3 research outputs found

    Intelligent gripper design and application for automated part recognition and gripping

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    Intelligent gripping may be achieved through gripper design, automated part recognition, intelligent algorithm for control of the gripper, and on-line decision-making based on sensory data. A generic framework which integrates sensory data, part recognition, decision-making and gripper control to achieve intelligent gripping based on ABB industrial robot is constructed. The three-fingered gripper actuated by a linear servo actuator designed and developed in this project for precise speed and position control is capable of handling a large variety of objects. Generic algorithms for intelligent part recognition are developed. Edge vector representation is discussed. Object geometric features are extracted. Fuzzy logic is successfully utilized to enhance the intelligence of the system. The generic fuzzy logic algorithm, which may also find application in other fields, is presented. Model-based gripping planning algorithm which is capable of extracting object grasp features from its geometric features and reasoning out grasp model for objects with different geometry is proposed. Manipulator trajectory planning solves the problem of generating robot programs automatically. Object-oriented programming technique based on Visual C++ MFC is used to constitute the system software so as to ensure the compatibility, expandability and modular programming design. Hierarchical architecture for intelligent gripping is discussed, which partitions the robot’s functionalities into high-level (modeling, recognizing, planning and perception) layers, and low-level (sensing, interfacing and execute) layers. Individual system modules are integrated seamlessly to constitute the intelligent gripping system

    Grasp planning for object manipulation by an autonomous robot

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    L'évolution autonome d'un robot dans un environnement évolutif nécessite qu'il soit doté de capacités de perception, d'action et de décision suffisantes pour réaliser la tâche assignée. Une tâche essentielle en robotique est la manipulation d'objets et d'outils. Elle intervient non seulement pour un robot seul mais également dans des situations d'interaction avec un humain ou un autre robot quand il s’agit d’échanger des objets ou de les manipuler conjointement.\ud Cette thèse porte sur la planification de tâches de manipulation d'objets pour un robot autonome dans un environnement humain. Une architecture logicielle susceptible de résoudre ce type de problèmes au niveau géométrique est proposée. Généralement, une tâche de manipulation commence par une opération de saisie dont la qualité conditionne fortement la réussite de la tâche et pour laquelle nous proposons un planificateur basé sur les propriétés inertielles de l'objet et une décomposition en éléments quasi-convexes tout en prenant en compte les contraintes imposées par le système mobile complet dans un environnement donné.\ud Les résultats sont validés en simulation et sur le robot sur la base d’une extension des outils de planification développés au LAAS-CNRS. Le modèle géométrique 3D de l’objet peut être connu a priori ou bien acquis en ligne. Des expérimentations menées sur un robot manipulateur mobile équipé d'une pince à trois points de contacts, de capteurs de force et d'une paire de caméras stéréoscopiques ont montré la validité de l'approche.\ud The autonomous robot performance in a dynamic environment requires advanced perception, action and decision capabilities. Interaction with the environment plays a key role for a robot and it is well illustrated in object and/or tool manipulation. Interaction with humans or others robots can consist in object exchanges.\ud This thesis deals with object manipulation planning by an autonomous robot in human environments. A software architecture is proposed that is capable to solve such problems at the geometrical level. In general, a manipulation task starts by a grasp operation which quality influences strongly the success of the overall task. We propose a planner based on object inertial properties and an approximate convex decomposition. The whole mobile system taken into account in the planning process.\ud The planner has been completely implemented as an extension of the planning tools developed at LAAS-CNRS. Its results have been tested in simulation and on a robotic platform. Object models may be known a priori or acquired on-line. Experiments have been carried out with a mobile manipulator equipped with a three fingers gripper, a wrist force sensor and a stereo camera system in order to validate the approach.\ud \ud \u