34,236 research outputs found

    Label-free nanoscale characterization of red blood cell structure and dynamics using single-shot transport of intensity equation

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    We report the results of characterization of red blood cell (RBC) structure and its dynamics with nanometric sensitivity using transport of intensity equation microscopy (TIEM). Conventional transport of intensity technique requires three intensity images and hence is not suitable for studying real-time dynamics of live biological samples. However, assuming the sample to be homogeneous, phase retrieval using transport of intensity equation has been demonstrated with single defocused measurement with x-rays. We adopt this technique for quantitative phase light microscopy of homogenous cells like RBCs. The main merits of this technique are its simplicity, cost-effectiveness, and ease of implementation on a conventional microscope. The phase information can be easily merged with regular bright-field and fluorescence images to provide multidimensional (three-dimensional spatial and temporal) information without any extra complexity in the setup. The phase measurement from the TIEM has been characterized using polymeric microbeads and the noise stability of the system has been analyzed. We explore the structure and real-time dynamics of RBCs and the subdomain membrane fluctuations using this technique

    Three-dimensional fluorescence imaging using the transport of intensity equation

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    We propose a nonscanning three-dimensional (3-D) fluorescence imaging technique using the transport of intensity equation (TIE) and free-space Fresnel propagation. In this imaging technique, a phase distribution corresponding to defocused fluorescence images with a point-light-source-like shape is retrieved by a TIE-based phase retrieval algorithm. From the obtained phase distribution, and its corresponding amplitude distribution, of the defocused fluorescence image, various images at different distances can be reconstructed at the desired plane after Fresnel propagation of the complex wave function. Through the proposed imaging approach, the 3-D fluorescence imaging can be performed in multiple planes. The fluorescence intensity images are captured with the help of an electrically tunable lens; hence, the imaging technique is free from motion artifacts. We present experimental results corresponding to microbeads and a biological sample to demonstrate the proposed 3-D fluorescence imaging technique

    X-ray dark-field and phase retrieval without optics, via the Fokker-Planck equation

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    Emerging methods of x-ray imaging that capture phase and dark-field effects are equipping medicine with complementary sensitivity to conventional radiography. These methods are being applied over a wide range of scales, from virtual histology to clinical chest imaging, and typically require the introduction of optics such as gratings. Here, we consider extracting x-ray phase and dark-field signals from bright-field images collected using nothing more than a coherent x-ray source and detector. Our approach is based on the Fokker--Planck equation for paraxial imaging, which is the diffusive generalization of the transport-of-intensity equation. Specifically, we utilize the Fokker--Planck equation in the context of propagation-based phase-contrast imaging, where we show that two intensity images are sufficient for successful retrieval of the projected thickness and dark-field signals associated with the sample. We show the results of our algorithm using both a simulated dataset and an experimental dataset. These demonstrate that the x-ray dark-field signal can be extracted from propagation-based images, and that x-ray phase can be retrieved with better spatial resolution when dark-field effects are taken into account. We anticipate the proposed algorithm will be of benefit in biomedical imaging, industrial settings, and other non-invasive imaging applications.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figure

    A Fourier-based Solving Approach for the Transport of Intensity Equation without Typical Restrictions

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    The Transport-of-Intensity equation (TIE) has been proven as a standard approach for phase retrieval. Some high efficiency solving methods for the TIE, extensively used in many works, are based on a Fourier-Transform (FT). However, to solve the TIE by these methods several assumptions have to be made. A common assumption is that there are no zero values for the intensity distribution allowed. The two most widespread Fourier-based approaches have further restrictions. One of these requires the uniformity of the intensity distribution and the other assumes the collinearity of the intensity and phase gradients. In this paper, we present an approach, which does not need any of these assumptions and consequently extends the application domain of the TIE