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    Reading as one of the skills constructing English competency has a special portion in the curriculum of English studies programs at higher education institutions. The prevalent purpose of reading classes is to enable students to grasp knowledge from any type of text written in English. This skill could be achieved through learning a series of techniques and strategies in reading, and most importantly extensive reading activities. However, the fact that the class weights as much as 2 credits (SKS) does not give sufficient training time to achieve the maximum target. Hence, an out-of-class activity should be imposed, such as reading portfolio. This paper seeks to address the criteria of a good reading portfolio, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of this supplementary reading activity given to the students of the English Education program of IAIN Purwokerto. The data are collected through documenting the findings of previous researches on the criteria of a good reading portfolio, interviewing student-sample, and observing the process of reading portfolio given to the students of IAIN Purwokerto. The results showed that a reading portfolio should contain the purpose of the course, the text liked and picked by the students, clear scoring criteria, and continuous evaluation. The strengths of reading portfolio are evoking students’ interest for reading, instilling reading habit, and promoting learning autonomy and self-evaluation, the weaknesses are lack of resources, complex vocabulary and structure, and less motivation.Membaca sebagai salah satu keterampilan yang membentuk kompetensi bahasa Inggris, memiliki porsi khusus dalam kurikulum program studi bahasa Inggris di perguruan tinggi. Di kelas Membaca, siswa dilatih untuk terbiasa membaca teks bahasa Inggris melalui penerapan keterampilan membaca. Namun, alokasi waktu yang direkomendasikan dalam kurikulum tidak cukup untuk mencapai target maksimum, kegiatan ekstra yang bisa dilakukan di luar kelas harus diberikan, seperti reading portfolio. Makalah ini berupaya untuk membahas komponen-komponen reading portfolioyang baik, serta keunggulan (strengths) dan kelemahan (weaknesses) dari kegiatan membaca tambahan yang diberikan kepada mahasiswa program Tadris Bahasa Inggris IAIN Purwokerto. Data dikumpulkan dengan mendokumentasikan temuan penelitian sebelumnya tentang kriteria portofolio bacaan yang baik, mewawancarai sampel, dan mengamati proses reading portfolioyang diberikan kepada mahasiswa IAIN Purwokerto. Hasilnya kemudian dijelaskan dalam laporan deskriptif

    Aproximaciones al aprendizaje ubicuo en ambientes educativos formales. Una revisión sistemática de la literatura, 2014-2019

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    One of the most sophisticated expressions of online training is based on ubiquitous learning systems (u-learning). Such learning, which uses embedded computers, allows students to have very personal educational experiences. Yet, it has not reached broad consensus in academia. A systematic review of scientific literature was conducted to explore approaches to ubiquitous learning in formal education and to identify the characteristics and results of its implementation. Scientific research on ubiquitous learning published in the last five years was retrieved from the Science Direct, IEEE and SciELO databases. Although the term can be confused with other similar terms, the results show that ubiquitous learning is a matter of interest because it benefits from information and communication technologies (ICT) convergence in everyday life and enhances the capabilities of education by breaking down barriers in the classroom. Thus, the model proves to be suitable for implementation in educational institutions with good results among teachers and students. Finally, ubiquitous learning is recognized as a valuable strategy to enhance learning in a constantly evolving academic environment, and its novel features are the key to achieving acceptance among most students.Una de las expresiones más sofisticadas de la formación en línea se basa en los sistemas de aprendizaje ubicuo (u-learning). Este tipo de aprendizaje, que utiliza computadoras embebidas, permite a los alumnos tener experiencias educativas muy personales; sin embargo, es un modelo que aún no goza de un amplio consenso en la academia. Se realizó una revisión sistemática de literatura científica para explorar las aproximaciones al aprendizaje ubicuo en la educación formal e identificar las características y resultados de su implementación. Se obtuvieron investigaciones científicas sobre aprendizaje ubicuo publicadas en los últimos cinco años de las bases de datos Science Direct, IEEE y SciELO. Aunque el término puede confundirse con otros similares, los resultados muestran que el aprendizaje ubicuo es una materia de interés porque aprovecha la convergencia de las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones (TIC) en la vida cotidiana y mejora las capacidades de la educación al derribar las barreras en el aula. Así pues, el modelo resulta adecuado para su implementación en instituciones educativas con buenos resultados entre los profesores y los estudiantes. Finalmente, el aprendizaje ubicuo se reconoce como una estrategia valiosa para mejorar el aprendizaje en un entorno académico en constante evolución, y sus características novedosas son la clave para lograr la aceptación entre la mayoría de los estudiantes