187 research outputs found

    Adaptive Wireless Networking

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    This paper presents the Adaptive Wireless Networking (AWGN) project. The project aims to develop methods and technologies that can be used to design efficient adaptable and reconfigurable mobile terminals for future wireless communication systems. An overview of the activities in the project is given. Furthermore our vision on adaptivity in wireless communications and suggestions for future activities are presented

    Utilizing code orthogonality information for interference suppression in UTRA downlink

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    Trickle-based interference cancellation schemes for CDMA systems

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    In this thesis, we introduce a novel approach to interference cancellation for code division multiple access uplink transmission. Several models combining principles of serial and parallel interference cancellation are discussed. The proposed scheme is derived from the analysis of these hybrid models and applies a user configuration algorithm (termed "trickle") in order to provide an improved bit-error-rate performance. The algorithm utilizes an adaptive matrix to compute the required configuration to be used for the subsequent interference cancellation stage. Bit-streaming, pipelined multiuser detection is employed and channel estimates are obtained using sample pilot data known at the receiver. We demonstrate that significant performance improvements can by achieved over various hybrid schemes. A reduced-complexity version of the trickle algorithm is also introduced where the processing delay is greatly reduced while maintaining similar performance. We present several numerical examples through which we demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed algorithms relative to existing interference cancellation algorithms

    Equalization of Third-Order Intermodulation Products in Wideband Direct Conversion Receivers

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    This paper reports a SAW-less direct-conversion receiver which utilizes a mixed-signal feedforward path to regenerate and adaptively cancel IM3 products, thus accomplishing system-level linearization. The receiver system performance is dominated by a custom integrated RF front end implemented in 130-nm CMOS and achieves an uncorrected out-of-band IIP3 of -7.1 dBm under the worst-case UMTS FDD Region 1 blocking specifications. Under IM3 equalization, the receiver achieves an effective IIP3 of +5.3 dBm and meets the UMTS BER sensitivity requirement with 3.7 dB of margin

    Proceedings of the Fall 1995 Advanced Digital Communication Systems

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    Coordinated Science Laboratory was formerly known as Control Systems Laborator

    Design Trade-offs for reliable On-Chip Wireless Interconnects in NoC Platforms

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    The massive levels of integration following Moore\u27s Law making modern multi-core chips prevail in various domains ranging from scientific applications to bioinformatics applications for consumer electronics. With higher and higher number of cores on the same die traditional bus based interconnections are no longer a scalable communication infrastructure. On-chip networks were proposed enabled a scalable plug-and-play mechanism for interconnecting hundreds of cores on the same chip. Wired interconnects between the cores in a traditional Network-on-Chip (NoC) system, becomes a bottleneck with increase in the number of cores thereby increasing the latency and energy to transmit signals over them. Hence, there has been many alternative emerging interconnect technologies proposed, namely, 3D, photonic and multi-band RF interconnects. Although they provide better connectivity, higher speed and higher bandwidth compared to wired interconnects; they also face challenges with heat dissipation and manufacturing difficulties. On-chip wireless interconnects is one other alternative proposed which doesn\u27t need physical interconnection layout as data travels over the wireless medium. They are integrated into a hybrid NOC architecture consisting of both wired and wireless links, which provides higher bandwidth, lower latency, lesser area overhead and reduced energy dissipation in communication. An efficient media access control (MAC) scheme is required to enhance the utilization of the available bandwidth. A token-passing protocol proposed to grant access of the wireless channel to competing transmitters. This limits the number of simultaneous users of the communication channel to one although multiple wireless hubs are deployed over the chip. In principle, a Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA) based medium access scheme would improve the utilization of the wireless resources. However, this requires design of multiple very precise, high frequency transceivers in non-overlapping frequency channels. Therefore, the scalability of this approach is limited by the state-of-the-art in transceiver design. The Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) enables multiple transmitter-receiver pairs to send data over the wireless channel simultaneously. The CDMA protocol can significantly increase the performance of the system while lowering the energy dissipation in data transfer. The CDMA based MAC protocol outperforms the wired counterparts and several other wireless architectures proposed in literature in terms of bandwidth and packet energy dissipation. However, the reliability of CDMA based wireless NoC\u27s is limited, as the probability of error is eminent due to synchronization delays at the receiver. The thesis proposes the use of an advanced filter which improves the performance and also reduces the error due to synchronization delays. This thesis also proposes investigation of various channel modulation schemes on token passing wireless NoC\u27s to examine the performance and reliability of the system. The trade-off between performance and energy are established for the various conditions. The results are obtained using a modified cycle accurate simulator

