4 research outputs found

    Conjugados fotoativos para tratamento do cancro da bexiga

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    Mestrado em Bioquímica - Métodos BiomolecularesA terapia fotodinâmica (PDT) é uma metodologia emergente no tratamento de diversas doenças oncológicas, tendo por base o uso de oxigénio, luz e um fotossensibilizador (PS) para gerar reações citotóxicas no tecido tumoral. Reconhecendo a potencialidade de PSs conjugados com diferentes biomoléculas para serem reconhecidos especificamente por antigénios ou recetores sobrexpressos nas células tumorais, este estudo pretendeu avaliar o potencial fotodinâmico de PSs conjugados com moléculas de galactose (Gal), com a albumina humana e bovina, e com o anticorpo monoclonal anti-CD104. Numa primeira fase (Parte I) foram avaliadas as propriedades foto-químicas e - físicas de uma porfirina (PorGal8) e de uma ftalocianina (PcGal16) conjugadas com moléculas de galactose. Estes compostos mostraram-se solúveis em meio aquoso, fluorescentes, foto-estáveis, geradores de espécies reativas de oxigénio (ROS) após foto-ativação e apresentaram interação com a albumina humana. Nas Partes II e III deste trabalho, foram realizados estudos in vitro de PDT com as linhas celulares de cancro da bexiga HT-1376 e UM-UC-3, para avaliar o potencial fotodinâmico da PorGal8 e PcGal16. Os conjugados demonstraram toxicidade após foto-ativação, por um mecanismo dependente da formação de ROS. Após PDT, a PorGal8 induziu alterações ao nível do citoesqueleto das linhas celulares e apresentou-se mais eficaz com a linha celular UM-UC-3. Posteriormente foi demonstrado que a resistência das células HT-1376 à PDT com a PorGal8 é explicada pela baixa expressão de galectina-1 (proteína capaz de reconhecer a PorGal8) e pela presença de células que sobrexpressão a proteína ABCG2 (proteína capaz de bombear a PorGal8 para fora das células). A PcGal16 apresentou também, inesperadamente, um modo de ação não dependente da sua foto-ativação, sendo capaz de diminuir os níveis de galectina-1 após o seu uptake pelas células. A síntese e o potencial biológico, usando as células UM-UC-3, dos conjugados porfirina-albuminas e porfirinaanti- CD104 são descritos na última parte deste trabalho (Parte IV). Estes conjugados induziram reações citotóxicas após foto-ativação, sendo o conjugado com o anticorpo mais eficaz que os conjugados com as albuminas. Estes resultados obtidos com experiências in vitro demonstraram que os conjugados exibem propriedades bio-físico-químicas promissoras e são potenciais PSs para tratamento do cancro da bexiga.Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a promising method, which has been studied and applied to improve the treatment of several tumour types. PDT combines molecular oxygen, light and a photosensitizer (PS) to generate cytotoxic reactions in cancer cells. The potential of PSs conjugated with biomolecules which will be recognized by antigens or receptors overexpressed in cancer cells prompted us to validate the photodynamic activity of PSs conjugated with galactose units, human and bovine serum albumins, and the monoclonal antibody anti-CD104. In Part I, the photo-chemical and -physical properties of a porphyrin (PorGal8) and a phthalocyanine (PcGal16) conjugated with galactose molecules were evaluated. The galacto-conjugates demonstrated to be water soluble, fluorescents, photo-stable, generators of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and able to interact with human serum albumin. The photodynamic potential of PorGal8 and PcGal16 against human bladder cancer cell lines, HT-1376 and UM-UC-3 is demonstrated in the parts II and III of this thesis. The galacto-conjugates induced phototoxicity in both bladder cancer cell lines by a ROS-mediated mechanism. After photo-activation, PorGal8 induces changes in actin organization of bladder cancer cells and it was more photoactive against UM-UC-3 cells. The resistance observed in HT-1376 cells after PDT with PorGal8 was due to the low expression of galectin-1 (able to recognize galactose molecules) and to the presence of cells overexpressing the multi-drug resistant pump ABCG2. Unexpectedly, PcGal16 exhibited also a “dark” mode of action by decreasing galectin-1 after its uptake in cancer cells. In Part IV, the synthesis of a porphyrin conjugated with bovine and human serum albumins and the monoclonal antibody anti-CD104 is reported, as well as their biological potential against the human bladder cancer cell line UMUC- 3. These conjugates demonstrated high efficacy in destroying the cancer cells, with the mAb anti-CD104 efficacy overruling the albumins one. The in vitro results demonstrated that the conjugates exhibit excellent biophysic- chemical properties and prompted us to envisage them as novel anticancer drug candidates for bladder cancer treatment

    Photodynamic Therapy

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    This book is dedicated to a topic related to the effects of photodynamic therapy organized by Biomedicines in 2022 (https://www.mdpi.com/topics/photodynamic_therapy). In medicine, the use of photodynamic therapy for the treatment of oncological and non-oncological diseases has been widely documented and well codified. In dermatology, the use varies from oncological to the treatment of chronic wounds, as well as in cosmetology for photo-rejuvenation. The 19 manuscripts published in this book cover all aspects of this therapy, including the discovery of new natural and synthetic photosensitizers, biomaterials and nanotechnology, in vitro and in vivo studies, and clinical trials

    Nanocolloids for Nanomedicine and Drug Delivery

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    This Special Issue highlights novel nanocolloids like magnetic nanoparticles, nanomicelles, nanoliposomes, nanocapsules, and nanoclays, stimulating novel interests and ideas in research groups involved in the development of novel nanotools within the different areas of nanomaterials. The publication of original articles contributes to scientific progress in the area of personalized medicine and further stimulates the entering into clinical praxis of such new nanosystems