8 research outputs found

    Understanding WeChat User’s Intention to Use Various Functions: from Social Cognitive Perspective

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    Based upon social cognitive theory, this study explores the effect of personal and environment factors on Wechat user’s continuous intention to use various functions. Online survey is used to collect data from the WeChat users. The results confirms that some personal factors (relationship benefit and performance benefit) have a positive effect on intention to use, while image does not have significant effect. Besides, three social environmental factors, the popularity of WeChat, subjective norm and company guarantee, all have significant impacts. Furthermore, we find that environmental factors’ effects are stronger than personal factors. Finally, we propose our theoretical and practical implications according to the findings of this study

    Developing Hybrid-Based Recommender System with NaĂŻve Bayes Optimization to Increase Prediction Efficiency

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    Commerce and entertainment world today have shifted to the digital platforms where customer preferences are suggested by recommender systems. Recommendations have been made using a variety of methods such as content-based, collaborative filtering-based or their hybrids. Collaborative systems are common recommenders, which use similar users’ preferences. They however have issues such as data sparsity, cold start problem and lack of scalability. When a small percentage of users express their preferences, data becomes highly sparse, thus affecting quality of recommendations. New users or items with no preferences, forms cold start issues affecting recommendations. High amount of sparse data affects how the user-item matrices are formed thus affecting the overall recommendation results. How to handle data input in the recommender engine while reducing data sparsity and increase its potential to scale up is proposed. This paper proposed development of hybrid model with data optimization using a Naïve Bayes classifier, with an aim of reducing data sparsity problem and a blend of collaborative filtering model and association rule mining-based ensembles, for recommending items with an aim of improving their predictions. Machine learning using python on Jupyter notebook was used to develop the hybrid. The models were tested using MovieLens 100k and 1M datasets. We demonstrate the final recommendations of the hybrid having new top ten highly rated movies with 68% approved recommendations. We confirm new items suggested to the active user(s) while less sparse data was input and an improved scaling up of collaborative filtering model, thus improving model efficacy and better predictions

    The conceptual model of information confrontation of virtual communities in social networking services

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    Social networking services are one of the most popular mass media and are used as an effective tool for information confrontation due to their functional characteristics. Existing models of information confrontation take into account the redistribution between conflict parties of only one kind of resource, although in the social networking services there is a need to consider additional factors that determine the effectiveness of virtual communities’ opposition. A conceptual model of information confrontation of virtual communities in social networking services has been developed, and it includes three-layer dynamics of the number of actors, growth of information resources of virtual communities and dynamics of spending resources for the confrontation conduct. The model also takes into account the peculiarities of the antagonistic conflict of virtual communities’ actors through the choice of a differential equation that corresponds to the type of its dynamics. The offered conceptual model formalizes the behavior of virtual communities’ actors in the conditions of antagonistic conflict. At the same time, it allows to investigate the peculiarities of using different strategies to carry out the information fight of virtual communities in social networking services, to choose optimal strategies, to predict the development of conflicts in the information space and to develop effective measures to counter threats to the state’s information security


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    AI-based social media recommendations have a great potential to improve user experience. However, often these recommendations do not match the user interest and create an unpleasant experience for the users. Moreover, the recommendation system being blackbox creates comprehensibility and transparency issues. This paper investigates social media recommendations from an end-user perspective. For the investigation, we used the popular social media platform Facebook and recruited regular users to conduct a qualitative analysis. We asked participants about the social media content suggestions, their comprehensibility, and explainability. Our analysis shows users mostly require explanation whenever they encounter unfamiliar content and to ensure their online data security. Furthermore, the users require concise, non-technical explanations along with the facility of controlled information flow. In addition, we observed that explanations impact the user’s perception of transparency, trust, and understandability. Finally, we have outlined some design implications and presented a synthesized framework based on our data analysis

    Relational social recommendation: Application to the academic domain

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    This paper outlines RSR, a relational social recommendation approach applied to a social graph comprised of relational entity profiles. RSR uses information extraction and learning methods to obtain relational facts about persons of interest from the Web, and generates an associative entity-relation social network from their extracted personal profiles. As a case study, we consider the task of peer recommendation at scientific conferences. Given a social graph of scholars, RSR employs graph similarity measures to rank conference participants by their relatedness to a user. Unlike other recommender systems that perform social rankings, RSR provides the user with detailed supporting explanations in the form of relational connecting paths. In a set of user studies, we collected feedbacks from participants onsite of scientific conferences, pertaining to RSR quality of recommendations and explanations. The feedbacks indicate that users appreciate and benefit from RSR explainability features. The feedbacks further indicate on recommendation serendipity using RSR, having it recommend persons of interest who are not apriori known to the user, oftentimes exposing surprising inter-personal associations. Finally, we outline and assess potential gains in recommendation relevance and serendipity using path-based relational learning within RSR

    Review-based collaborative recommender system using deep learning methods

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    Recommender systems have been widely adopted to assist users in purchasing and increasing sales. Collaborative filtering techniques have been identified to be the most popular methods used for the recommendation system. One major drawback of these approaches is the data sparsity problem, which generally leads to low performances of the recommender systems. Recent development has shown that user review texts can be exploited to tackle the issue of data sparsity thereby improving the accuracy of the recommender systems. However, the problem with existing methods for the review-based recommender system is the use of handcrafted features which makes the system less accurate. Thus, to address the above issue, this study proposed collaborative recommender system models that utilize user textual reviews based on deep learning methods for improving predictive performances of recommender systems. To extract the product aspects to mine users‟ opinion, an aspect extraction method was first developed using a Multi-Channel Convolutional Neural Network. An aspect-based recommender system was then designed by integrating the opinions of users based on the product aspects into the collaborative filtering method for the recommendation process. To further improve the predictive performance, the fine-grained user-item interaction based on the aspect-based collaborative method was studied and a sentiment-aware recommender system was also designed using a deep learning method. Extensive series of experiments were conducted on real-world datasets from the Semeval-014, Amazon, and Yelp reviews to evaluate the performances of the proposed models from both the aspect extraction and rating prediction. Experimental results showed that the proposed aspect extraction model performed better than compared methods such as rule-based and the neural network-based approaches, with average gains of 5.2%, 12.0%, and 7.5% in terms of Precision, Recall, and F1 score, respectively. Meanwhile, the proposed aspect-based collaborative methods demonstrated better performances compared to benchmark approaches such as topic modelling techniques with an average improvement of 6.5% and 8.0% in terms of the Root Means Squared Error (RMSE) and Mean Absolute Error (MAE), respectively. Statistical T-test was conducted and the results showed that all the performance improvements were significant at P<0.05. This result indicates the effectiveness of utilizing the multi-channel convolutional neural network for better extraction accuracy. The findings also demonstrate the advantage of utilizing user textual reviews and the deep learning methods for improving the predictive accuracy in recommendation systems