54,598 research outputs found

    Visualisation of Collage Grammar to CellWorks: ET0L Mode and Part Sensitive Mode

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    Images are an important aspect of human life as one remembers pictures better than words. Informally, a twodimensional string is called a picture. A two-dimensional language (or picture language) is a set of pictures. Picture generation and analysis has become a widely investigated field in Theoretical Computer Science and in Mathematics. Collage grammars are studied as devices that generate pictures by rewriting based on hyperedge replacement. A cell-work is a finite set of cells where each cell (being a three dimensional entity) is surrounded by one or more faces. This paper focuses on how cell work languages can be captured by collage grammar in ET0L and Part Sensitive modes

    Exploring the user experience through collage

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    We explore the use of collage in requirements elicitation, as a tool to support potential end-users in expressing their impressions, understanding, and emotions regarding a system

    Theorising the value of collage in exploring educational leadership

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    This article contributes to theorising the value of collage as a methodological approach. It begins with a discussion of the methodological difficulties of exploring hidden meanings and individual experience through the research process. The illuminative potential of arts-based methodologies in qualitative research is then investigated. The article makes the case for the specific advantages of using collage to explore the experience of leadership, through a discussion of two collage-based studies. It proposes a variant of the ‘think aloud’ process, used in conjunction with collage, as a route to producing deep understandings of the multiple ways in which leadership is experienced and understood as a social process. The argument is made that collage enables the accessing and sharing of profound levels of experience not accessible through words alone, and considers the impact of the physicality of collage on its potential to release these profound insights. A five-stage process for the analysis of collage is then set out. The article concludes by offering a theory of the value of collage as a methodological approach to exploring experiences of leadership, through use of the concepts of physicality, wholeness and participant agency.Peer reviewe

    Picturing difference: juxtaposition, collage and layering of a multiethnic street

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    My research is an ethnographic exploration of how cultural and ethnic diversity manifests through regular, face-to-face social contact on the Walworth Road in South London. My focus is the small independent shops along the mile length of this multi-ethnic street and the social and spatial interactions between proprietors and customers within them. While absorbed in an ethnography of everyday life, I searched for ways of understanding the layers of place, time and experience that make this street. As an architect, I had a fascination for how urban space is designed and appropriated, and a predilection for a visual reading of the city. As an inexperienced ethnographer, I had to learn about a much slower process of looking; making time to sit, listen and talk. My research methodology has been influenced by a combination of architectural and ethnographic approaches to how individuals appropriate and re-constitute urban space in the habitual rhythm of their day-to-day lives. In this paper I expand on my ethnographic process of exploring difference through pictures made during fieldwork. I use juxtaposition, collage and layering as both illustrative forms and analytic methods for observing and representing difference


