61 research outputs found

    Scaling down an insect-size microrobot, HAMR-VI into HAMR-Jr

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    Here we present HAMR-Jr, a \SI{22.5}{\milli\meter}, \SI{320}{\milli\gram} quadrupedal microrobot. With eight independently actuated degrees of freedom, HAMR-Jr is, to our knowledge, the most mechanically dexterous legged robot at its scale and is capable of high-speed locomotion (\SI{13.91}{bodylengths~\second^{-1}}) at a variety of stride frequencies (\SI{1}{}-\SI{200}{\hertz}) using multiple gaits. We achieved this using a design and fabrication process that is flexible, allowing scaling with minimum changes to our workflow. We further characterized HAMR-Jr's open-loop locomotion and compared it with the larger scale HAMR-VI microrobot to demonstrate the effectiveness of scaling laws in predicting running performance.Comment: IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation 2020 (accepted

    Modeling, simulation and control of microrobots for the microfactory.

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    Future assembly technologies will involve higher levels of automation in order to satisfy increased microscale or nanoscale precision requirements. Traditionally, assembly using a top-down robotic approach has been well-studied and applied to the microelectronics and MEMS industries, but less so in nanotechnology. With the boom of nanotechnology since the 1990s, newly designed products with new materials, coatings, and nanoparticles are gradually entering everyone’s lives, while the industry has grown into a billion-dollar volume worldwide. Traditionally, nanotechnology products are assembled using bottom-up methods, such as self-assembly, rather than top-down robotic assembly. This is due to considerations of volume handling of large quantities of components, and the high cost associated with top-down manipulation requiring precision. However, bottom-up manufacturing methods have certain limitations, such as components needing to have predefined shapes and surface coatings, and the number of assembly components being limited to very few. For example, in the case of self-assembly of nano-cubes with an origami design, post-assembly manipulation of cubes in large quantities and cost-efficiency is still challenging. In this thesis, we envision a new paradigm for nanoscale assembly, realized with the help of a wafer-scale microfactory containing large numbers of MEMS microrobots. These robots will work together to enhance the throughput of the factory, while their cost will be reduced when compared to conventional nanopositioners. To fulfill the microfactory vision, numerous challenges related to design, power, control, and nanoscale task completion by these microrobots must be overcome. In this work, we study two classes of microrobots for the microfactory: stationary microrobots and mobile microrobots. For the stationary microrobots in our microfactory application, we have designed and modeled two different types of microrobots, the AFAM (Articulated Four Axes Microrobot) and the SolarPede. The AFAM is a millimeter-size robotic arm working as a nanomanipulator for nanoparticles with four degrees of freedom, while the SolarPede is a light-powered centimeter-size robotic conveyor in the microfactory. For mobile microrobots, we have introduced the world’s first laser-driven micrometer-size locomotor in dry environments, called ChevBot to prove the concept of the motion mechanism. The ChevBot is fabricated using MEMS technology in the cleanroom, following a microassembly step. We showed that it can perform locomotion with pulsed laser energy on a dry surface. Based on the knowledge gained with the ChevBot, we refined tits fabrication process to remove the assembly step and increase its reliability. We designed and fabricated a steerable microrobot, the SerpenBot, in order to achieve controllable behavior with the guidance of a laser beam. Through modeling and experimental study of the characteristics of this type of microrobot, we proposed and validated a new type of deep learning controller, the PID-Bayes neural network controller. The experiments showed that the SerpenBot can achieve closed-loop autonomous operation on a dry substrate

