4 research outputs found

    Bounded approximations for linear multi-objective planning under uncertainty.

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    Abstract Planning under uncertainty poses a complex problem in which multiple objectives often need to be balanced. When dealing with multiple objectives, it is often assumed that the relative importance of the objectives is known a priori. However, in practice human decision makers often find it hard to specify such preferences exactly, and would prefer a decision support system that presents a range of possible alternatives. We propose two algorithms for computing these alternatives for the case of linearly weighted objectives. First, we propose an anytime method, approximate optimistic linear support (AOLS), that incrementally builds up a complete set of -optimal plans, exploiting the piecewise-linear and convex shape of the value function. Second, we propose an approximate anytime method, scalarised sample incremental improvement (SSII), that employs weight sampling to focus on the most interesting regions in weight space, as suggested by a prior over preferences. We show empirically that our methods are able to produce (near-)optimal alternative sets orders of magnitude faster than existing techniques, thereby demonstrating that our methods provide sensible approximations in stochastic multi-objective domains

    Efficient approaches for multi-agent planning

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    Multi-agent planning (MAP) deals with planning systems that reason on long-term goals by multiple collaborative agents which want to maintain privacy on their knowledge. Recently, new MAP techniques have been devised to provide efficient solutions. Most approaches expand distributed searches using modified planners, where agents exchange public information. They present two drawbacks: they are planner-dependent; and incur a high communication cost. Instead, we present two algorithms whose search processes are monolithic (no communication while individual planning) and MAP tasks are compiled such that they are planner-independent (no programming effort needed when replacing the base planner). Our two approaches first assign each public goal to a subset of agents. In the first distributed approach, agents iteratively solve problems by receiving plans, goals and states from previous agents. After generating new plans by reusing previous agents' plans, they share the new plans and some obfuscated private information with the following agents. In the second centralized approach, agents generate an obfuscated version of their problems to protect privacy and then submit it to an agent that performs centralized planning. The resulting approaches are efficient, outperforming other state-of-the-art approaches.This work has been partially supported by MICINN projects TIN2008-06701-C03-03, TIN2011-27652-C03-02 and TIN2014-55637-C2-1-R

    Planning under Uncertainty for Coordinating Infrastructural Maintenance

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    We address efficient planning of maintenance activities in infrastructural networks, inspired by the real-world problem of servicing a highway network. A road authority is responsible for the quality, throughput and maintenance costs of the network, while the actual maintenance is performed by autonomous, third-party contractors. From a (multi-agent) planning and scheduling perspective, many interesting challenges can be identified. First, planned maintenance activities might have an uncertain duration due to unexpected delays. Second, since maintenance activities influence the traffic flow in the network, careful coordination of the planned activities is required in order to minimise their impact on the network throughput. Third, as we are dealing with selfish agents in a private-values setting, the road authority faces an incentive-design problem to truthfully elicit agent costs, complicated by the fact that it needs to balance multiple objectives. The main contributions of this work are: 1) multi-agent coordination on a network level through a novel combination of planning under uncertainty and dynamic mechanism design, applied to real-world problems, 2) accurate modelling and solving of maintenance-planning problems and 3) empirical exploration of the complexities that arise in these problems. We introduce a formal model of the problem domain, present experimental insights and identify open challenges for both the planning and scheduling as well as the mechanism design communities.Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Scienc

    Planning under Uncertainty for Coordinating Infrastructural Maintenance (abstract)

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    Scheduling of infrastructural maintenance poses a complex multi-agent problem. Commonly a central authority is responsible for the quality and throughput of the infrastructure, while the actual maintenance is performed by multiple self-interested contractors. Not only does the central authority have to (economically) incentivise agents to consider quality and throughput, it is also burdened with the coordination of agents’ activities on the network with contingent activity durations. We introduce a coordination method that combines planning under uncertainty and dynamic mechanism design to coordinate agents on a network level. We apply this method on maintenance planning scenarios obtained through accurate modelling of the problem domain. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first application of dynamic mechanism design on a real-world problem. Finally, we validate the feasibility of our method through experimental evaluation and identify current open challenges for both the planning and scheduling as well as the mechanism design communities.Software Computer TechnologyElectrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Scienc