    Adaptive Baseband Pro cessing and Configurable Hardware for Wireless Communication

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    The world of information is literally at one’s fingertips, allowing access to previously unimaginable amounts of data, thanks to advances in wireless communication. The growing demand for high speed data has necessitated theuse of wider bandwidths, and wireless technologies such as Multiple-InputMultiple-Output (MIMO) have been adopted to increase spectral efficiency.These advanced communication technologies require sophisticated signal processing, often leading to higher power consumption and reduced battery life.Therefore, increasing energy efficiency of baseband hardware for MIMO signal processing has become extremely vital. High Quality of Service (QoS)requirements invariably lead to a larger number of computations and a higherpower dissipation. However, recognizing the dynamic nature of the wirelesscommunication medium in which only some channel scenarios require complexsignal processing, and that not all situations call for high data rates, allowsthe use of an adaptive channel aware signal processing strategy to provide adesired QoS. Information such as interference conditions, coherence bandwidthand Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) can be used to reduce algorithmic computations in favorable channels. Hardware circuits which run these algorithmsneed flexibility and easy reconfigurability to switch between multiple designsfor different parameters. These parameters can be used to tune the operations of different components in a receiver based on feedback from the digitalbaseband. This dissertation focuses on the optimization of digital basebandcircuitry of receivers which use feedback to trade power and performance. Aco-optimization approach, where designs are optimized starting from the algorithmic stage through the hardware architectural stage to the final circuitimplementation is adopted to realize energy efficient digital baseband hardwarefor mobile 4G devices. These concepts are also extended to the next generation5G systems where the energy efficiency of the base station is improved.This work includes six papers that examine digital circuits in MIMO wireless receivers. Several key blocks in these receiver include analog circuits thathave residual non-linearities, leading to signal intermodulation and distortion.Paper-I introduces a digital technique to detect such non-linearities and calibrate analog circuits to improve signal quality. The concept of a digital nonlinearity tuning system developed in Paper-I is implemented and demonstratedin hardware. The performance of this implementation is tested with an analogchannel select filter, and results are presented in Paper-II. MIMO systems suchas the ones used in 4G, may employ QR Decomposition (QRD) processors tosimplify the implementation of tree search based signal detectors. However,the small form factor of the mobile device increases spatial correlation, whichis detrimental to signal multiplexing. Consequently, a QRD processor capableof handling high spatial correlation is presented in Paper-III. The algorithm and hardware implementation are optimized for carrier aggregation, which increases requirements on signal processing throughput, leading to higher powerdissipation. Paper-IV presents a method to perform channel-aware processingwith a simple interpolation strategy to adaptively reduce QRD computationcount. Channel properties such as coherence bandwidth and SNR are used toreduce multiplications by 40% to 80%. These concepts are extended to usetime domain correlation properties, and a full QRD processor for 4G systemsfabricated in 28 nm FD-SOI technology is presented in Paper-V. The designis implemented with a configurable architecture and measurements show thatcircuit tuning results in a highly energy efficient processor, requiring 0.2 nJ to1.3 nJ for each QRD. Finally, these adaptive channel-aware signal processingconcepts are examined in the scope of the next generation of communicationsystems. Massive MIMO systems increase spectral efficiency by using a largenumber of antennas at the base station. Consequently, the signal processingat the base station has a high computational count. Paper-VI presents a configurable detection scheme which reduces this complexity by using techniquessuch as selective user detection and interpolation based signal processing. Hardware is optimized for resource sharing, resulting in a highly reconfigurable andenergy efficient uplink signal detector

    Implementation of a conjugate matched filter adaptive receiver for DS-CDMA

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    Évaluation des techniques de réception multi-antennes dans un système DS-CDMA

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    Smart antennas for GSM base stations using a parallel DSP architecture

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