20,872 research outputs found

    Understanding deep neural networks from the perspective of piecewise linear property

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    In recent years, deep learning models have been widely used and are behind major breakthroughs across many fields. Deep learning models are usually considered to be black boxes due to their large model structures and complicated hierarchical nonlinear transformations. As deep learning technology continues to develop, the understanding of deep learning models is raising concerns, such as the understanding of the training and prediction behaviors and the internal mechanism of models. In this thesis, we study the model understanding problem of deep neural networks from the perspective of piecewise linear property. First, we introduce the piecewise linear property. Next, we review the role and progress of deep learning understanding from the perspective of the piecewise linear property. The piecewise linear property reveals that deep neural networks with piecewise linear activation functions can generally divide the input space into a number of small disjointed regions that correspond to a local linear function within each region. Next, we investigate two typical understanding problems, namely model interpretation, and model complexity. In particular, we provide a series of derivations and analyses of the piecewise linear property of deep neural networks with piecewise linear activation functions. We propose an approach for interpreting the predictions given by such models based on the piecewise linear property. Next, we propose a method to provide local interpretation to a black box deep model by mimicking a piecewise linear approximation from the deep model. Then, we study deep neural networks with curve activation functions with the aim of providing piecewise linear approximations for these networks that would let them benefit from the piecewise linear property. After proposing a piecewise linear approximation framework, we investigate model complexity and model interpretation using the approximation. The thesis concludes by discussing future directions for understanding deep neural networks from the perspective of the piecewise linear property

    Optimal approximation of piecewise smooth functions using deep ReLU neural networks

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    We study the necessary and sufficient complexity of ReLU neural networks---in terms of depth and number of weights---which is required for approximating classifier functions in L2L^2. As a model class, we consider the set Eβ(Rd)\mathcal{E}^\beta (\mathbb R^d) of possibly discontinuous piecewise CβC^\beta functions f:[−1/2,1/2]d→Rf : [-1/2, 1/2]^d \to \mathbb R, where the different smooth regions of ff are separated by CβC^\beta hypersurfaces. For dimension d≥2d \geq 2, regularity β>0\beta > 0, and accuracy ε>0\varepsilon > 0, we construct artificial neural networks with ReLU activation function that approximate functions from Eβ(Rd)\mathcal{E}^\beta(\mathbb R^d) up to L2L^2 error of ε\varepsilon. The constructed networks have a fixed number of layers, depending only on dd and β\beta, and they have O(ε−2(d−1)/β)O(\varepsilon^{-2(d-1)/\beta}) many nonzero weights, which we prove to be optimal. In addition to the optimality in terms of the number of weights, we show that in order to achieve the optimal approximation rate, one needs ReLU networks of a certain depth. Precisely, for piecewise Cβ(Rd)C^\beta(\mathbb R^d) functions, this minimal depth is given---up to a multiplicative constant---by β/d\beta/d. Up to a log factor, our constructed networks match this bound. This partly explains the benefits of depth for ReLU networks by showing that deep networks are necessary to achieve efficient approximation of (piecewise) smooth functions. Finally, we analyze approximation in high-dimensional spaces where the function ff to be approximated can be factorized into a smooth dimension reducing feature map τ\tau and classifier function gg---defined on a low-dimensional feature space---as f=g∘τf = g \circ \tau. We show that in this case the approximation rate depends only on the dimension of the feature space and not the input dimension.Comment: Generalized some estimates to LpL^p norms for $0<p<\infty

    Universal Approximation of Parametric Optimization via Neural Networks with Piecewise Linear Policy Approximation

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    Parametric optimization solves a family of optimization problems as a function of parameters. It is a critical component in situations where optimal decision making is repeatedly performed for updated parameter values, but computation becomes challenging when complex problems need to be solved in real-time. Therefore, in this study, we present theoretical foundations on approximating optimal policy of parametric optimization problem through Neural Networks and derive conditions that allow the Universal Approximation Theorem to be applied to parametric optimization problems by constructing piecewise linear policy approximation explicitly. This study fills the gap on formally analyzing the constructed piecewise linear approximation in terms of feasibility and optimality and show that Neural Networks (with ReLU activations) can be valid approximator for this approximation in terms of generalization and approximation error. Furthermore, based on theoretical results, we propose a strategy to improve feasibility of approximated solution and discuss training with suboptimal solutions.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figures, preprint, under revie

    Approximation of Nonlinear Functionals Using Deep ReLU Networks

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    In recent years, functional neural networks have been proposed and studied in order to approximate nonlinear continuous functionals defined on Lp([−1,1]s)L^p([-1, 1]^s) for integers s≥1s\ge1 and 1≤p<∞1\le p<\infty. However, their theoretical properties are largely unknown beyond universality of approximation or the existing analysis does not apply to the rectified linear unit (ReLU) activation function. To fill in this void, we investigate here the approximation power of functional deep neural networks associated with the ReLU activation function by constructing a continuous piecewise linear interpolation under a simple triangulation. In addition, we establish rates of approximation of the proposed functional deep ReLU networks under mild regularity conditions. Finally, our study may also shed some light on the understanding of functional data learning algorithms
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