3 research outputs found

    Flames recognition for opinion mining

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    The emerging world-wide e-society creates new ways of interaction between people with different cultures and backgrounds. Communication systems as forums, blogs, and comments are easily accessible to end users. In this context, user generated content management revealed to be a difficult but necessary task. Studying and interpreting user generated data/text available on the Internet is a complex and time consuming task for any human analyst. This study proposes an interdisciplinary approach to modelling the flaming phenomena (hot, aggressive discussions) in online Italian forums. The model is based on the analysis of psycho/cognitive/linguistic interaction modalities among web communities' participants, state-of-the art machine learning techniques and natural language processing technology. Virtual communities' administrators, moderators and users could benefit directly from this research. A further positive outcome of this research is the opportunity to better understand and model the dynamics of web forums as the base for developing opinion mining applications focused on commercial applications

    Estudo de ferramentas de e-business para apoiar as atividades de engenharia clínica

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Elétrica.Este trabalho tem como objetivo, proporcionar um aporte para a Engenharia Clínica (EC) na gestão de tecnologia médico-hospitalar (GTMH), através do estudo das ferramentas e desenvolvimento de uma plataforma de e-business que permita criar um ambiente de relacionamento web, capaz de disponibilizar informações e serviços específicos aos profissionais da área da saúde. Primeiramente, discutem-se as características necessárias sobre Engenharia Clínica e a importância da utilização da Tecnologia da Informação (TI) na saúde. Depois, abordam se os aspectos das ferramentas de e-business que se fazem necessárias para a implementação de um protótipo capaz de disponibilizar informações personalizadas e aumentar o contato e a interação da Engenharia Clínica com os diversos profissionais da área da saúde, através da Internet. Para que a estratégia de e-business para a Engenharia Clínica fosse direcionada ao público-alvo, uma pesquisa de campo levantou as carências e necessidades quanto a informações sobre tecnologia médico hospitalar (TMH) com os profissionais da saúde de sete hospitais vinculados a Secretaria de Estado da Saúde de Santa Catarina. Ao final do desenvolvimento da plataforma, foram realizados testes para avaliar os pontos fortes e fracos da solução proposta. Com os resultados obtidos na aplicação da metodologia, percebeu-se que se faz necessário o uso desta tecnologia, por trabalhar como uma forte ferramenta de divulgação institucional, permitindo especificamente, que o IEB se torne um centro de referência em GTMH e possa auxiliar os profissionais da área da saúde no desenvolvimento de suas atividades com o objetivo de melhorar a assistência à saúde dos pacientes. Decisions in health care centers are deeply related to medical equipment information. Thus, fast and reliable access to such information is essential. In order to do so, Clinical Engineering can aply Information Technology methods to develop an e-business platform for health care professionals. The objective of this research is to outline a method to facilitate the needs of health professionals in the search for medical technology information. In order to provide a contribution for Clinical Engineering (CE) in the medical technology management, technology information tool#s have been studied to development of an e-business platform. Such platform allows to make available specific information and services to healthcare professionals. Firstly, the necessary characteristics on Clinical Engineering and Information Technology are discussed. Later, it is approached e-business# tools aspects, that are necessary for the implementation of an archetype capable to facilitate the publication, to deliver personalized information and to increase the contact and the interaction of Clinical Engineering with the diverse professionals of the area of the health through the Internet. So that the strategy of e-business for Clinical Engineering was directed, a field research raised the lacks and necessities how much the information on health care technology (TMH) with the professionals of the health of seven entailed hospitals the Secretaria de Estado da Saúde de Santa Catarina. Tests had been carried through after the platform#s development to evaluate the strong and the weak points of the solution proposal. With the obtained results in the application of the metodology, it was noticed that a platform of e-business is shown useful in and becomes necessary the use of this technology, for working as a powerful institucional spreading#s tool, allowing to IEB becomes itself a reference center in GTMH

    Personalizing Web Publishing via Information Extraction

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    A multilingual text-classification and hyperlinking system called Namic is presented. The system is based on a knowledge-based approach to information extraction. The system is intended to enable content-aware management and delivery of Web information