7,324 research outputs found

    On odd-periodic orbits in complex planar billiards

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    The famous conjecture of V.Ya.Ivrii (1978) says that {\it in every billiard with infinitely-smooth boundary in a Euclidean space the set of periodic orbits has measure zero}. In the present paper we study the complex version of Ivrii's conjecture for odd-periodic orbits in planar billiards, with reflections from complex analytic curves. We prove positive answer in the following cases: 1) triangular orbits; 2) odd-periodic orbits in the case, when the mirrors are algebraic curves avoiding two special points at infinity, the so-called isotropic points. We provide immediate applications to the real piecewise-algebraic Ivrii's conjecture and to its analogue in the invisibility theory

    Regular homotopy and total curvature

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    We consider properties of the total absolute geodesic curvature functional on circle immersions into a Riemann surface. In particular, we study its behavior under regular homotopies, its infima in regular homotopy classes, and the homotopy types of spaces of its local minima. We consider properties of the total curvature functional on the space of 2-sphere immersions into 3-space. We show that the infimum over all sphere eversions of the maximum of the total curvature during an eversion is at most 8\pi and we establish a non-injectivity result for local minima.Comment: This is the version published by Algebraic & Geometric Topology on 23 March 2006. arXiv admin note: this version concatenates two articles published in Algebraic & Geometric Topolog

    Embeddings and immersions of tropical curves

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    We construct immersions of trivalent abstract tropical curves in the Euclidean plane and embeddings of all abstract tropical curves in higher dimensional Euclidean space. Since not all curves have an embedding in the plane, we define the tropical crossing number of an abstract tropical curve to be the minimum number of self-intersections, counted with multiplicity, over all its immersions in the plane. We show that the tropical crossing number is at most quadratic in the number of edges and this bound is sharp. For curves of genus up to two, we systematically compute the crossing number. Finally, we use our immersed tropical curves to construct totally faithful nodal algebraic curves via lifting results of Mikhalkin and Shustin.Comment: 23 pages, 14 figures, final submitted versio

    On polynomially integrable Birkhoff billiards on surfaces of constant curvature

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    We present a solution of the algebraic version of Birkhoff Conjecture on integrable billiards. Namely we show that every polynomially integrable real bounded convex planar billiard with smooth boundary is an ellipse. We extend this result to billiards with piecewise-smooth and not necessarily convex boundary on arbitrary two-dimensional surface of constant curvature: plane, sphere, Lobachevsky (hyperbolic) plane; each of them being modeled as a plane or a (pseudo-) sphere in R3\mathbb R^3 equipped with appropriate quadratic form. Namely, we show that a billiard is polynomially integrable, if and only if its boundary is a union of confocal conical arcs and appropriate geodesic segments. We also present a complexification of these results. These are joint results of Mikhail Bialy, Andrey Mironov and the author. The proof is split into two parts. The first part is given by Bialy and Mironov in their two joint papers. They considered the tautological projection of the boundary to RP2\mathbb{RP}^2 and studied its orthogonal-polar dual curve, which is piecewise algebraic, by S.V.Bolotin's theorem. By their arguments and another Bolotin's theorem, it suffices to show that each non-linear complex irreducible component of the dual curve is a conic. They have proved that all its singularities and inflection points (if any) lie in the projectivized zero locus of the corresponding quadratic form on C3\mathbb C^3. The present paper provides the second part of the proof: we show that each above irreducible component is a conic and finish the solution of the Algebraic Birkhoff Conjecture in constant curvature.Comment: To appear in the Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS), 69 pages, 2 figures. A shorter proof of Theorem 4.24. Minor precisions and misprint correction

    Amoebas of algebraic varieties and tropical geometry

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    This survey consists of two parts. Part 1 is devoted to amoebas. These are images of algebraic subvarieties in the complex torus under the logarithmic moment map. The amoebas have essentially piecewise-linear shape if viewed at large. Furthermore, they degenerate to certain piecewise-linear objects called tropical varieties whose behavior is governed by algebraic geometry over the so-called tropical semifield. Geometric aspects of tropical algebraic geometry are the content of Part 2. We pay special attention to tropical curves. Both parts also include relevant applications of the theories. Part 1 of this survey is a revised and updated version of an earlier prepreint of 2001.Comment: 40 pages, 15 figures, a survey for the volume "Different faces in Geometry
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