    Wireless capsule endoscope for targeted drug delivery

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    The diagnosis and treatment of pathologies of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract are performed routinely by gastroenterologists using endoscopes and colonoscopes, however the small intestinal tract is beyond the reach of these conventional systems. Attempts have been made to access the small intestines with wireless capsule endoscopes (WCE). These pill-sized cameras take pictures of the intestinal wall and then relay them back for evaluation. This practice enables the detection and diagnosis of pathologies of the GI tract such as Crohn's disease, small intestinal tumours such as lymphoma and small intestinal cancer. The problems with these systems are that they have limited diagnostic capabilities and they do not offer the ability to perform therapy to the affected areas leaving only the options of administering large quantities of drugs or surgical intervention. To address the issue of administering therapy in the small intestinal tract this thesis presents an active swallowable microrobotic platform which has novel functionality enabling the microrobot to treat pathologies through a targeted drug delivery system. This thesis first reviews the state-of-the-art in WCE through the evaluation of current and past literature. A review of current practises such as flexible sigmoidoscopy, virtual colonoscopy and wireless capsule endoscopy are presented. The following sections review the state-of-the-art in methods of resisting peristalsis, drug targeting systems and drug delivery. A review of actuators is presented, in the context of WCE, with a view to evaluate their acceptability in adding functionality to current WCEs. The thesis presents a novel biologically-inspired holding mechanism which overcomes the issue of resisting natural peristalsis in the GI tract. An analysis of the two components of peristaltic force, circumferential and longitudinal peristaltic contractions, are presented to ensure correct functionality of the holding mechanism. A detailed analysis of the motorised method employed to deploy the expanding mechanism is described and a 5:1 scale prototype is presented which characterises the gearbox and validates the holding mechanism. The functionality of WCE is further extended by the inclusion of a novel targeting mechanism capable of delivering a metered dose of medication to a target site of interest in the GI tract. A solution to the problem of positioning a needle within a 360 degree envelope, operating the needle and safely retracting the needle in the GI tract is discussed. A comprehensive analysis of the mechanism to manoeuvre the needle is presented and validation of the mechanism is demonstrated through the evaluation of scale prototypes. Finally a drug delivery system is presented which can expel a 1 ml dose of medication, stored onboard the capsule, into the subcutaneous tissue of the GI tract wall. An analysis of the force required to expel the medication in a set period of time is presented and the design and analysis of a variable pitch conical compression spring which will be used to deliver the medication is discussed. A thermo mechanical trigger mechanism is presented which will be employed to release the compressed conical spring. Experimental results using 1:1 scale prototype parts validate the performance of the mechanisms.Open Acces

    Frequency-Adaptive Bi-Linear Reduced Order Modelling for Structures with Intermittent Contact

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    Computing the nonlinear forced response of structures with localized nonlinearity, such as intermittent contacts, is a time intensive task mainly because highly refined finite element models are necessary to properly model such structures. To alleviate this issue, temporal and spatial reduction methods have been proven to be beneficial in making nonlinear analyses faster. In this research, reduced order models for structures with intermittent contacts are presented. Models of systems with intermittent contacts such as jack-up platforms are reduced through the projection of the full system onto a basis of normal modes computed by enforcing special boundary conditions (full contact, partial contact, or fully open) at contact surfaces. The resulting low order models are used to predict the steady state forced response by the harmonic balance method coupled with a pseudo-arc length continuation algorithm. A frequency adaptive reduction (FAR) method is employed to accurately predict the behavior at the contact area during vibration and therefore establish special boundary conditions to be employed in generating the transformation matrix applied in the reduction process. The computation and strategic reduction of the set of basis vectors, at every frequency within the range of interest, provides an efficient optimization of the model size. Furthermore, the continuation approach is adjusted to handle models of varying size between solution frequencies. The proposed method is applied to multiple test cases to demonstrate its effectiveness and high numerical efficiency compared to classical reduction methods. Despite the development of an optimal reduced order modelling tool such as the FAR, repetitive modeling of complex engineering structures in the design process can still be challenging because of the time needed to construct reduced order models. To address this challenge, substructuring can be employed. Analyzing a system’s structural dynamics in such a component-wise fashion has proven to have important advantages over global methods. Such benefits include the ability to evaluate the dynamic behavior of structures that are too large or complex to be analyzed as a single entity. Also, by analyzing the subsystems, local dynamic behavior can be recognized more easily than when the entire system is analyzed. In cases when a single component’s geometry or parameters are modified, only such subcomponent needs to be reanalyzed, therefore the total system can be analyzed at low additional cost. This advantage can be leveraged when dealing with local nonlinearities with intermittent contacts (e.g., cracks). If the length of a local crack within a large structure increases, only such local area needs to be remodeled without remodeling the entire structure completely. Despite their laudable advantages, most substructuring techniques are only capable of handling linear systems. Combining the FAR technique with conventional substructuring methods allow the handling of local nonlinear contact challenges. This idea is explored in detail in this research and the method is tested on a rectangular plate with two independent crack interfaces. Finally, the novel reduction method developed herein is further challenged by its application on systems with friction and rigid body mode. Example of such system, analyzed in this work, is the prediction of the dynamic behavior of an untethered multi-legged microrobot. The proposed model is modified to incorporate rigid body dynamics and friction to predict the dynamics of such intricate system with complex motion. Simulation results are verified using experimental results from the microrobot prototype.PHDMechanical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/155239/1/doxydoxy_1.pd

