3 research outputs found

    Energy Efficient, Cooperative Communication in Low-Power Wireless Networks

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    The increased interest in massive deployment of wireless sensors and network densification requires more innovation in low-latency communication across multi-hop networks. Moreover, the resource constrained nature of sensor nodes calls for more energy efficient transmission protocols, in order to increase the battery life of said devices. Therefore, it is important to investigate possible technologies that would aid in improving energy efficiency and decreasing latency in wireless sensor networks (WSN) while focusing on application specific requirements. To this end, and based on state of the art Glossy, a low-power WSN flooding protocol, this dissertation introduces two energy efficient, cooperative transmission schemes for low-power communication in WSNs, with the aim of achieving performance gains in energy efficiency, latency and power consumption. These approaches apply several cooperative transmission technologies such as physical layer network coding and transmit beamforming. Moreover, mathematical tools such as convex optimization and game theory are used in order to analytically construct the proposed schemes. Then, system level simulations are performed, where the proposed schemes are evaluated based on different criteria. First, in order to improve over all latency in the network as well as energy efficiency, MF-Glossy is proposed; a communication scheme that enables the simultaneous flooding of different packets from multiple sources to all nodes in the network. Using a communication-theoretic analysis, upper bounds on the performance of Glossy and MF-Glossy are determined. Further, simulation results show that MF-Glossy has the potential to achieve several-fold improvements in goodput and latency across a wide spectrum of network configurations at lower energy costs and comparable packet reception rates. Hardware implementation challenges are discussed as a step towards harnessing the potential of MF-Glossy in real networks, while focusing on key challenges and possible solutions. Second, under the assumption of available channel state information (CSI) at all nodes, centralized and distributed beamforming and power control algorithms are proposed and their performance is evaluated. They are compared in terms of energy efficiency to standard Glossy. Numerical simulations demonstrate that a centralized power control scheme can achieve several-fold improvements in energy efficiency over Glossy across a wide spectrum of network configurations at comparable packet reception rates. Furthermore, the more realistic scenario where CSI is not available at transmitting nodes is considered. To battle CSI unavailability, cooperation is introduced on two stages. First, cooperation between receiving and transmitting nodes is proposed for the process of CSI acquisition, where the receivers provide the transmitters with quantized (e.g. imperfect) CSI. Then, cooperation within transmitting nodes is proposed for the process of multi-cast transmit beamforming. In addition to an analytical formulation of the robust multi-cast beamforming problem with imperfect CSI, its performance is evaluated, in terms of energy efficiency, through numerical simulations. It is shown that the level of cooperation, represented by the number of limited feedback bits from receivers to transmitters, greatly impacts energy efficiency. To this end, the optimization problem of finding the optimal number of feedback bits B is formulated, as a programming problem, under QoS constraints of 5% maximum outage. Numerical simulations show that there exists an optimal number of feedback bits that maximizes energy efficiency. Finally, the effect of choosing cooperating transmitters on energy efficiency is studied, where it is shown that an optimum group of cooperating transmit nodes, also known as a transmit coalition, can be formed in order to maximize energy efficiency. The investigated techniques including optimum feedback bits and transmit coalition formation can achieve a 100% increase in energy efficiency when compared to state of the art Glossy under same operation requirements in very dense networks. In summary, the two main contributions in this dissertation provide insights on the possible performance gains that can be achieved when cooperative technologies are used in low-power wireless networks

    Physical-layer network coding via low density lattice codes

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    Hardware Implementation of Fixed-Point Decoder for Low-Density Lattice Codes

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    Low-density lattice codes (LDLCs) are a special class of lattice codes that can be decoded efficiently using iterative decoding and approach the capacity of the additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel. The construction and intended applications are substantially different from that of more familiar error-correcting codes such as low-density parity check (LDPC) codes, Polar, and Turbo codes. Lattice codes in general have shown great theoretical promise to mitigate interference, possibly leading to significantly higher rates between users in multi-user networks. Research on LDLCs has concentrated on demonstrating the theoretically achievable performance limits of LDLCs, and until now there has been no reported hardware implementation, mainly due to the complexity of message-passing for LDLC decoding. This thesis contributes to the hardware implementation of the LDLC decoding. We present several fixed-point decoder implementations covering different parts of the architectural design space, on a field-programmable gate array (FPGA) device. We first present the FPGA implementation of a fixed-point arithmetic LDLC decoder where the Gaussian mixture messages that are exchanged during the iterative decoding process are approximated to a single Gaussian. A detailed quantization study is performed to find the minimum number of bits required for the fixed-point decoder implementation to attain a frame-error-rate (FER) performance similar to floating-point. Efficient numerical methods are used to approximate the non-linear functions required in the decoder. A two-node serial LDLC decoder is implemented on an Intel Arria 10 FPGA as a hardware proof-of-concept attaining a throughput of 440 Ksymbols/sec at high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). This throughput is obtained at clock frequency of 125 MHz and for a block length of 1000. By exploiting the inherent parallelism of iterative decoding, several parallel message processing blocks are then used to improve the throughput by a factor of 13x. Finally, we propose a pipelined architecture where the decoder achieves a throughput of 10.5 Msymbols/sec, that is, ~24x improvement over the serial decoder. Then, we implement a multi-Gaussian decoder where the Gaussian mixture messages exchanged during the decoding process have two components. We develop efficient techniques to reduce the decoder complexity for hardware implementation, e.g., selecting the strongest component from the Gaussian mixture as the final decision in iterative decoding, and a simplified method for coefficient computation during the product operation at the variable nodes. With a thorough quantization analysis and applying methods devised to approximate the non-linear functions, we design the multi-Gaussian decoders in fixed point arithmetic. We first implemented a serial architecture with a single check node and a single variable node. Then, a partially parallel architecture with a single check node and a variable node message processing block with two-stage pipelining is implemented to achieve an effective parallelism of 5 variable nodes. The pipelined architecture achieves an improvement of ~0.75 dB in decoding performance over the single Gaussian decoder of degree 3 with an overall design throughput of 550 Ksymbols/sec. In the final part of the thesis, we further explore the design space and develop complex LDLC decoder designs for higher degrees. We characterize the decoding performance of these decoders and present the design throughputs for different architectures on the target FPGA. Based on these results, we provide insights that will help users to select the most suitable LDLC decoder for a particular application. However this is attained with additional hardware cost and reduced design throughput. A single-Gaussian decoder of degree 7 achieved an FER improvement of 0.75 dB over a single-Gaussian decoder of degree 3 with a throughput of 3.03 Msymbols/sec. The multi-Gaussian Gaussian decoder of degree 7 (with two components in the Gaussian mixture) attains 1.75 dB improvement in FER over the multi-Gaussian decoder of degree 3, and its overall design throughput is ~84 Ksymbols/sec. From a broader perspective, the LDLC decoders with higher degrees and larger mixture messages provide a significant improvement in decoding performance. For ultra-reliable applications, a multi-Gaussian decoder of degree 7 is most suitable while for a very high throughput requirement single-Gaussian decoder of degree 3 is the best choice. We also characterize the performance of multi-Gaussian decoders where the Gaussian mixture messages contain more than two components. Based on the results, the multi- Gaussian decoder with mixture messages that contain 5 components gain approximately ~0.1 - 0.2 dB (for degree 3 and 7) and ~0.3 dB (for degree 5) over multi-Gaussian decoder where mixture messages have only two components