4 research outputs found

    Designing data driven persuasive games to address wicked problems such as climate change

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    This paper considers the increasing utilisation of games design as an approach to encouraging behavioural change through design. In particular it considers how to address issues that cannot be reduced to easily actionable personal goals such as climate change and are often termed ‘wicked problems’ by designers due to their innate complexity. This paper presents a research through design approach that focuses on rhetoric within the design of a mobile phone game - Cold Sun. Thus the aim is not to examine the utility or usability of the game but rather offer it as an example of a design approach we believe is desirable and productive for future practice. Cold Sun provides an example that illustrates how scientific and real world data can be integrated into game mechanics to enhance the rhetoric of the game by engaging the player at a more personal level. Thus Cold Sun allows players to effectively rehearse issues of climate change that will affect their plausible futures, and thus develop a greater understanding of some of these complex issues and consider ways to respond

    Aprendizaje asistido por dispositivos mĂłviles: UP2B2

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    Este trabajo se enmarca en el enfoque denominado Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) y presenta un prototipo de juego de preguntas y respuestas de opciĂłn mĂșltiple que revisa la gramĂĄtica, el vocabulario y el uso de la lengua inglesa del nivel B2 (Marco ComĂșn Europeo de Referencia para las Lenguas-MCERL). La aplicaciĂłn se caracteriza por presentar una componente de gamificaciĂłn cuyo objetivo es motivar a los estudiantes a que la usen mediante un sistema de puntuaciĂłn que los sitĂșa en un ranking global y que considera tanto los aciertos de cada uno como el tiempo en completar los tests. Se definen distintos Ă­ndices para la monitorizaciĂłn de la plataforma e indicadores tanto de carĂĄcter cualitativo como cuantitativo para la medida de los resultados. ABSTRACT This work is framed within the approach called Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) and presents a game prototype consisting of multiple choice questions and answers that assess the grammar, vocabulary and the use of the English language at level B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The application is characterized by a strong gamification component that aims to motivate the students using it. Therefore, response time, correct answers and a ranking with the punctuation centre the most prominent aspects related to its playability. Different indexes are defined for the monitoring of the platform as well as qualitative and quantitative indicators for the study of the results

    Gamification of telematics data to enhance operators’ behaviour for improvement of machine productivity in loading cycles

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    Construction industry is suffering from low productivity rate in various projects such as excavation. Although this issue is discussed in literature and several approaches are proposed to address it, productivity rate is still low in construction industry compared to other domains like manufacturing. Three core components directly affect the overall productivity in construction sector, i.e. labour productivity, raw material productivity, and machine or equipment productivity. With a focus on construction machinery, three factors influence productivity at excavation sites; i.e. 1) machine-based productivity and its configuration, 2) site layout and environmental conditions, and 3) operators’ behaviour. Operators’ competence and motivation represent two key parameters that affect their behaviour. On one side, gamification has attracted a growing area of interest both in literature and practice, seeking to place a layer of entertainment and pleasure to the top of serious activities (with a focus on improving the applicant’s motivation and behaviour). On the other side, telematics systems are utilized to collect operational data of the machine, and calculate its productivity rate. Telematics data are presented to operators (via a built-in screen available in the cabin of the machine) to provide real-time feedback about machine performance. In addition, these data can support machine owners to perceive operators’ behaviour on a real-time basis. To conclude, telematics systems are providing real-time data which can be a great input into gamification. A guideline is proposed in this dissertation that helps gamification designers to develop more transparent gamification models. This guideline is utilized to introduce a gamification model that gamifies telematics data with a focus on enhancing operators’ behaviour (machine productivity) in loading and transferring activities. The model was implemented at two sites(one recycling and one mining site) and could encourage operators (who were operating wheel-loaders and dump-trucks) to prevent redundant activities like texting, phoning, and even eating while operating the machine. Subsequently, it enhanced overall machine productivity up to 37% during the site observation. To summarize, a gamified platform in which different operators from different organizations can share their achievements, or can get scored and ranked in a leader-board will potentially lead to a more proper operators’ behaviour at work and subsequently can improve overall productivity rate at construction sites

    Gamification of telematics data to enhance operators’ behaviour for improvement of machine productivity in loading cycles

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    Construction industry is suffering from low productivity rate in various projects such as excavation. Although this issue is discussed in literature and several approaches are proposed to address it, productivity rate is still low in construction industry compared to other domains like manufacturing. A gamified platform in which different operators from different organizations can share their achievements, or can get scored and ranked in a leader-board will potentially address this issue