8 research outputs found

    Master index of Volumes 21–30

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    Hierarchy of surface models and irreducible triangulations

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    AbstractGiven a triangulated closed surface, the problem of constructing a hierarchy of surface models of decreasing level of detail has attracted much attention in computer graphics. A hierarchy provides view-dependent refinement and facilitates the computation of parameterization. For a triangulated closed surface of n vertices and genus g, we prove that there is a constant c>0 such that if n>c·g, a greedy strategy can identify Θ(n) topology-preserving edge contractions that do not interfere with each other. Further, each of them affects only a constant number of triangles. Repeatedly identifying and contracting such edges produces a topology-preserving hierarchy of O(n+g2) size and O(logn+g) depth. Although several implementations exist for constructing hierarchies, our work is the first to show that a greedy algorithm can efficiently compute a hierarchy of provably small size and low depth. When no contractible edge exists, the triangulation is irreducible. Nakamoto and Ota showed that any irreducible triangulation of an orientable 2-manifold has at most max{342g−72,4} vertices. Using our proof techniques we obtain a new bound of max{240g,4}

    C-Planarity of C-Connected Clustered Graphs

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    Planarity-preserving clustering and embedding for large planar graphs

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    Abstract. In this paper we present a novel approach for cluster-based drawing of large planar graphs that maintains planarity. Our technique works for arbitrary planar graphs and produces a clustering which satisfies the conditions for compound-planarity (c-planarity). Using the clustering, we obtain a representation of the graph as a collection of O(log n) layers, where each succeeding layer represents the graph in an increasing level of detail. At the same time, the difference between two graphs on neighboring layers of the hierarchy is small, thus preserving the viewer's mental map. The overall running time of the algorithm is O(n log n), where n is the number of vertices of graph G

    Planarity-preserving clustering and embedding for large planar graphs

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    AbstractIn this paper we present a novel approach for cluster-based drawing of large planar graphs that maintains planarity. Our technique works for arbitrary planar graphs and produces a clustering which satisfies the conditions for compound-planarity (c-planarity). Using the clustering, we obtain a representation of the graph as a collection of O(logn) layers, where each succeeding layer represents the graph in an increasing level of detail. At the same time, the difference between two graphs on neighboring layers of the hierarchy is small, thus preserving the viewer's mental map. The overall running time of the algorithm is O(nlogn), where n is the number of vertices of graph G

    Approximation Algorithms for Geometric Networks

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    The main contribution of this thesis is approximation algorithms for several computational geometry problems. The underlying structure for most of the problems studied is a geometric network. A geometric network is, in its abstract form, a set of vertices, pairwise connected with an edge, such that the weight of this connecting edge is the Euclidean distance between the pair of points connected. Such a network may be used to represent a multitude of real-life structures, such as, for example, a set of cities connected with roads. Considering the case that a specific network is given, we study three separate problems. In the first problem we consider the case of interconnected `islands' of well-connected networks, in which shortest paths are computed. In the second problem the input network is a triangulation. We efficiently simplify this triangulation using edge contractions. Finally, we consider individual movement trajectories representing, for example, wild animals where we compute leadership individuals. Next, we consider the case that only a set of vertices is given, and the aim is to actually construct a network. We consider two such problems. In the first one we compute a partition of the vertices into several subsets where, considering the minimum spanning tree (MST) for each subset, we aim to minimize the largest MST. The other problem is to construct a tt-spanner of low weight fast and simple. We do this by first extending the so-called gap theorem. In addition to the above geometric network problems we also study a problem where we aim to place a set of different sized rectangles, such that the area of their corresponding bounding box is minimized, and such that a grid may be placed over the rectangles. The grid should not intersect any rectangle, and each cell of the grid should contain at most one rectangle. All studied problems are such that they do not easily allow computation of optimal solutions in a feasible time. Instead we consider approximation algorithms, where near-optimal solutions are produced in polynomial time. In addition to the above geometric network problems we also study a problem where we aim to place a set of different sized rectangles, such that the area of their corresponding bounding box is minimized, and such that a grid may be placed over the rectangles. The grid should not intersect any rectangle, and each cell of the grid should contain at most one rectangle. All studied problems are such that they do not easily allow computation of optimal solutions in a feasible time. Instead we consider approximation algorithms, where near-optimal solutions are produced in polynomial time

    A Potential-Field-Based Multilevel Algorithm for Drawing Large Graphs

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    The aim of automatic graph drawing is to compute a well-readable layout of a given graph G=(V,E). One very popular class of algorithms for drawing general graphs are force-directed methods. These methods generate drawings of G in the plane so that each edge is represented by a straight line connecting its two adjacent nodes. The computation of the drawings is based on associating G with a physical model. Then, the algorithms iteratively try to find a placement of the nodes so that the total energy of the physical system is minimal. Several force-directed methods can visualize large graphs containing many thousands of vertices in reasonable time. However, only some of these methods guarantee a sub-quadratic running time in special cases or under certain assumptions, but not in general. The others are not sub-quadratic at all. We develop a new force-directed algorithm that is based on a combination of an efficient multilevel strategy and a method for approximating the repulsive forces in the system by rapidly evaluating potential fields. The worst-case running time of the new method is O(|V| log|V|+|E|) with linear memory requirements. In practice, the algorithm generates nice drawings of graphs containing up to 100000 nodes in less than five minutes. Furthermore, it clearly visualizes even the structures of those graphs that turned out to be challenging for other tested methods