robots have been at least difficult so far. With the introduction of RoboSapien, a low-cost humanoid robot developed for the toy market, this situation has changed. This paper describes how we augmented multiple RoboSapiens to obtain a team of soccer playing humanoid robots. We added a Pocket PC and a color camera to the robot base to make it autonomous. For a team of these augmented RoboSapiens, we implemented computer vision and self localization. We designed basic soccer skills, such as approaching the ball, dribbling the ball towards the goal, and defending the goal. We set up a soccer field and played test games in our lab to evaluate the system. The paper reports experiences made during these soccer matches as well as results on a scoring task. We also tested this system at RoboCup German Open 2005, where we played soccer matches against the Brainstormers Osnabrück, who also used augmented RoboSapiens.