448,743 research outputs found

    Towards the integration of enterprise software: The business manufacturing intelligence

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    Nowadays, the Information Communication Technology has pervaded literally the companies. In the company circulates an huge amount of information but too much information doesn’t provide any added value. The overload of information exceeds individual processing capacity and slowdowns decision making operations. We must transform the enormous quantity of information in useful knowledge taking in consideration that information becomes obsolete quickly in condition of dynamic market. Companies process this information by specific software for managing, efficiently and effectively, the business processes. In this paper we analyse the myriad of acronyms of software that is used in enterprises with the changes that occurred over the time, from production to decision making until to convergence in an intelligent modular enterprise software, that we named Business Manufacturing Intelligence (BMI), that will manage and support the enterprise in the futurebusiness manufacturing intelligence, enterprise resource planning; business intelligence; management software; automation software; decision making software

    Transforming Lives: An Evaluation of CRS Integrated Watershed Management Programs in Ethiopia

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    This is an evaluation of Catholic Relief Services' (CRS) Integrated Watershed Management (IWM) activities in Ethiopia. WASH was integral to these projects, though it was not the only focus. The six major components of the IWM projects were natural resource management; agricultural support and agro-enterprise development; multiple uses of water; sanitation, hygiene and health education and disease prevention; savings and internal lending communities and income generation activities; and gender and partnership arrangements. The evaluation finds that the program made significant positive changes in the lives and livelihoods of rural households. However, budgeting, beneficiary targeting, and planning for sustainability and phase-out could have been improved

    Osoblyvosti planuvannia innovatsiinoho rozvytku pidpryiemstva

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    Машинобудівне підприємство є динамічною системою, воно постійно та безперервно змінюється, проходить певні етапи у своєму розвитку. Відповідно змінюються і всі його складові: керуюча і керована системи, технологія, техніка, професійний, кваліфікаційний та віковий склад працівників, організаційні структури управління, цілі, продукція. Будь-які зміни вимагають ефективної системи планування та формування стратегії розвитку із застосуванням сучасних методів прийняття управлінських рішень, планування інноваційного розвитку та впровадження організаційних змін, які здатні забезпечити ефективне функціонування підприємства та його стабільний розвиток в перспективі. В статті здійснено дослідження особливостей процесу планування інноваційного розвитку залежно від етапів його життєвого циклу та наголошено на необхідності підвищення ефективності інформаційного забезпечення планування інноваційного розвитку. Виокремлено основні складові інформаційного забезпечення планування інноваційного розвитку машинобудівного підприємства та етапи процесу планування інноваційного розвитку. За результатами проведеного дослідження систематизовано особливості планування інноваційного розвитку вітчизняних підприємств.Машиностроительное предприятие является динамичной системой, оно постоянно и непрерывно меняется, проходит определенные этапы в своем развитии. Соответственно меняются и все его составляющие: управляющая и управляемая системы, технология, техника, профессиональный, квалификационный и возрастной состав сотрудников, организационные структуры управления, цели, продукция. Любые изменения требуют эффективной системы планирования и формирования стратегии развития с применением современных методов принятия управленческих решений, планирования инновационного развития и внедрения организационных изменений, которые способны обеспечить эффективное функционирование предприятия и его стабильное развитие в перспективе. В статье проведено исследование особенностей процесса планирования инновационного развития в зависимости от этапов его жизненного цикла и отмечена необходимость повышения эффективности информационного обеспечения планирования инновационного развития. Выделены основные составляющие информационного обеспечения планирования инновационного развития машиностроительного предприятия и этапы процесса планирования инновационного развития. По результатам проведенного исследования систематизированы особенности планирования инновационного развития отечественных предприятий.Any mechanical-engineering enterprise develops and changes continuously and continually, as well as passes throughout certain stages in its development. The enterprises may experience different changes concerning management levels, organizational structure, new policies, new targets, enterprise’s workforce, and goods. Any changes require an effective planning techniques and innovative development strategy using modern methods of making managerial decisions, innovative development planning and implementing organizational changes which can ensure an increase in enterprise performance and its sustainable development in the long term. The article studies the characteristic features of the innovative development planning depending on the business life cycle and emphasizes on the need to increase the effectiveness of information support for innovative development planning. The main components of the information support for innovative development planning of the mechanical-engineering enterprise and the characteristic steps in innovative development planning have been described. The peculiarities of innovative development planning at the domestic enterprises have been singled out and systematized.The authors received no direct funding for this research

    Supporting Collaborative Communication in a Multi-layer Meta-process Model for Evolutionary Shared Workflows

