14 research outputs found

    Unsupervised color texture segmentation based on multi-scale region-level Markov random field models

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    In the field of color texture segmentation, region-level Markov random field model (RMRF) has become a focal problem because of its efficiency in modeling the large-range spatial constraints. However, the RMRF defined on a single scale cannot describe the un-stationary essence of the image, which highly limits its robustness. Hence, by combining wavelet transformation and the RMRF model, we present a multi-scale RMRF (MsRMRF) model in wavelet domainin this paper. In the Bayesian framework, the proposed model seamlessly integrates the multi-scale information stemmed from both the original image and the region-level spatial constraints. Therefore, the new model can accurately describe the characteristics of different kinds of texture. Based on MsRMRF, an unsupervised segmentation algorithm is designed for segmenting color texture images. Both synthetic color texture images and remote sensing images are employed in the comparative experiments, and the experimental results show that the proposed method can obtain more accurate segmentation results than the competitors.This work was financially supported by the Key Technology Projects of Henan province of China under Grant 15210241004, Supported by Program for Changjiang Scholars and Innovative Research Team in University, the Key Technology Projects of Henan Educational Department of China under Grant 16A520036, the Key Technology Projects of Henan Educational Department of China under Grant 16B520001,the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 41001251, Anyang science and technology plan project: Researches on Road Extraction Algorithm based on MRF for High Resolution Remote Sensing Image, and the Research and Cultivation Fund Project of Anyang Normal University under Grant AYNU-KP-B08

    Pixon-Based Image Segmentation

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    A Pixon-based Image Segmentation Method Considering Textural Characteristics of Image

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    Image segmentation is an essential and critical process in image processing and pattern recognition. In this paper we proposed a textured-based method to segment an input image into regions. In our method an entropy-based textured map of image is extracted, followed by an histogram equalization step to discriminate different regions. Then with the aim of eliminating unnecessary details and achieving more robustness against unwanted noises, a low-pass filtering technique is successfully used to smooth the image. As the next step, the appropriate pixons are extracted and delivered to a fuzzy c-mean clustering stage to obtain the final image segments. The results of applying the proposed method on several different images indicate its better performance in image segmentation compared to the other methods

    A Color Texture Image Segmentation Method Based on Fuzzy c-Means Clustering and Region-Level Markov Random Field Model

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    This paper presents a variation of the fuzzy local information c-means clustering (FLICM) algorithm that provides color texture image clustering. The proposed algorithm incorporates region-level spatial, spectral, and structural information in a novel fuzzy way. The new algorithm, called RFLICM, combines FLICM and region-level Markov random field model (RMRF) together to make use of large scale interactions between image patches instead of pixels. RFLICM can overcome the weakness of FLICM when dealing with textured images and at the same time enhances the clustering performance. The major characteristic of RFLICM is the use of a region-level fuzzy factor, aiming to guarantee texture homogeneity and preserve region boundaries. Experiments performed on synthetic and remote sensing images show that RFLICM is effective in providing accuracy to color texture images

    Multivariate Image Segmentation Using Semantic Region Growing With Adaptive Edge Penalty

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    Image Segmentation and Analysis for Automated Classification of Traumatic Pelvic Injuries

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    In the past decades, technical advances have allowed for the collection and storage of more types and larger quantities of medical data. The increase in the volume of existing medical data has increased the need for processing and analyzing such data. Medical data holds information that is invaluable for diagnostic as well as treatment planning purposes. Presently, a large portion of the data is not optimally used towards medical decisions because information contained in the data is inaccessible through simple human inspection, or traditional computational methods. In the field of trauma medicine, where caregivers are frequently confronted with situations where they need to make rapid decisions based on large amounts of information, the need for reliable, fast and automated computational methods for decision support systems is stringent. Such methods could process and analyze, in a timely fashion, all available medical data and provide caretakers with recommendations/predictions for both patient diagnostic and treatment planning. Presently however, even extracting features that are known to be useful for diagnosis, like presence and location of hemorrhage and fracture, is not easily achievable in automatic manner. Trauma is the main cause of death among Americans age 40 and younger; hence, it has become a national priority. A computer-aided decision making system capable of rapidly analyzing all data available for a patient and forming reliable recommendations for physicians can greatly impact the quality of care provided to patients. Such a system would also reduce the overall costs involved in patient care as it helps in optimizing the decisions, avoiding unnecessary procedures, and customizing treatments for individual patients. Among different types of trauma with a high impact on the lives of Americans, traumatic pelvic injuries, which often occur in motor vehicle accidents and in falls, have had a tremendous toll on both human lives and healthcare costs in the United States. The present project has developed automated computational methods and algorithms to analyze pelvic CT images and extract significant features describing the severity of injuries. Such a step is of great importance as every CT scan consists of tens of slices that need to be closely examined. This method can automatically extract information hidden in CT images and therefore reduce the time of the examination. The method identifies and signals areas of potential abnormality and allows the user to decide upon the action to be taken (e.g. further examination of the image and/or area and neighboring images in the scan). The project also initiates the design of a system that combines the features extracted from biomedical signals and images with information such as injury scores, injury mechanism and demographic information in order to detect the presence and the severity of Traumatic Pelvic Injuries and to provide recommendations for diagnosis and treatment. The recommendations are provided in form of grammatical rules, allowing physicians to explore the reasoning behind these assessments

