5 research outputs found

    Global behaviour of radially symmetric solutions stable at infinity for gradient systems

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    This paper is concerned with radially symmetric solutions of systems of the form ut=−∇V(u)+Δxu u_t = -\nabla V(u) + \Delta_x u where space variable xx and and state-parameter uu are multidimensional, and the potential VV is coercive at infinity. For such systems, under generic assumptions on the potential, the asymptotic behaviour of solutions "stable at infinity", that is approaching a spatially homogeneous equilibrium when ∣x∣|x| approaches +∞+\infty, is investigated. It is proved that every such solutions approaches a stacked family of radially symmetric bistable fronts travelling to infinity. This behaviour is similar to the one of bistable solutions for gradient systems in one unbounded spatial dimension, described in a companion paper. It is expected (but unfortunately not proved at this stage) that behind these travelling fronts the solution again behaves as in the one-dimensional case (that is, the time derivative approaches zero and the solution approaches a pattern of stationary solutions).Comment: 52 pages, 14 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1703.01221. text overlap with arXiv:1604.0200

    Radial terrace solutions and propagation profile of multistable reaction-diffusion equations over RN\mathbb R^N

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    We study the propagation profile of the solution u(x,t)u(x,t) to the nonlinear diffusion problem ut−Δu=f(u)  (x∈RN,  t>0)u_t-\Delta u=f(u)\; (x\in \mathbb R^N,\;t>0), u(x,0)=u0(x)  (x∈RN)u(x,0)=u_0(x) \; (x\in\mathbb R^N), where f(u)f(u) is of multistable type: f(0)=f(p)=0f(0)=f(p)=0, f′(0)<0f'(0)<0, f′(p)<0f'(p)<0, where pp is a positive constant, and ff may have finitely many nondegenerate zeros in the interval (0,p)(0, p). The class of initial functions u0u_0 includes in particular those which are nonnegative and decay to 0 at infinity. We show that, if u(⋅,t)u(\cdot, t) converges to pp as t→∞t\to\infty in Lloc∞(RN)L^\infty_{loc}(\mathbb R^N), then the long-time dynamical behavior of uu is determined by the one dimensional propagating terraces introduced by Ducrot, Giletti and Matano [DGM]. For example, we will show that in such a case, in any given direction ν∈SN−1\nu\in\mathbb{S}^{N-1}, u(x⋅ν,t)u(x\cdot \nu, t) converges to a pair of one dimensional propagating terraces, one moving in the direction of x⋅ν>0x\cdot \nu>0, and the other is its reflection moving in the opposite direction x⋅ν<0x\cdot\nu<0. Our approach relies on the introduction of the notion "radial terrace solution", by which we mean a special solution V(∣x∣,t)V(|x|, t) of Vt−ΔV=f(V)V_t-\Delta V=f(V) such that, as t→∞t\to\infty, V(r,t)V(r,t) converges to the corresponding one dimensional propagating terrace of [DGM]. We show that such radial terrace solutions exist in our setting, and the general solution u(x,t)u(x,t) can be well approximated by a suitablly shifted radial terrace solution V(∣x∣,t)V(|x|, t). These will enable us to obtain better convergence result for u(x,t)u(x,t). We stress that u(x,t)u(x,t) is a high dimensional solution without any symmetry. Our results indicate that the one dimensional propagating terrace is a rather fundamental concept; it provides the basic structure and ingredients for the long-time profile of solutions in all space dimensions

    Global relaxation of bistable solutions for gradient systems in one unbounded spatial dimension

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    This paper is concerned with spatially extended gradient systems of the form ut=−∇V(u)+Duxx , u_t=-\nabla V (u) + \mathcal{D} u_{xx}\,, where spatial domain is the whole real line, state-parameter uu is multidimensional, D\mathcal{D} denotes a fixed diffusion matrix, and the potential VV is coercive at infinity. "Bistable" solutions, that is solutions close at both ends of space to stable homogeneous equilibria, are considered. For a solution of this kind, it is proved that, if the homogeneous equilibria approached at both ends belong to the same level set of the potential and if an appropriate (localized in space) energy remains bounded from below when time increases, then the solution approaches, when time approaches infinity, a pattern of stationary solutions homoclinic or heteroclinic to homogeneous equilibria. This result provides a step towards a complete description of the global behaviour of all bistable solutions that is pursued in a companion paper. Some consequences are derived, and applications to some examples are given.Comment: 69 pages, 15 figure

    Localized and Expanding Entire Solutions of Reaction-Diffusion Equations

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    This paper is concerned with the spatio-temporal dynamics of nonnegative bounded entire solutions of some reaction-diffusion equations in R N in any space dimension N. The solutions are assumed to be localized in the past. Under certain conditions on the reaction term, the solutions are then proved to be time-independent or heteroclinic connections between different steady states. Furthermore, either they are localized uniformly in time, or they converge to a constant steady state and spread at large time. This result is then applied to some specific bistable-type reactions