4 research outputs found

    Retrieval of water vapor using ground-based observations from a聽prototype聽ATOMMS active centimeter- and millimeter-wavelength occultation聽instrument

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    A fundamental goal of satellite weather and climate observations is profiling the atmosphere with in situ-like precision and resolution with absolute accuracy and unbiased, all-weather, global coverage. While GPS radio occultation聽(RO) has perhaps come closest in terms of profiling the gas state from orbit, it does not provide sufficient information to simultaneously profile water vapor and temperature. We have been developing the Active Temperature, Ozone and Moisture Microwave Spectrometer聽(ATOMMS) RO system that probes the 22 and 183&thinsp;GHz water vapor absorption lines to simultaneously profile temperature and water vapor from the lower troposphere to the mesopause. Using an ATOMMS instrument prototype between two mountaintops, we have demonstrated its ability to penetrate through water vapor, clouds and rain up to optical depths of 17 (7 orders of magnitude reduction in signal power) and still isolate the vapor absorption line spectrum to retrieve water vapor with a random uncertainty of less than 1&thinsp;%. This demonstration represents a key step toward an orbiting ATOMMS system for weather, climate and constraining processes. ATOMMS water vapor retrievals from orbit will not be biased by climatological or first-guess constraints and will be capable of capturing nearly the full range of variability through the atmosphere and around the globe, in both clear and cloudy conditions, and will therefore greatly improve our understanding and analysis of water vapor. This information can be used to improve weather and climate models through constraints on and refinement of processes affecting and affected by water vapor.</p

    GEWEX water vapor assessment (G-VAP): final report

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    Este es un informe dentro del Programa para la Investigaci贸n del Clima Mundial (World Climate Research Programme, WCRP) cuya misi贸n es facilitar el an谩lisis y la predicci贸n de la variabilidad de la Tierra para proporcionar un valor a帽adido a la sociedad a nivel pr谩ctica. La WCRP tiene varios proyectos centrales, de los cuales el de Intercambio Global de Energ铆a y Agua (Global Energy and Water Exchanges, GEWEX) es uno de ellos. Este proyecto se centra en estudiar el ciclo hidrol贸gico global y regional, as铆 como sus interacciones a trav茅s de la radiaci贸n y energ铆a y sus implicaciones en el cambio global. Dentro de GEWEX existe el proyecto de Evaluaci贸n del Vapor de Agua (VAP, Water Vapour Assessment) que estudia las medidas de concentraciones de vapor de agua en la atm贸sfera, sus interacciones radiativas y su repercusi贸n en el cambio clim谩tico global.El vapor de agua es, de largo, el gas invernadero m谩s importante que reside en la atm贸sfera. Es, potencialmente, la causa principal de la amplificaci贸n del efecto invernadero causado por emisiones de origen humano (principalmente el CO2). Las medidas precisas de su concentraci贸n en la atm贸sfera son determinantes para cuantificar este efecto de retroalimentaci贸n positivo al cambio clim谩tico. Actualmente, se est谩 lejos de tener medidas de concentraciones de vapor de agua suficientemente precisas para sacar conclusiones significativas de dicho efecto. El informe del WCRP titulado "GEWEX water vapor assessment. Final Report" detalla el estado actual de las medidas de las concentraciones de vapor de agua en la atm贸sfera. AEMET ha colaborado en la generaci贸n de este informe y tiene a unos de sus miembros, Xavier Calbet, como co-autor de este informe

    Planetary Boundary Layer Height Detection Using Mountaintop-Based GNSS Radio Occultation Signal Amplitude

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    Atmospheric Moisture Effects on Deep Convection in the Western Mediterranean

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    Improving the understanding and representation of heavy precipitation is crucial to prevent its hazards. A powerful means to reduce errors is to assimilate high-resolution humidity GPS observations. Here, novel experiments employing sub-hourly atmospheric GPS, in-situ observations and nudging are used to study the impact of moisture corrections on convection. This work adds new explanations on the sensitivity of extreme precipitation to moisture changes and on the added value of nudging GPS