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    A key planning activity within a Virtual Enterprise (VE) is to establish agreed inter-organizational processes. This activity, or meta-process, has to allow for gradual evolution of the VE processes and for a multi layer development from informal business agreements to precise workflows. To support this meta-process, a collaborative electronic whiteboard supported by a tuplespace is proposed. The whiteboard supports a mixed graphical and text interface, with support for keeping track of the changes made. The participating organizations upload workflow definitions from their own IT systems into the tuplespace. Workflows are then discussed, modified and evolved before being downloaded again and mapped to the partners’ individual systems


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    PT. Industri Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Persero) or PT. INTI (Persero) is a state-owned enterprise that has been engaged in telecommunication industry for more than 35 years. Having some business lines, last time PT. INTI (Persero) is focusing on the engineering solution. But recently, the enterprise changes its business focus to be the manufacturing business, to increase the enterprise’s sales and profit. This target is set as the long-term plan of the enterprise. Thus, the support of information system and technology and its alignment with the manufacturing business are needed for the business improvement. Enterprise Architecture or EA has been so useful for the enterprise in order to have the alignment between business and information system and technology. These architectures include the business, data, information, and technology architecture. In this research, The Open Group Architecture Framework’s Architecture Development Method (TOGAF ADM) is used. This framework includes the guidance of the overall process in designing architectures, with a cycle-based method and some phases. This research consists of 6 phases of TOGAF ADM (from Preliminary Phase until the Opportunities and Solutions Phase), and the study is about the Product Development Division and Production and Operation Division in PT. INTI. The design of both baseline and target architecture are needed in order to see the gap that can be improved. There are 3 artifacts (catalogs, diagrams, and matrices) that can support the architectures’ design. The application that is used for the design is MEGA Suite. Manufacturing Execution System (MES) is the recommendation for this research’s target architecture. This web-based application can support the data acquisition, monitoring, and performance analysis of the production operations, from raw materials to finished goods. MES has some integrated modules (material, maintenance, production, and quality) but this research is only focusing on the production module. Moreover, this system can be integrated externally with the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System that PT. INTI already has, through the enterprise-factory integration with. Hopefully, the system can help to improve the manufacturing execution process, in order to improve the manufacturing business of the enterprise. Keywords: Enterprise Architecture, Manufacturing Business, TOGAF ADM, Product Development Division, Production and Operation Division, Manufacturing Execution Syste

    Testing of OrgPlan Conversion Planning software (OF0331)

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    OrgPlan is a computer package designed to support farmers and consultants in planning a conversion to organic farming. It consists of two main elements: the basic planning module and a database with data for organic, in-conversion and conventional data. It was developed with DEFRA funding (OF 0159) by a partnership between the University of Wales, Aberystwyth, the University of Hertfordshire, Elm Farm Research Centre and SAC. The objective of this work was to obtain feedback before its general release on the suitability of OrgPlan in supporting the process of planning a conversion to organic farming. Given the risks of the organic conversion process and the sensitive nature of the financial reports that OrgPlan can generate, further testing with consultants experienced in organic conversion planning was carried out. The work was broken down in four objectives. Independent of this, OrgPlan has been used by the contractor in the context of research work, in particular the Modelling of Strategies of Organic Milk Production (OF 0146). Objective 1: Update of standard data The contractor updated the OrgPlan database with data from the 2002/03 Organic Farm Management Handbook and other sources. Objective 2: Workshops and Field testing of the software Three workshops with a total 22 consultants were held during which they were given a basic introduction to the use of OrgPlan and had a first opportunity to use the software on their own computer or appropriate workstations. OrgPlan can effectively support several aspects of a first broad brush planning of an organic conversion (rotation planning, cropping and livestock enterprises, feasibility of a proposed organic scenario in terms of financial output, nutrient and forage budgets) and can assist with more detailed financial planning of investments, leading to Profit and Loss and Cash-Flow forecasts. OrgPlan could have a wider application in whole farm planning, but this would require extending the database to cover a wider range of enterprises common on conventional farms. Key strengths identified by the consultants (not in order of importance) • Financial planning • Availability of basic enterprise data set • Rotation planning and nutrient budgets • Combination of financial and nutrient data in one package • Create different scenarios giving instant access for reassessment of options • Possibility to ‘tweak' a scenario • Library, navigation around the collection is excellent • Help topics clear and straightforward • Broad brush planning, particularly for farms planning new enterprises Key weaknesses (not in order of importance) • Limited range of enterprises in the database, particularly for horticultural crops • Problems with set-up, use of database and understanding all functions • Need for regular updates of the dataset • P and K Fertilisers routinely included in organic enterprises • Data entry in some sections is long-winded Objective 3: Essential corrections to the software and update of advisory section • A list of problems and suggestions was compiled. All essential changes will be implemented before a release of the software. Other suggestions, which entail more complicated programming work, are included in a as ideas for future development of OrgPlan. Objective 4: Final report This is the final report submitted to DEFRA. The contractor will also submit to DEFRA a concept outlining the steps to be taken for the release of the software, which is planned for autumn 2003