    Towards tactile sensing active capsule endoscopy

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    Examination of the gastrointestinal(GI) tract has traditionally been performed using tethered endoscopy tools with limited reach and more recently with passive untethered capsule endoscopy with limited capability. Inspection of small intestines is only possible using the latter capsule endoscopy with on board camera system. Limited to visual means it cannot detect features beneath the lumen wall if they have not affected the lumen structure or colour. This work presents an improved capsule endoscopy system with locomotion for active exploration of the small intestines and tactile sensing to detect deformation of the capsule outer surface when it follows the intestinal wall. In laboratory conditions this system is capable of identifying sub-lumen features such as submucosal tumours.Through an extensive literary review the current state of GI tract inspection in particular using remote operated miniature robotics, was investigated, concluding no solution currently exists that utilises tactile sensing with a capsule endoscopy. In order to achieve such a platform, further investigation was made in to tactile sensing technologies, methods of locomotion through the gut, and methods to support an increased power requirement for additional electronics and actuation. A set of detailed criteria were compiled for a soft formed sensor and flexible bodied locomotion system. The sensing system is built on the biomimetic tactile sensing device, Tactip, \cite{Chorley2008, Chorley2010, Winstone2012, Winstone2013} which has been redesigned to fit the form of a capsule endoscopy. These modifications have required a 360o360^{o} cylindrical sensing surface with 360o360^{o} panoramic optical system. Multi-material 3D printing has been used to build an almost complete sensor assembly with a combination of hard and soft materials, presenting a soft compliant tactile sensing system that mimics the tactile sensing methods of the human finger. The cylindrical Tactip has been validated using artificial submucosal tumours in laboratory conditions. The first experiment has explored the new form factor and measured the device's ability to detect surface deformation when travelling through a pipe like structure with varying lump obstructions. Sensor data was analysed and used to reconstruct the test environment as a 3D rendered structure. A second tactile sensing experiment has explored the use of classifier algorithms to successfully discriminate between three tumour characteristics; shape, size and material hardness. Locomotion of the capsule endoscopy has explored further bio-inspiration from earthworm's peristaltic locomotion, which share operating environment similarities. A soft bodied peristaltic worm robot has been developed that uses a tuned planetary gearbox mechanism to displace tendons that contract each worm segment. Methods have been identified to optimise the gearbox parameter to a pipe like structure of a given diameter. The locomotion system has been tested within a laboratory constructed pipe environment, showing that using only one actuator, three independent worm segments can be controlled. This configuration achieves comparable locomotion capabilities to that of an identical robot with an actuator dedicated to each individual worm segment. This system can be miniaturised more easily due to reduced parts and number of actuators, and so is more suitable for capsule endoscopy. Finally, these two developments have been integrated to demonstrate successful simultaneous locomotion and sensing to detect an artificial submucosal tumour embedded within the test environment. The addition of both tactile sensing and locomotion have created a need for additional power beyond what is available from current battery technology. Early stage work has reviewed wireless power transfer (WPT) as a potential solution to this problem. Methods for optimisation and miniaturisation to implement WPT on a capsule endoscopy have been identified with a laboratory built system that validates the methods found. Future work would see this combined with a miniaturised development of the robot presented. This thesis has developed a novel method for sub-lumen examination. With further efforts to miniaturise the robot it could provide a comfortable and non-invasive procedure to GI tract inspection reducing the need for surgical procedures and accessibility for earlier stage of examination. Furthermore, these developments have applicability in other domains such as veterinary medicine, industrial pipe inspection and exploration of hazardous environments

