35,240 research outputs found

    SmartPM: automatic adaptation of dynamic processes at run-time

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    The research activity outlined in this thesis is devoted to define a general approach, a concrete architecture and a prototype Process Management System (PMS) for the automated adaptation of dynamic processes at run-time, on the basis of a declarative specification of process tasks and relying on well-established reasoning about actions and planning techniques. The purpose is to demonstrate that the combination of procedural and imperative models with declarative elements, along with the exploitation of techniques from the field of artificial intelligence (AI), such as Situation Calculus, IndiGolog and automated planning, can increase the ability of existing PMSs of supporting dynamic processes. To this end, a prototype PMS named SmartPM, which is specifically tailored for supporting collaborative work of process participants during pervasive scenarios, has been developed. The adaptation mechanism deployed on SmartPM is based on execution monitoring for detecting failures at run-time, which does not require the definition of the adaptation strategy in the process itself (as most of the current approaches do), and on automatic planning techniques for the synthesis of the recovery procedure

    Towards The Integration of Model Predictive Control into an AI Planning Framework

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    This paper describes a framework for a hybrid algorithm that combines both AI Planning and Model Predictive Control approaches to reason with processes and events within a domain. This effectively utilises the strengths of search-based and model-simulation-based methods. We explore this control approach and show how it can be embedded into existing, modern AI Planning technology. This preserves the many advantages of the AI Planning approach, to do with domain independence through declarative modelling, and explicit reasoning, while leveraging the capability of MPC to deal with continuous processes computation within such domains. The developed technique is tested on an urban traffic control application and the results demonstrate the potential in utilising MPC as a heuristic to guide planning search

    VERTO: a visual notation for declarative process models

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    Declarative approaches to business process modeling allow to represent loosely-structured (declarative) processes in flexible scenarios as a set of constraints on the allowed flow of activities. However, current graphical notations for declarative processes are difficult to interpret. As a consequence, this has affected widespread usage of such notations, by increasing the dependency on experts to understand their semantics. In this paper, we tackle this issue by introducing a novel visual declarative notation targeted to a more understandable modeling of declarative processes

    OptBPPlanner: Automatic Generation of Optimized Business Process Enactment Plans

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    Unlike imperative models, the specifi cation of business process (BP) properties in a declarative way allows the user to specify what has to be done instead of having to specify how it has to be done, thereby facilitating the human work involved, avoiding failures, and obtaining a better optimization. Frequently, there are several enactment plans related to a specifi c declarative model, each one presenting specifi c values for different objective functions, e.g., overall completion time. As a major contribution of this work, we propose a method for the automatic generation of optimized BP enactment plans from declarative specifi cations. The proposed method is based on a constraint-based approach for planning and scheduling the BP activities. These optimized plans can then be used for different purposes like simulation, time prediction, recommendations, and generation of optimized BP models. Moreover, a tool-supported method, called OptBPPlanner, has been implemented to demonstrate the feasibility of our approach. Furthermore, the proposed method is validated through a range of test models of varying complexity.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2009-1371

    Supporting the Optimized Execution of Business Processes through Recommendations

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    In order to be able to flexibly adjust a company’s business processes (BPs) there is an increasing interest in flexible Process-Aware Information Systems (PAISs). This increasing flexibility, however, typically implies decreased user guidance by the PAIS and thus poses additional challenges to its users. This work proposes a recommendation system which assists users during process execution to optimize performance goals of the processes. The recommendation system is based on a constraint-based approach for planning and scheduling the BP activities and considers both the control-flow and the resource perspective.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2009-1371

    Optimized Time Management for Declarative Workflows

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    Declarative process models are increasingly used since they fit better with the nature of flexible process-aware information systems and the requirements of the stakeholders involved. When managing business processes, in addition, support for representing time and reasoning about it becomes crucial. Given a declarative process model, users may choose among different ways to execute it, i.e., there exist numerous possible enactment plans, each one presenting specific values for the given objective functions (e.g., overall completion time). This paper suggests a method for generating optimized enactment plans (e.g., plans minimizing overall completion time) from declarative process models with explicit temporal constraints. The latter covers a number of well-known workflow time patterns. The generated plans can be used for different purposes like providing personal schedules to users, facilitating early detection of critical situations, or predicting execution times for process activities. The proposed approach is applied to a range of test models of varying complexity. Although the optimization of process execution is a highly constrained problem, results indicate that our approach produces a satisfactory number of suitable solutions, i.e., solutions optimal in many cases

    Instructional strategies and tactics for the design of introductory computer programming courses in high school

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    This article offers an examination of instructional strategies and tactics for the design of introductory computer programming courses in high school. We distinguish the Expert, Spiral and Reading approach as groups of instructional strategies that mainly differ in their general design plan to control students' processing load. In order, they emphasize topdown program design, incremental learning, and program modification and amplification. In contrast, tactics are specific design plans that prescribe methods to reach desired learning outcomes under given circumstances. Based on ACT* (Anderson, 1983) and relevant research, we distinguish between declarative and procedural instruction and present six tactics which can be used both to design courses and to evaluate strategies. Three tactics for declarative instruction involve concrete computer models, programming plans and design diagrams; three tactics for procedural instruction involve worked-out examples, practice of basic cognitive skills and task variation. In our evaluation of groups of instructional strategies, the Reading approach has been found to be superior to the Expert and Spiral approaches
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