5 research outputs found

    Boundary Layer Measurements in a Supersonic Wind Tunnel Using Doppler Global Velocimetry

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    A modified Doppler Global Velocimeter (DGV) was developed to measure the velocity within the boundary layer above a flat plate in a supersonic flow. Classic laser velocimetry (LV) approaches could not be used since the model surface was composed of a glass-ceramic insulator in support of heat-transfer measurements. Since surface flare limited the use of external LV techniques and windows placed in the model would change the heat transfer characteristics of the flat plate, a novel approach was developed. The input laser beam was divided into nine equal power beams and each transmitted through optical fibers to a small cavity within the model. The beams were then directed through 1.6-mm diameter orifices to form a series of orthogonal beams emitted from the model and aligned with the tunnel centerline to approximate a laser light sheet. Scattered light from 0.1-micron diameter water condensation ice crystals was collected by four 5-mm diameter lenses and transmitted by their respective optical fiber bundles to terminate at the image plane of a standard two-camera DGV receiver. Flow measurements were made over a range from 0.5-mm above the surface to the freestream at Mach 3.51 in steady state and heat pulse injected flows. This technique provides a unique option for measuring boundary layers in supersonic flows where seeding the flow is problematic or where the experimental apparatus does not provide the optical access required by other techniques

    Mach-Zehnder interferometric filter based planar Doppler velocimetry (MZI-PDV)

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    This paper describes the development of a Mach-Zehnder interferometric filter based planar Doppler velocimetry (MZI-PDV) flow measurement technique. The technique uses an unbalanced Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI) to convert Doppler frequency shifts into intensity variations. The free spectral range of the interferometric filter can be selected by adjusting the optical path difference of the MZI. This allows the velocity measurement range and resolution to be varied. In contrast to molecular filter based PDV any laser source with single-frequency operation and a narrow linewidth can be used as the requirement for a suitable absorption line is no longer necessary. The processing methods used to extract the velocity information are described and discussed. The construction of a MZI-PDV system that incorporates a phase-locking system designed to stabilize the filter is described and example measurements made on the velocity field of a rotating disc and an axis-symmetric air jet are presented

    Full-field interferometry using infinity corrected optics

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    In this paper the construction of full-field (imaging) interferometers using infinity corrected optics commonly used in microscopy is discussed, with an emphasis on self-mixing interferometry configurations where the imaged light field is mixed with itself rather than a reference wave. Such configurations are used in speckle shearing interferometry, flow visualisation and quantitative flow measurement. The critical considerations for constructing path-length imbalanced full-field interferometers for these and similar applications are discussed, expressions are derived for key calculations and interferograms from example interferometers are presented. These include the concept of balancing the infinity-spaces of the two arms via the use of a glass block to minimise the optical path difference variation across the interferogram and ensure adequate sampling of the fringes on the detector. Further, the use of tilted glass blocks in single-pass and double-pass arrangements is detailed for the generation and control of spatial carrier fringes without extensive realignment of the interferometer, and for phase shifting

    Crosscutting Technology Development at the Center for Advanced Separation Technologies

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    The U.S. is the largest producer of mining products in the world. In 2003, U.S. mining operations produced 57billionworthofrawmaterialsthatcontributedatotalof57 billion worth of raw materials that contributed a total of 564 billion to the nation's wealth. Despite these contributions, the mining industry has not been well supported with research and development funds as compared to mining industries in other countries. To overcome this problem, the Center for Advanced Separation Technologies (CAST) was established to develop technologies that can be used by the U.S. mining industry to create new products, reduce production costs, and meet environmental regulations. Originally set up by Virginia Tech and West Virginia University, this endeavor has been expanded into a seven-university consortium -- Virginia Tech, West Virginia University, University of Kentucky, University of Utah, Montana Tech, New Mexico Tech and University of Nevada, Reno - that is supported through U.S. DOE Cooperative Agreement No. DE-FC26-02NT41607: Crosscutting Technology Development at the Center for Advanced Separation Technologies. Much of the research to be conducted with Cooperative Agreement funds will be longer-term, high-risk, basic research and will be carried out in five broad areas: (1) Solid-solid separation; (2) Solid-liquid separation; (3) Chemical/biological extraction; (4) Modeling and control; and (5) Environmental control. Distribution of funds is handled via competitive solicitation of research proposals through Site Coordinators at the seven member universities. These were first reviewed and ranked by a group of technical reviewers (selected primarily from industry). Based on these reviews, and an assessment of overall program requirements, the CAST Technical Committee made an initial selection/ranking of proposals and forwarded these to the DOE/NETL Project Officer for final review and approval. The successful projects are listed by category, along with brief abstracts of their aims and objectives

    Hydraulics: The Next Wave

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