118 research outputs found

    photo geology of the montefalco quaternary basin umbria central italy

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    ABSTRACTWe present a photo-geological map for the 185 km2 fault-bounded, Montefalco Basin, Umbria, Central Italy. The basin formed in the Quaternary in response to extensional tectonics dissecting folds and thrusts of the northern Apennines range. To prepare the 1:25,000 geological map, we integrated geological and morphological information obtained through the visual analysis of three sets of aerial photographs of different age, the collection of new field data, and the review of pre-existing surface and sub-surface geological data. We show that systematic interpretation of aerial photographs contributed to improving the geological mapping, providing information not readily available through traditional field mapping. We expect that the new map will be used for different types of geological and geomorphological investigations, including studies of active tectonic, Quaternary morpho-tectonics, sedimentological and stratigraphic analyses, mining and exploration investigations, and the analysis of landslide..

    Unicharacteristic of Geomorphological Landscape & Depositional Environment in Talawi Hilir: Geotourism Value of Sawahlunto City, West Sumatra, Indonesia

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    Abstract. TalawiHilir Village, Talawi HilirSubdistrict, Sawahlunto City, WestSumatra Province is one of the areas that have interesting geological conditions tostudy. The objective of this research are interpret of some unicharacteristic include:geomorphologic processes, depositional environment and potentialgeotourism. Themethods of study consist of geological data field collection and laboratory include: rocksample, collect data of strike/dip, contact between lithologies, structure of geology,geomorphological photo and map. The result of the analysis of geomorphologicalaspects of the study area was classified into four units: Alluvial Plain FluvialGeomorphology Unit, High Hills Undulating Structural Geomorphology Unit, SteepHills Structural Geomorphology Unit, Very Rough Mountains DenudationGeomorphology Unit. Petrological analysis classified into four units lithologies:Claystone Unit, Limestone Units, Sandstone Units and Breccia Unit. Claystone Unit asinterprets in shallow marine depositional environments on the lower fan, which ischaracterized by the flow turbidite. Limestone Unit as interpret as depositionalenvironments in shallow sea, the Sandstone Unit as interpret as lacustrine depositionalenvironment and Breccia Unit as interpret as alluvial fan depositional environment.Geotourism potential particularly in geological variation, research area were uniquecharacterization on landscape, landform, rock outcrop, rock unit, rock type, andminerals

    Remote sensing program

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    Built on Cornell's thirty years of experience in aerial photographic studies, the NASA-sponsored remote sensing program strengthened instruction and research in remote sensing, established communication links within and beyond the university community, and conducted research projects for or with town, county, state, federal, and private organizations in New York State. The 43 completed applied research projects are listed as well as 13 spinoff grants/contracts. The curriculum offered, consultations provided, and data processing facilities available are described. Publications engendered are listed including the thesis of graduates in the remote sensing program

    Geologic information from satellite images

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Extracting geologic information from ERTS and Skylab/EREP images is best done by a geologist trained in photointerpretation. The information is at a regional scale, and three basic types are available: rock and soil, geologic structures, and landforms. Discrimination between alluvium and sedimentary or crystalline bedrock, and between units in thick sedimentary sequences is best, primarily because of topographic expression and vegetation differences. Discrimination between crystalline rock types is poor. Folds and fractures are the best displayed geologic features. They are recognizable by topographic expression, drainage patterns, and rock or vegetation tonal patterns. Landforms are easily discriminated by their familar shapes and patterns. It is possible to optimize the scale, format, spectral bands, conditions of acquisition, and sensor systems for best geologic interpretation. Several examples demonstrate the applicability of satellite images to tectonic analysis and petroleum and mineral exploration

    Evaluation of EREP techniques for geological mapping

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Skylab photographs may be successfully utilized for preparing a reconnaissance geological map in the areas where no maps or semi-detailed maps exist. Large coverage of area and regional perspective from Skylab photographs can help better coordination in regional mapping. It is possible to delineate major structural trends and other features like mega-lineaments, geofractures, and faults, which have evaded their detection by conventional methods. The photointerpretability is better in areas dominated by sedimentary rocks. Rock units of smaller extent and having poor geomorphic expressions are difficult to map. Demarcation of quaternary river alluvium can be made with better precision and ease with the Skylab photographs. Stereoscopic viewing greatly helps in interpretation of area structures. Skylab photographs are not good for preparing geological maps larger than 1:270,000 scale

    Geoscientific mapping of Vesta by the Dawn mission

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    The geologic objectives of the Dawn Mission [1] are to derive Vesta’s shape, map the surface geology, understand the geological context and contribute to the determination of the asteroids’ origin and evolution. Geomorphology and distribution of surface features will provide evidence for impact cratering, tectonic activity, volcanism, and regolith processes. Spectral measurements of the surface will provide evidence of the compositional characteristics of geological units. Age information, as derived from crater size-frequency distributions, provides the stratigraphic context for the structural and compositional mapping results into the stratigraphic context and thus revealing the geologic history of Vesta

    Geology of Centennial Valley and Stratigraphy of Pleistocene Fossil-Bearing Sediments

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    This paper is based on stratigraphic studies conducted at the Merrell Locaility and other locations in Centennial Valley. The Merrell Locality is situated in southwest Montana, on the western end of Centennial Valley (Figure 30). It is notable for containing the fossil vertebrate remains of mammoth (Mammuthus cf. M. columbi), scimitar cat (a member of the sabretooths, Homotherium serum), horse (Equidae) and Yesterday\u27s camel (Camelops cf. hesternus), as well as other plant and animal fossils of Pleistocene age (Dundas 1990; Dundas, Hill, and Batten 1996). Summaries and reports of research conducted at the locality include Albanese (1995); Albanese, Davis, and Hill (1995); Batten and Davis (1996); Bump (1989); Davis et al. (1995); Dundas (1990); Dundas (1992); Hill, Davis, and Albanese (1995); Hill and Albanese (1996); Hill (1999, 2001a, 2001b)

    New Industrial Towns on Canada's Resource Frontier, by Ira M. Robinson

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    Analysis of Palaeogene strike-slip tectonics along the southern East Greenland margin (Sødalen area)

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    This paper describes structural data collected during field work in southern East Greenland, a region characterised by a complex tectonic history. Here, 3D photogeology based on aerial and oblique photographs using high-resolution photogrammetry of a 150 km2 area in Sødalen in southern East Greenland shows ESE–WNW-trending faults cross-cutting Paleocene rift structures and flexure-related normal faults. The kinematic analysis highlights oblique and left-lateral strike-slip movements along faults oriented 120°. Strike-slip and dip-slip kinematic indicators on the walls of the chilled contacts between alkaline E–W-oriented dykes and the volcanic host rocks suggest that the faults and dykes formed at the same time, or maybe the faults were re-activated at a later stage. Palaeostress analysis, performed by inversion of fault-slip data, shows the presence of three different tectonic events. Coupling the 3D photogeological tool with structural analysis at key localities is a fundamental way to understand better the tectonic history of such a large area

    Geologic Map and Sections of the Kepler Region of the Moon, by R.J. Hackman

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