    Concept, modeling and experimental characterization of the modulated friction inertial drive (MFID) locomotion principle:application to mobile microrobots

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    A mobile microrobot is defined as a robot with a size ranging from 1 in3 down to 100 µm3 and a motion range of at least several times the robot's length. Mobile microrobots have a great potential for a wide range of mid-term and long-term applications such as minimally invasive surgery, inspection, surveillance, monitoring and interaction with the microscale world. A systematic study of the state of the art of locomotion for mobile microrobots shows that there is a need for efficient locomotion solutions for mobile microrobots featuring several degrees of freedom (DOF). This thesis proposes and studies a new locomotion concept based on stepping motion considering a decoupling of the two essential functions of a locomotion principle: slip generation and slip variation. The proposed "Modulated Friction Inertial Drive" (MFID) principle is defined as a stepping locomotion principle in which slip is generated by the inertial effect of a symmetric, axial vibration, while the slip variation is obtained from an active modulation of the friction force. The decoupling of slip generation and slip variation also has lead to the introduction of the concept of a combination of on-board and off-board actuation. This concept allows for an optimal trade-off between robot simplicity and power consumption on the one hand and on-board motion control on the other hand. The stepping motion of a MFID actuator is studied in detail by means of simulation of a numeric model and experimental characterization of a linear MFID actuator. The experimental setup is driven by piezoelectric actuators that vibrate in axial direction in order to generate slip and in perpendicular direction in order to vary the contact force. After identification of the friction parameters a good match between simulation and experimental results is achieved. MFID motion velocity has shown to depend sinusoidally on the phase shift between axial and perpendicular vibration. Motion velocity also increases linearly with increasing vibration amplitudes and driving frequency. Two parameters characterizing the MFID stepping behavior have been introduced. The step efficiency ηstep expresses the efficiency with which the actuator is capable of transforming the axial vibration in net motion. The force ratio qF evaluates the ease with which slip is generated by comparing the maximum inertial force in axial direction to the minimum friction force. The suitability of the MFID principle for mobile microrobot locomotion has been demonstrated by the development and characterization of three locomotion modules with between 2 and 3 DOF. The microrobot prototypes are driven by piezoelectric and electrostatic comb drive actuators and feature a characteristic body length between 20 mm and 10 mm. Characterization results include fast locomotion velocities up to 3 mm/s for typical driving voltages of some tens of volts and driving frequencies ranging from some tens of Hz up to some kHz. Moreover, motion resolutions in the nanometer range and very low power consumption of some tens of µW have been demonstrated. The advantage of the concept of a combination of on-board and off-board actuation has been demonstrated by the on-board simplicity of two of the three prototypes. The prototypes have also demonstrated the major advantage of the MFID principle: resonance operation has shown to reduce the power consumption, reduce the driving voltage and allow for simple driving electronics. Finally, with the fabrication of 2 × 2 mm2 locomotion modules with 2 DOF, a first step towards the development of mm-sized mobile microrobots with on-board motion control is made

    A review on actuation principls for few cubic millimeter sized mobile micro-robots

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    Actuation systems for few cubic millimeter sized mobile autonomous robots are subject to severe constraints in terms of e.g. size, fabrication or power consumption. Also the onboard electronics has limited performance due to both size and power restrictions, so actuation voltages, currents and frequency should be minimized. Various principles of electrical to mechanical energy conversion will be presented (piezoelectric, polymer, electrostatic) and their performances compared considering the above mentioned constraints. For propulsion, a further mechanical to mechanical conversion is necessary to allow long strokes. We will compare four principles for this conversion: inertial drives, walking, inch-worm and propulsion based on asymmetrical friction forces. Solutions where the energy is not onboard but rather scavenged in the environment are also reviewed. These solutions try to circumvent the energy limitations but present some inconveniences, especially when several micro-robots have to be simultaneously steered and/or propelled
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