6,145 research outputs found

    A platoon based model for urban traffic networks: identification, modeling and distributed control

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    Urban traffic control poses a challenging problem in terms of coordinating the different traffic lights that can be used in order to influence the traffic flow. The goal of this approach is to identify and to develop hybrid system models of controlled and uncontrolled intersections and links in urban traffic networks based on formation of platoons. The other purpose is to develop a feedback control algorithm that optimizes the signal timing plan based on the strategy of platoons formation estimated via the vehicle re-identification technology

    Particle filter for platoon based models of urban traffic

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    This paper proposes a particle filter (PF) state estimator, using a platoon based model for urban traffic networks. The urban traffic network model consists of signalized intersections (representing queues of vehicles competing for service) connected to each other through links with predefined receiving capacities and stochastic delays. Sensors detect the passage of vehicles at the sensor locations. The algorithm is flexible and robust and can be used in real-time applications such as on-line control of switching times of traffic lights

    COOR-PLT: A hierarchical control model for coordinating adaptive platoons of connected and autonomous vehicles at signal-free intersections based on deep reinforcement learning

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    Platooning and coordination are two implementation strategies that are frequently proposed for traffic control of connected and autonomous vehicles (CAVs) at signal-free intersections instead of using conventional traffic signals. However, few studies have attempted to integrate both strategies to better facilitate the CAV control at signal-free intersections. To this end, this study proposes a hierarchical control model, named COOR-PLT, to coordinate adaptive CAV platoons at a signal-free intersection based on deep reinforcement learning (DRL). COOR-PLT has a two-layer framework. The first layer uses a centralized control strategy to form adaptive platoons. The optimal size of each platoon is determined by considering multiple objectives (i.e., efficiency, fairness and energy saving). The second layer employs a decentralized control strategy to coordinate multiple platoons passing through the intersection. Each platoon is labeled with coordinated status or independent status, upon which its passing priority is determined. As an efficient DRL algorithm, Deep Q-network (DQN) is adopted to determine platoon sizes and passing priorities respectively in the two layers. The model is validated and examined on the simulator Simulation of Urban Mobility (SUMO). The simulation results demonstrate that the model is able to: (1) achieve satisfactory convergence performances; (2) adaptively determine platoon size in response to varying traffic conditions; and (3) completely avoid deadlocks at the intersection. By comparison with other control methods, the model manifests its superiority of adopting adaptive platooning and DRL-based coordination strategies. Also, the model outperforms several state-of-the-art methods on reducing travel time and fuel consumption in different traffic conditions.Comment: This paper has been submitted to Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies and is currently under revie

    Platooning of Car-like Vehicles in Urban Environments: An Observer-based Approach Considering Actuator Dynamics and Time delays

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    International audienceIn this paper, a distributed observer-based approach is proposed to control the longitudinal motion of car-like vehicle platoon moving in an urban environment. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work presenting an observer-based platoon controller that combines the advantages of high traffic capacity and a minimum number of communication links. To achieve a high traffic flow, a constant-spacing policy is used. However, for that policy, to make platoon string stable, the leader information must be broadcast to all the vehicles. Therefore, we propose a control law in which the predecessor position information is acquired by a sensor-based link while a communication-based link is used to obtain the leader information. Then, an observer is designed and integrated into the control law such that the velocity information of the predecessor can be estimated without the need to communicate with the preceding vehicle. For navigation in urban environments, we present a third order platoon model represented in the curvilinear coordinates. Conditions for asymptotic stability and string stability are given considering the vehicle actuator dynamics and the induced network/sensor time delay. Finally, we provide both simulation and real-time results to validate our approach feasibility and to corroborate our theoretical findings. Index Terms-platoon in urban environments, curvilinear coordinates , observer-based longitudinal control, limited communication , high traffic flow

    Particle filter state estimator for large urban networks

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    This paper applies a particle filter (PF) state estimator to urban traffic networks. The traffic network consists of signalized intersections, the roads that link these intersections, and sensors that detect the passage time of vehicles. The traffic state X(t) specifies at each time time t the state of the traffic lights, the queue sizes at the intersections, and the location and size of all the platoons of vehicles inside the system. The basic entity of our model is a platoon of vehicles that travel close together at approximately the same speed. This leads to a discrete event simulation model that is much faster than microscopic models representing individual vehicles. Hence it is possible to execute many random simulation runs in parallel. A particle filter (PF) assigns weights to each of these simulation runs, according to how well they explain the observed sensor signals. The PF thus generates estimates at each time t of the location of the platoons, and more importantly the queue size at each intersection. These estimates can be used for controlling the optimal switching times of the traffic light

    Arterial traffic signal optimization: a person-based approach

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    This paper presents a traffic responsive signal control system that optimizes signal settings based on minimization of person delay on arterials. The system's underlying mixed integer linear program minimizes person delay by explicitly accounting for the passenger occupancy of autos and transit vehicles. This way it can provide signal priority to transit vehicles in an efficient way even when they travel in conflicting directions. Furthermore, it recognizes the importance of schedule adherence for reliable transit operations and accounts for it by assigning an additional weighting factor on transit delays. This introduces another criterion for resolving the issue of assigning priority to conflicting transit routes. At the same time, the system maintains auto vehicle progression by introducing the appropriate delays for when interruptions of platoons occur. In addition to the fact that it utilizes readily available technologies to obtain the input for the optimization, the system's feasibility in real-world settings is enhanced by its low computation time. The proposed signal control system was tested on a segment of San Pablo Avenue arterial located in Berkeley, California. The findings have shown the system's capability to outperform static optimal signal settings and have demonstrated its success in reducing person delay for bus and in some cases even auto users
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