979 research outputs found

    Spartan Daily, January 14, 1943

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    Volume 31, Issue 61https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/10722/thumbnail.jp

    Factors Predicting Reading in Indonesian Adolescents

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    The current study investigates predictors of reading abilities of adolescents in Standard Indonesian (SI). Reading predictors typically signify, with some degree of error, essential cognitive skills needed for individuals to read effectively. This is crucial since it forms a key part of the initial steps to assess or identify reading-related language impairments such as dyslexia. In addition to measures of reading itself and nonverbal intelligence, the present research examines six empirically motivated potential predictors of reading and decoding: phonological awareness; phonological short-term memory; verbal and semantic fluency; rapid automated naming (RAN); motor control; familial risk; and, self-reported factors. The results show that RAN is a dominant predictor among the other factors that were considered in adolescent SI speakers. The results also show strong support for the notion that the importance of RAN increases as children age. Moreover, it is consistent with previous studies that have argued that RAN is a vital predictor of reading development in transparent orthographies

    Westview: Vol. 5, Iss. 3 (Spring 1986)

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    A critical review of emotional abuse and sextortion among Ghanaian women on social media / Basiratu Lawal, Mokhtar Muhammad and Shazleen Mohamed

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    One of the greatest challenges in handling domestic abuse cases in Ghana is that abused women encounter opposition in reporting any form of abuse. This opposition is due to the inherent cultural norms which influence the support that any form of abuse in marriage is a private family affair that must be settled outside the criminal justice system. In spite of these challenges, most women continue to report incidents of domestic violence. This study provides a systematic review of abuse cases leading to sextortion and understanding of the main causes of Emotional Abuse and Sextortion among Ghanaian Women. Literature dated from January 1999 until January 2019 were identified by searching the appropriate keywords through international databases such as MEDLINE Web of Science, PubMed, Scopus, Cochrane and Google Scholar, Science direct. The interesting findings of this research shows that Social Media (via WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram) is the cause of abuse that manipulate women’s feelings and emotions by maltreating them in an emotional way and eventually affect their well-being. Evidence suggests that social media is among the most important factors that contribute to cyberbullying of vulnerable women in Ghana. Future researcher should look into smart factory company(s) that can use robots to detect sensitive images/videos on any device via smart phones. to help make the work of the law enforcement and police officers easy. Future researcher can also add on the research weight to look into forwarding nude pictures, videos and any form of sensitive images to be punishable under law

    The New Hampshire, Vol. 35, No. 19 (Feb. 28, 1946)

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    An independent student produced newspaper from the University of New Hampshire

    The Virginia Teacher, Vol. 6, Iss. 3, March 1925

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    Hollins Columns (1961 Oct 5)

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    Table of Contents: Miss Moseley Plays Lead Role News Briefs Talk Topic is Liberal Arts, Social Work Famous Pianist Will Play Tues. Senior Tests Will be Given In November Saks Exhibits Campus Wear Friday Night Exec. Makes Curriculum Appointments Stimulating Environment Junior, Sophomore Question Prevailing Attitudes at H.C. Transportation Lacking Striker Proclaims \u27No Crisis For Me, I\u27ve Got it Made!\u27 Sophomore Spends the Summer in W.Va. Cultural Programs For October Psychology Lect. Will Discuss Value Of Mental \u27Picture\u27 Campus Opens \u2761-\u2762 Term With New Look H.C. Exhibits In Recent Va. Display Postman Terry Enjoys Hollins Bookshop Is Hollins\u27 Reply To Sears Shopping Center Psych. Dept. Announces New Seminar Eight Freshmen, One Soph. Are Alumnae Daughters Rev. Heath To Speak On Godliness Chemistry Prof. Returns To Hollins After Year\u27s Leave Freshmen to Perform October 24 Crosby Reviews Year Abroad Fall Brings New Energy To Athletic Enthusiasm Bablu Brings Touch Of India To Hollins Airline Offers Half Fare Rates For U.S. Travel I.I.E. Offers Grants for Foreign Study Some New Books In Library On Campus with Max Shulmanhttps://digitalcommons.hollins.edu/newspapers/1765/thumbnail.jp

    Validation d'un journal alimentaire photographique chez des adolescents

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    L'évaluation alimentaire, basée sur des données déclarées, est sujette à l'introduction de nombreux biais. Cette problématique, largement répandue, concerne l'ensemble de la population, mais une prévalence accrue des biais de déclaration a été rapportée chez les adolescents. En raison de son rôle crucial pour la croissance ainsi que dans la prévention et la prise en charge des maladies chroniques liées aux habitudes de vie, la pertinence d'évaluer l'alimentation des adolescents semble faire consensus autant en recherche qu'en santé publique. Afin de minimiser l'impact de certains facteurs associés aux biais de déclaration des apports alimentaires, tels que la capacité d'estimer la grosseur des portions et la motivation, plusieurs méthodes d'évaluation intégrant la technologie ont récemment fait leur apparition dans la littérature. Ce mémoire présente les résultats d'une étude ayant permis de valider l'utilisation d'un journal alimentaire photographique de trois jours dans le but d'évaluer les apports alimentaires des adolescents

    The Wellesley News (10-11-1945)

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    Beneath the Surface: American Culture and Submarine Warfare in the Twentieth Century

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    Cultural perceptions guided the American use of submarines during the twentieth century. Feared as an evil weapon during the First World War, guarded as a dirty secret during the Second World War, and heralded as the weapon of democracy during the Cold War, the American submarine story reveals the overwhelming influence of civilian culture over martial practices. The following study examines the roles that powerful political and military elites, newspaper editors and Hollywood executives, and ordinary citizens – equal players in a game larger than themselves – assumed throughout the evolution of submerged warfare from 1914 to 1991. In each period, cultural discourse about the vessels propelled the on-the-ground realities of implementing a practical, yet acceptable, approach to an often misunderstood weapon system
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