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    ABSTRAKSI Maulana, Alin Hilda, 2019. Penerapan Media Gambar Kolase Dalam Pembelajaran Menulis Kalimat Sederhana Bahasa Jerman. Bandung. Skripsi Departemen Pendidikan Bahasa Jerman, FPBS. Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Dalam pembelajaran bahasa asing khususnya bahasa Jerman, peserta didik dituntut untuk dapat menguasai 4 keterampilan berbahasa, diantaranya membaca (lesen), menulis (schreiben), berbicara (sprechen) dan menyimak (hören). Menulis merupakan unsur penting dalam pembelajaran bahasa, karena dengan menulis seseorang dapat melakukan komunikasi dan mengemukakan gagasan. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan peneliti dalam pembelajaran bahasa Jerman, siswa masih mengalami kesulitan dalam menulis kalimat sederhana. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut diperlukan media pembelajaran yang dapat membantu meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam menulis kalimat sederhana. Salah satu media pembelajaran yang dapat digunakan adalah media Gambar Kolase. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui: 1) Kemampuan siswa dalam menulis kalimat sederhana bahasa Jerman sebelum penerapan media gambar kolase, 2) kemampuan siswa dalam menulis kalimat sederhana bahasa Jerman setelah penerapan media gambar kolase, dan 3) efektivitas media gambar kolase dalam pembelajaran menulis kalimat sederhana bahasa Jerman. Pada penelitian ini digunakan metode eksperimen semu atau Quasi Experiment One Group pre-test post-test Design . Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 3 Cimahi dengan sampel penelitian siswa kelas X IPS 3 tahun ajaran 2018/2019 sebanyak 36 orang. Instrumen penelitian adalah tes tulis dan Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) sebagai instrumen tambahan. Hasil analisis data menunjukan bahwa : 1) kemampuan siswa dalam menulis kalimat sederhana bahasa Jerman sebelum penerapan media gambar kolase termasuk dalam kategori “cukup”, 2) kemampuan siswa dalam menulis kalimat sederhana bahasa Jerman setelah penerapan media gambar kolase dalam kategori “baik sekali”, 3) penerapan media gambar kolase efektif dalam pembelajaran menulis kalimat sederhana bahasa Jerman. Berdasarkan penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan media gambar kolase berdampak positif terhadap kemampuan menulis. Oleh karena itu, media gambar kolase dapat menjadi salah satu media alternatif dalam pembelajaran menulis kalimat sederhana.   KURZFASSUNG Maulana, Alin Hilda. 2019. Die Anwendung der Collage-Bilder beim Schreiben einfacher SĂ€tze in der deutschen Sprache. Bandung. Eine Abschlussarbeit an der Deutschabteilung, PĂ€dagogische FakultĂ€t fĂŒr Sprachen und Literatur, PĂ€dagogische UniversitĂ€t Indonesiens. Im Fremdsprachenunterricht mĂŒssen die SchĂŒler vier Sprachfertigkeiten beherrschen. Die Sprachfertigkeiten sind lesen, sprechen, hören und schreiben. Schreiben ist beim Fremdsprachlernen ein wichtiges Element, denn beim Schreiben kann man kommunizieren und seine Ideen ausdrĂŒcken. Ausgehend von der Beobachtung der Verfasserin scheint es, dass die SchĂŒler Schwierigkeit haben, einfache SĂ€tze zu schreiben. Bassierend auf dem Problem benutzt der Verfasserin die Collage-Bilder als ein alternatives Lernmedium zur Verbesserung der SchreibfĂ€higkeit. Die Ziele dieser Untersuchung sind, um folgendes herauszufinden: 1) die SchreibfĂ€higkeit der SchĂŒler vor der Anwendung der Collage-Bilder, 2) die SchreibfĂ€higkeit der SchĂŒler nach der Anwendung der Collage-Bilder, und 3) die EffektivitĂ€t der Anwendung der Collage Bilder zur Verbesserung der SchreibfĂ€higkeit. FĂŒr diese Untersuchung wurde die quasi-experimentelle Methode mit dem Ein-Gruppen-PrĂ€test-Posttest-Versuchsplan verwendet. Alle SchĂŒler an der X Klasse SMA Negeri 3 Cimahi im Schuljahr 2018/2019 waren die Population der Untersuchung und als die Probanden der Untersuchung wurden 36 SchĂŒler an der Klasse X IPS 3 asugewĂ€hlt. Die Forschungsinstrumente dieser Untersuchung waren ein Test als Hauptinstrument und Lehrskizzen als Zusatzinstrument. Anhand von den Forschungsergebnissen wurden herausgefunden, dass: 1) die SchreibfĂ€higkeit der SchĂŒler vor der Anwendung der Collage-Bilder zu der Kategorie “befriedigend” ist, 2) die SchreibfĂ€higkeit der SchĂŒler nach der Anwendung der Collage-Bilder zu der Kategorie “sehr gut” ist, 3) Die Collage-Bilder wĂ€re effektiv beim Schreiben einfacher SĂ€tze. Die Untersuchung hat bewiesen, dass die Collage Bilder einen positiven Einfluss auf die SchreibfĂ€higkeit hat. Aus diesem Grund könnte die Collage-Bilder als alternatives Lernmedium beim Schreiben einfacher SĂ€tze in der deutschen Sprache.   ABSTRACT Maulana, Alin Hilda, 2019. The Applicating Collage-Picture Media in Writing Simple German Sentences. Bandung. Thesis. Departement of German Education, FPBS. Indonesia University of Education. In order to learning foreign languages, especially German, students have to posses 4 language comprehensions, including reading (lesen), writing (schreiben), speaking (sprechen) and listening (hören). Writing takes an important role in learning a language, like communicating and expressing the ideas. Based on researcher’s observations in learning German, its still difficult for students to write a simple sentence. To solve this problem,students need a media that can help them improving their capability to write simple sentence. One of the media that can be used or applicable is Collage Picture. This study aims to determine: 1) Student’s capability to write simple German sentences before applicating the collage-picture media, 2) Student’s capability to write simple German sentences after applicating the collage-picture media, and 3) The effectiveness of collage-picture media in writing simple German sentences. This study used Quasi Experimental methods or Quasi Experiment One Group pre-test post-test Design. The populations in this study are students of 10th-Grader in SMA Negeri 3 Cimahi and the samples are 36 students from X IPS 3 in 2018/2019 academic-year. The research instruments are written tests and Learning Implementation Plans (RPP) as additional instruments. The results of data analysis show that: 1) student's capability to write simple German sentences before applicating collage-picture media suits the "sufficient" category, 2) student’s capability to write simple German sentences after applicating collage-picture media suits the "very good" category, 3) The effectiveness of applicating collage-picture media in learning to write simple German sentences. Based on the research it can be concluded that the applicating collage-picture media has a positive impact in students writing capability. Therefore, collage-picture media can be one of the alternative media in learning to write simple German sentences