    Advanced Algorithms for 3D Medical Image Data Fusion in Specific Medical Problems

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    Fúze obrazu je dnes jednou z nejběžnějších avšak stále velmi diskutovanou oblastí v lékařském zobrazování a hraje důležitou roli ve všech oblastech lékařské péče jako je diagnóza, léčba a chirurgie. V této dizertační práci jsou představeny tři projekty, které jsou velmi úzce spojeny s oblastí fúze medicínských dat. První projekt pojednává o 3D CT subtrakční angiografii dolních končetin. V práci je využito kombinace kontrastních a nekontrastních dat pro získání kompletního cévního stromu. Druhý projekt se zabývá fúzí DTI a T1 váhovaných MRI dat mozku. Cílem tohoto projektu je zkombinovat stukturální a funkční informace, které umožňují zlepšit znalosti konektivity v mozkové tkáni. Třetí projekt se zabývá metastázemi v CT časových datech páteře. Tento projekt je zaměřen na studium vývoje metastáz uvnitř obratlů ve fúzované časové řadě snímků. Tato dizertační práce představuje novou metodologii pro klasifikaci těchto metastáz. Všechny projekty zmíněné v této dizertační práci byly řešeny v rámci pracovní skupiny zabývající se analýzou lékařských dat, kterou vedl pan Prof. Jiří Jan. Tato dizertační práce obsahuje registrační část prvního a klasifikační část třetího projektu. Druhý projekt je představen kompletně. Další část prvního a třetího projektu, obsahující specifické předzpracování dat, jsou obsaženy v disertační práci mého kolegy Ing. Romana Petera.Image fusion is one of today´s most common and still challenging tasks in medical imaging and it plays crucial role in all areas of medical care such as diagnosis, treatment and surgery. Three projects crucially dependent on image fusion are introduced in this thesis. The first project deals with the 3D CT subtraction angiography of lower limbs. It combines pre-contrast and contrast enhanced data to extract the blood vessel tree. The second project fuses the DTI and T1-weighted MRI brain data. The aim of this project is to combine the brain structural and functional information that purvey improved knowledge about intrinsic brain connectivity. The third project deals with the time series of CT spine data where the metastases occur. In this project the progression of metastases within the vertebrae is studied based on fusion of the successive elements of the image series. This thesis introduces new methodology of classifying metastatic tissue. All the projects mentioned in this thesis have been solved by the medical image analysis group led by Prof. Jiří Jan. This dissertation concerns primarily the registration part of the first project and the classification part of the third project. The second project is described completely. The other parts of the first and third project, including the specific preprocessing of the data, are introduced in detail in the dissertation thesis of my colleague Roman Peter, M.Sc.

    Pixon-based image segmentation with markov random fields

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    Image segmentation is an essential processing step for many image analysis applications. So far, there does not exist a general method that is suitable for all the image analysis applications. In this paper, we propose a novel pixon-based multi-resolution method for image segmentation. The key idea to our approach is that a pixon-based image model is combined with a MRF model under a Bayesian framework. In our method, we put forward a new pixon definition scheme that is more suitable for image segmentation than the “fuzzy ” pixon scheme. Experimental results demonstrate that our algorithm performs fairly well and the computational cost decreased sharply compared to the traditional MRFbased algorithm. 1