    Pemodelan Arsitektur Enterprise Untuk Mendukung Sistem Informasi Manajemen Menggunakan Enterprise Architecture Di Stmik Bani Saleh

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    Achievement of the purpose of an enterprise face many challenges and changes that need a strategy for effective measures and efficient resource utilization. One strategy is important and increasingly used is the utilization and increased support for enterprise information systems. The implementation of this strategy on a mission elicits information system whose fulfillment requires an integrated way in the planning, implementation and control are aligned with enterprise business strategy. Development strategy for the fulfillment of the mission of information systems starting from planning to identify information needs and the possibility of using technology innovation to increase the performance of the enterprise. This planning can take advantage of Enterprise Architecture Planning methodology that produces data architecture, application architecture, technology architecture and implementation plan for the enterprise direction. Implementation plan in the form of a sequence of application development and migration / acquisition technology platform elaborated according to aspects of the business as a key driver, organizational aspects for the determination of the role of the resources of the perpetrators of implementation, the environmental aspects of information systems and information technology to bridge the state systems of today and that will be realized , as well as aspects of the application development mempertautkan the development stage with other development stages

    Big Data And The Hobsons Choice For IT Management

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    The advent of Big Data is confronting Chief Information Officers (CIOs) with the fundamental dilemma of what role do we want Information Technology (IT) to play in building the DSS (Decision Support Systems) portfolio for the enterprise? This paper points out that the question is an existential one. For too long IT Management has concentrated on becoming the principal source of support for managers, in all functional areas and at all managerial levels, with the information they require for their control needs. At the same time, the IT function has been content to play second fiddle to domain experts, knowledge engineers, and decision modelers from outside the IT function for the same mangers needs for problem solving, planning, and decision making. Big Data, with its real-time impact on managerial control and planning needs, changes this status quo. It behooves CIOs to confront this Hobsons choice lest another C-level officer role such as Chief Analytics (or Data Science) Officer diminish the place of the IT function and the chant of does IT matter reverberate once again

    What Happens After Going Live With ERP Systems? Competence Centers Can Support Effective Institutionalization

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    The process of initiating, implementing and institutionalizing an enterprise resource planning (ERP) software package in an organization is non-trivial. Competence centers (CC) have been proposed as a means to support organizational performance during the ongoing operations and maintenance phase of the life cycle. CC can be designed to support only the technical aspects of ERP software maintenance (e.g., updating tables as the business changes), but they can also be a resource for end user education, training, and support. In addition, they can be a focus of ongoing improvements in business processes and can enable retention of organizational knowledge about the rationale for software configuration decisions, which is critical for future upgrades, migrations, and conversions. This paper describes the role a CC can play by examining the problems that one firm experienced after it “went live” with ERP. We conclude with some suggestions for future research

    A Cross-Organizational Process Mining Framework for Obtaining Insights from Software Products: Accurate Comparison Challenges

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    Software vendors offer various software products to large numbers of enterprises to support their organization, in particular Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software. Each of these enterprises use the same product for similar goals, albeit with different processes and configurations. Therefore, software vendors want to obtain insights into how the enterprises use the software product, what the differences are in usage between enterprises, and the reasons behind these differences. Cross-organizational process mining is a possible solution to address these needs, as it aims at comparing enterprises based on their usage. In this paper, we present a novel Cross-Organizational Process Mining Framework which takes as input, besides event log, semantics (meaning of terms in an enterprise) and organizational context (characteristics of an enterprise). The framework provides reasoning capabilities to determine what to compare and how. Besides, the framework enables one to create a catalog of metrics by deducing diagnostics from the usage. By using this catalog, the framework can monitor the (positive) effects of changes on processes. An enterprise operating in a similar context might also benefit from the same changes. To accommodate these improvement suggestions, the framework creates an improvement catalog of observed changes. Later, we provide a set of challenges which have to be met in order to obtain the inputs from current products to show the feasibility of the framework. Next to this, we provide preliminary results showing they can be met and illustrate an example application of the framework in cooperation with an ERP software vendor